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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. Sorry didn't hear you Luke - think I remember a beep though somewhere today - how dirty is my car? Bit embarrased to have it spotted - haven't had time to wash her since we went camping at Waikerie over Easter - ewww the red dirt is everywhere!
  2. I don't care if they place say 10pm curfews - better to drag locally until 10pm, than drive out to the middle of nowhere, where it takes an hour travelling time each way, then if you bust or need to replace something you have to pay mega-bucks for a tow etc etc. I can't see noise impinging on any existing houses, and people who plant o move to the area just need to be aware that there will be noise, and not bitch and moan about it. I take your points mid life crisis - people who whinge about boat noise should not have built on the water .... that is like building under an air route and then complaining about the noise (which I know people in Richmond did - idiots).
  3. bah - the dudes in America have been getting steady 11.5 1/4 mile times out of the GTR over there ....
  4. Yeah I know what you're saying and agree Pete, but I am not going to go through post by post and decide who has gone too far and who hasn't. They are only letting off some steam, and I have let the keyboard warriors go. But,if it gets any further out of hand, then I will step in - so lads be warned that this behaviour won't be tolerated any further, so pull your heads in. you have been warned.
  5. Just letting you know guys that by posting the meet place and start time, not only will the cops show up, but as as you have organised the cruise, you will be held responsible for everyones actions on the cruise (in the policeman's eyes). You will also have a ton of bogans in clapped out Commos who think they are faster than Skylines and want to prove it, and every P-plater moron in a laser/excel/lancer etc etc rock up. These cars do not feel it satisfactory to hang out with similar type and power cars, so if we publicly advertise cruise details, they turn up. Not sure if you have been stuck behind a p.o.s on a cruise, but it is not fun. Just my 2c.
  6. I really do hate to be the bad guy - but someone has to keep the riff-raff in line yeah you can, but it seems there are too many people advertising and asking about a million cruises per week. It seems to be getting a bit out of hand. I just say definitely check around there isn't already something organised already (as there was in this threads case - it was an unnecessary thread). The forums are starting to get choked up with crap after crap threads, and it seems every new(ish) user posts up to 5 useless posts per week (many of which I delete), without searching if there has been a topic about it before (which 99% of the time there has). I am going to start beating people with the ban stick if this takes up any more of my time
  7. nah, no harm, no foul. Just kids having some fun on the forums. Just behave laddies
  8. ok then mate, but you have to remember the cops constantly browse these forums, and would already have distributed a description of yours and your mate's cars from what you have said above. You are now targets. And if your behaviour was true and you were bragging about it, then it makes us all look bad. If it was all a joke, then so be it, just remember it is better done off the forums, than be misconstrued and you make yourself a target. It's all good - we just don't want to encourage any illegal behaviour. This is the big reason we want a drag strip, so we can all do it legally, like we used to when AIR was open. Ah the old SAU drag days with 20+ Skylines out there was awesome!
  9. If you guys are into driving like idiots "some chick in a white 33 almost killed me but all good lol", evading police "lets not forget bout the police chase that just topped the night off", or drifting "haha that was funny..hey it was a good drift", then you are not welcome on SAU cruises, nor on the forums for that matter. If you want to be scooters and act like dicks, go take that behaviour to ns.com. People acting in the way you have described give Skyline drivers a bad name, and are the reason we are all constantly picked on by the authorities.
  10. ^^^ Wii's don't have hard drives, and I have never heard of one with a hard drive, but if it did that would be very cool. No, no problems, but I have found that mine is fussy on DVD brand, but have found a couple of brands now that work perfectly.
  11. hehe yeah had fun. I maintain my firm grip as Buck Hunter World Champion I think I didn't lose a game of pool all night too
  12. Bring the boat Dean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Secret fishing spots are my favourite - I shotgun a seat!
  13. errr how about you actually read the forums .... http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/4-...th-t212398.html and there is a social SAU meet at Glenelg .... http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Ch...tu-t212050.html
  14. Gametronix Pty Ltd o 353 Bridge Rd Para Hills 5096 o 8395 0145 o www.gametronix.net If you have a 100 or 101 chipset (the middle numbers on the bottom your your unit serial number) then it is $120, if you have a newer unit with 102 or 103 serial it is $190. Both varieties take 1 day.
  15. errrr how about answering my questions above .... you are never gonna sell this without even basic info ....
  16. absolutely shameful that you have a GTR badge on it - absolutely shocking if it was a GTT, pathetic since it is n/a. Poor form.
  17. ^^^ I disagree with that. 1). no-one knows what a V35 even is. 2). They are not turbo, so presumably as miserably slow as the 350Z, hence no fun to steal. Get one anyway - they are a hot car, and if they were turbo I would own one right now myself.
  18. Congrats mate! Glad to hear Mum and Obi are doing well. Wow makes my son seem so big - he was 9lb10oz - well over double the size!
  19. ah cool mate. Nah I don't have a boat - I was hoping someone else does The good fish are always off-shore
  20. I might well be keen for that Ben. I will have to beg the +1 and 5 month old child for a leave pass. Where are you staying? Is that a public holiday weekend, or are you just taking a few days off work? Will anyone be bringing a boat?
  21. We have family property up at Hogswash near Waikerie. In my youth we used to catch lots of Redfin, Callop, the occasional Murray Cod (70cm is my biggest), and plenty of carp. But in the last 15 years fishing has been shite with 99% carp. Imagine my great surprise last weekend when we caught about 50 fish between 2 of us in a 24 hour period. One beautiful 50cm 1.5kg Callop we ate for dinner Friday night. A couple of 2kg carp, a couple of 1kg carp, 1 x 14cm redfin, and a large assortment of 10-20cm Callop and Bream. Amazing - the Murray is so healthy above lock 1 - best it has been for decades! Went fishing often when I lived in Darwin and caught many 1m+ Jewfish (Mulloway), 1m+ Spanish Mackerel (best fighting fish I have ever encountered), and have even landed a 1m Barracuda - took well over an hour and he bent the 2ft wire tracer about 20 times! Have also caught large Salmon off the beach at 7 mile beach Coffin Bay, and a host of other fish over there from boat and beach including a group of us catching about 40 30-40cm Trevally off the beach in one sitting! We have friends own an oyster lease in Coffins, so we also caught a chook basket full of fresh oysters and cooked them up kilpatrick, chilli and cheese, mushroom gravy, and various other varieties one night - we put away about 20 dozen between us! Some pics attached Last one is of me sitting on top of a F#$k off size sandhill in the Coffin Bay National Park - to give some reference see the 10yo lad about 15 metres below me .... was awesome!
  22. nah mate, gave up on it and found an alternative. Sorry
  23. yep have heard around on several websites that it will be here. You never know until you actually see it though! But word is it will be in a big perspex enlcosure - not sure if that is true or not.
  24. yeah how can you possibly expect to sell an engine without specifics like age, km and condition?
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