This is a common misconception - that a large part of the Aus mark-up is due to dealer delivery and warranty. Not true. When you purchase a GTR in Japan, you get 3 years FREE servicing, and Nissan have in fact built dozens of specialist workshops JUST to service and repair GTRs.
Unbloodylikely we will get anywhere near that level of service, OR free servicing included.
There is no way Nissan can stop parrallel importing, unless they release the GTR here before June 6 2009 in full volume, and both of those seem unlikely.
By that time, 2nd hand examples released in Dec 07 will be around in Japan for say $60k, which will be under $100k landed and complied here. If Nissan was reasonable and charged $100k-$110k for a brand new one, then I and hundred of others will happily pay it. If they are $150k, there is no way I will be forking out that much. Yes, in comparison to a Porsche or M3 even $150k is a bargain, but fact is if you have $150k to spend, I am sure most will stretch to $200 for a fully loaded M3, Merc or similar.
Nissan need to wake up and smell the world economy. As Savage said, we are not stupid, and won't be held for ransom, when they are exporting these for under $80k in America. They can do it here too.