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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. You haven't posted any details about the motor - how do you expect to sell it without a comprehensive history? At least km done and last running condition would help.
  2. Yeah Scrubs is back on next week in the US - can't WAIT!!!!! I really am enjoying Prison Break - I think they have done a good job. For very obvious reasons Season 1 was the best, but the variety of location, people and action has kept me on the edge of my seat for Season 3 - I can't wait until Oct when Season 4 starts in the US. I am currently dl the latest episode of Lost too - am really enjoying that! It just keeps getting more and more complex!
  3. er .... I could put them on a DVD for you
  4. yeah true. 6 episodes of Jericho Season have aired in the USA and they are AWESOME! I don't think they have shown any of Season 6 here yet. It was axed, but has been brought back due to public outcry. Yeah leaving us just hanging at the end of Season 5 Las Vegas is just cruel. Yeah Season 5 was my least favourite season, but Tom Sellick made it very interesting.
  5. ooooh yeah she is a super hottie. Yeah I really liked the show - reminded me a bit of Quantum Leap, but not as corny. Also Las Vegas has been axed, partly due to the writers strike. They finished the 5th season on a very BIG 'to be continued' .... but now the show is gone. Heartbreaking. I have signed many online petitions for them to at least make a grand finale - as so many questions are unanswered at the end of Season 5. Jericho was axed, but due to the large petitions and public outcry they have made 7 more episodes. I have been enjoying them. Lost is finally back on in the Us, as is 'How I Met Your Mother' - at least I am getting some 'TV' time in
  6. yeah story looked good and positive. Things seem to be moving along nicely.
  7. They ran out of episodes due to the writer's strike in the USA. The show returns to US TV on 17 April 2008, which means we should lag about 6 months behind here. Unfortunately 2 shows I was really getting into: Journeyman and The Bionic Woman have been canned due to the writers strike. Other shows that some people 'acquire' from the US are slow to get going again too ....
  8. shame you would have to book at least 1 month ahead and pay $5 per head to book the Tap Inn
  9. yep I organised that one, and it was the British Hotel in North Adelaide - always a great meal. But anywhere at this short notice is not going to be able to accommodate 30. I thought you had already booked and just needed to confirm numbers Luke - nowhere will get in a group like we have with less than a weeks notice. But try the British I guess - of anywhere that is probably our best bet.
  10. Untrue - yes, almost all alarms have the valet switch, but you must have the ignition turned turned to 'on' before they work. Meantime the alarm has already gone off from the breach, and you are on your way to the car, baseball bat in hand. I have a pager alarm, so if they are good enough to disable the alarm, get past my club lock, deactivate 2 kill switches and steal the car within the 10 seconds, then they get away with it. If they were still in the car when I got to it, I would be going to jail for breaking some knees and faces. The whole point of an alarm is deterrence - hopefully they see the flashing light and decide it is not worth their trouble. I am very willing to bet that 99 times out of 100 if a car has an alarm the would-be thief won't even try. Where was your car, and where you were you when they stole it?
  11. ^^^ that is ridiculous. Like Steve said - if you can't afford the items above, you can't afford the car. Fullstop, no excuses. I don't know why the govt don't make car alarms THE LAW - they darn well should. You can get a budget alarm that is better than nothing for under $100 off Ebay - and most of them are so simple you can install them yourself. Yes, if they want the car bad enough they will steal it eventually even if you have a good alarm - but most crooks will flee the moment they open the door and any alarm goes off. And a Club Lock is around $40. If you have both of these then chances are a crook won't even bother trying.
  12. I have a set for sale, located in Northgate. PM me
  13. Spotted Luke and Flick waiting at the Hampstead Rd/Grand Junction Road intersection this morning - I was in the blue Honda Accord Euro waving like a moron out the window. Oh and Trans4rmdR32.4 - regarding this rubbish : I should give you a 2 days holiday from the forums for making my head hurt trying to decipher that rubbish . Ffs it takes a whole keystroke longer to write whole words - and would make so much more sense. Any chance of giving normal typing a try, instead of retarded SMS speak?
  14. Yep I am 100% in. I have purposely not donated (even though I am due) for the last month to do this. Shaun if you haven't donated before then you have a 15 minute interview with a Red Cross person to make sure you are eligible - then whammo you start giving!
  15. hehe you're a bit slow off the mark silhoutte Wedding car pics
  16. * mod puts hand up for a cheap ticket :*
  17. Heading up to Waikerie Sunday/Monday for some fishing/relaxing. We have a nice property on the river. Anyone wanna come?
  18. yeah but damn immature and infantile. If you love The Tom Green Show, then you will love Freddy Got Fingered - I watched it again the other day - bloody hilarious! "Daddy do you want some sausage?" and "I'm the backwards man, the backwards man, I can walk faster than anyone can" ....
  19. hell yeah I am peeing my pants with excitement to see my future car in the flesh
  20. none of them were mine unfortunately - the white one was my brother-in-laws (written off last year - I now have his HKS 2530 on my car), the gunmetal one is Diggity's (old time member of SAU - not on here much if ever anymore, but he still has the car), and the morone one is Nicks (lost touch with him, but it has over 300rwkw and was a very nice car). I bought my S15 not long after the wedding though
  21. ok I have cleaned up the rubbish - please behave children!
  22. no worries mate, anytime! did you get past the error? The software has a few ways of getting around problems
  23. hehe yeah Skylines in a wedding is an AWESOME idea! Check these from my wedding 5 years ago
  24. PM me your email address Nick, and I will send you MuBlinder, which is exactly what you need.
  25. Thanks mate
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