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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. nah mate, that photo of the R34 is in very bright light. Bayside blue is quite deep and quite dark. That V35 blue is a deep metallic baby blue. But hey, if you like it - that is all that matters You can't go past a black V35 imho. If I see another bat-shit-boring silver one on JSpec I am going to puke.
  2. ^^^ that is one super tuff kit!
  3. all kits available locally are pieces of crap quality-wise, and will cost AT LEAST $2,500 painted and fitted. When I got a kit for my S15 it cost $1,300 to paint and fit. Try and get a plastic or resin kit - fibreglass just sucks.
  4. babow - sorry mate they don't come in Bayside Blue.
  5. When I had my alarm installed in the S15 they had to put a 2nd motor in for some reason too. I just agreed and they did it. Not sure why. An extra motor is stuff all cost these days, so just do it. Otherwise go see John - he knows his shit.
  6. you are talking around $5k if using decent leather - you will be unpleasantly surprised at how much Claudes or Willshires cost.
  7. had fun! Great group of people, and some very tasty food (sooooo full now though - and I only had the normal schnitty). Sorry I bailed on the cruise - had a big headache come on driving down Main North Rd (vision went a bit blurry and I almost collected another car), so just came home. I am KING of Buck Hunter Pro! That is all.
  8. Nice .... car looks the goods too. Nice work. You should market and sell some of the billet items you have created.
  9. hahaha you're on the wrong site then my friend ....
  10. zomg what sort of Skyline fan are you? Try 'Midnight Purple III' It's like people calling 'Bayside Blue', 'metallic blue' or 'dark blue' .... sorry, it is a pet hate Is Brenton still asking $95k for it? ROFL .... I told him he would never sell it for that .... over 2 years later and he has still got it. No surprise. Beautiful car, but $40k overpriced. I guess he has decided to keep it - how could you part with such an awesome car anyhow? I am toying with the idea, that if I can get a R35GTR at the right price in a couple of years, painting it either Bayside Blue or Midnight Purple III Some very nice pics of a similar R34GTR here (click) .... keep scrolling down through the pics to see his collection of cars .... OMFG! Soooooo jealous. You will note if you look closely in the bottom pics that the one at the left hand end appears to be one of my dream cars - a Millennium Jade R34GTR VSpec NUR! Car porn.
  11. Reading that large font and all in capitals gives me a headache. Surely if he really want to sell it he would put all the pieces together and make it look as good as possible. Not various in progress pics as presented. I call scammer/bored school holidays kid.
  12. ah so that is your tidy looking grey 4 door R32 with the nice wheels parked out the front. Was just admiring it today again as I drove past.
  13. yep, as per Joel's suggestion, I am going to merge this thread with the wasteland. Have fun whoring it up people.
  14. I absolutely hated Superbad - so much so that I turned off half way through. Dodgeball rocked my world though Employee of The Month is my new favourite - so classic .... "who is Anal?"
  15. This is a common misconception - that a large part of the Aus mark-up is due to dealer delivery and warranty. Not true. When you purchase a GTR in Japan, you get 3 years FREE servicing, and Nissan have in fact built dozens of specialist workshops JUST to service and repair GTRs. Unbloodylikely we will get anywhere near that level of service, OR free servicing included. There is no way Nissan can stop parrallel importing, unless they release the GTR here before June 6 2009 in full volume, and both of those seem unlikely. By that time, 2nd hand examples released in Dec 07 will be around in Japan for say $60k, which will be under $100k landed and complied here. If Nissan was reasonable and charged $100k-$110k for a brand new one, then I and hundred of others will happily pay it. If they are $150k, there is no way I will be forking out that much. Yes, in comparison to a Porsche or M3 even $150k is a bargain, but fact is if you have $150k to spend, I am sure most will stretch to $200 for a fully loaded M3, Merc or similar. Nissan need to wake up and smell the world economy. As Savage said, we are not stupid, and won't be held for ransom, when they are exporting these for under $80k in America. They can do it here too.
  16. nice work Darren. Hard to imagine you not in a Skyline .... but I am sure you will get this boat cooking soon enough. Looks phat with the new wheels!
  17. yes, yes I am
  18. http://www.portforward.com/english/routers...1/2071index.htm
  19. Yeah you know I have one too Steve, but 1. I am not that keen on wearing that shirt to a classy pub, and 2. I think there are a grand total of 6 of us that have these shirts - doesn't help me find out the name of the 20 people that will be there, that I have never met.
  20. yep still count me in, but won't have the +1 and child Hey Flick - you should organise stick on name tags (and a texta). We have done it at a couple of dinners, and yes it is a bit embarrassing, but at least it gives the newbies confidence to approach us oldies and say hello if they can see our name and nick (and vice-versa).
  21. I saw that white R33GTR crossing the bridge over the Torrens by Paradise Mazda at about 5pm tonight - is that what time you saw it Jenkies? Oh, and had drinks and played table tennis with Michael (the dentist) that owns that sweet Black R34GTR on Sunday at Munro's.
  22. I didn't get any pics of the dodgy stuff - it just wasn't pic-worthy. This is the one pic I got.
  23. ^^^ I can't agree more Ryan. Having anything less than the GIIIs I have on the back would scare the absolute bejeesus out of me. How people with similar power run the Chinese crap with little grip is beyond me.
  24. Of course we will be able to grey import them. From what I head Nissan only intends to bring in 150 cars, which is not even close to full volume. Sif they won't supply parts to grey import owners - money is money. I know of over 10 GTRs already in the country - some of which are being used as we speak for evidence to get the compliancing happening - RAWS certification costs over $100k - as if a businessman would go to all the bother and expense if it wasn't going to happen. Did you happen to ask the Nissan guy why they are $75-$85k in Japland and the USA, yet will be in the high $140ks here for exactly the same product? Would love to have heard his response. Nissan must think we are stupid - they don't seem to realise that this is the new world economy, and we will no longer be unfairly penalised for living in Australia.
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