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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. no way you met Jen and didn't get any decent photos of/with her .... bad luck
  2. ^^^^ pics or ban!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. have fun Jas and stay safe!
  4. and just to prove I don't only go for the hotties, here are some of my fave non-chick photos from the first 2 days of Clipsal
  5. that is blasphemy Guy - and I will slap you in the mouth for it tomorrow. And fyi Kimberley is PLAIN JANE - she is not even in the same ballpark as Jen If I met Jen at the track, needless to say I would be in need of some handy wipes .... speaking of which enjoy a few of my pics below (just for you Nick lots of them are GIRLS only - without my ugly head in them )
  6. hahahahaaahahahahaha guess what I just ate the left-overs of nah I didn't get to see the Extreme Machines on the track Had a few work issues come up so I bailed early. Got all my work done, so tomorrow is a work-free day
  7. Damn I forgot to eat my muffin. Nah turf it mate - won't be any good by tomorrow I will SMS or ring you sometime in the morning for a Bikini parade meet-up with Guy
  8. hey Pete, if you want PM me your mobile number and if my wife doesn't rock up on the Saturday (she won't be there Thurs of Fri either most likely - but will definitely be in Sunday) I can get you into the gold area at least .... better than nothing!
  9. Pete is happier in this one
  10. some of my many pics here - more will be added as I process them, so keep checking back over the next few days http://flickr.com/photos/andnus2002/
  11. I have never heard so many piss weak excuses .... And AdMan - you can pay your rego right now online, print out a receipt, put it in your car, and you are good to go.
  12. I bought a GTT one and it looked fantastic, but in under a year the red has faded dramatically and looks pretty shite. They need to UV protect them much better! If you are putting one on your R33 grille where it will be shaded most of the time it may be ok.
  13. ticket has been sold. Oh and it was $175 fyi - my mistake
  14. yeah would be much easier to sell 2. But we have a group of people who go every year and one person pulled out, so there is 1 spare. We are a friendly lot though - includes Red Back off SAU (my brother-in-law).
  15. We have a single 4 day ticket for sale in the pit entry hairpin (Gold) if anyone is keen - I think it is $150, which is amazing value for a 4 day Gold pass in a great spot! PM me or post here if you are or know anyone interested.
  16. my brother-in-law has a spare boot badge/assembly he might be willing to part with. What are you willing to pay?
  17. yeah it was no GTR - just the spoiler. He had a filthy look on his face - like I had killed his first born. Even if he thought I was tooting the horn abusing him (which I could have rightfully done), it was insane behavior. If I was a man of lesser moral standards I would have gotten out of my car with my club lock when he stopped in front of me.
  18. I had some tool in a wine red R33 with GTR rear spoiler pull out in front of me (not to mention 2 cars coming the other way, which both had to brake not to hit him) coming down Kelly Rd this arvo. I didn't beep or give him the air horns, as he accelerated quickly and didn't actually cause me to brake. When he turned off a few hundred metres down, I gave him a friendly Skyline too-toot (not a hard, long beeeeeeeeeeeeep as if I was abusing him), as the car looked pretty clean. As I drove past I saw him stop in the side street as I went past, and he reversed back onto Kelly Rd and came after me. He drove at well over 100km/h to catch up to me and overtook me on a solid white line. He then came to a complete stop ahead of me in the middle of a one-lane road. I came up behind him wondering wtf?, then slowly overtook him. He then tore off left at the next T junction, glaring in my direction. Damn there are some psychos around.
  19. Easiest thing is to get a copper pipe cutting tool and cut the line that runs to the rear of the block off, and attached a new hose to the existing copper line. Otherwise you basically have to take the engine out to get the existing banjo bolt out, and a new one in! Pretty much everyone cuts them and attaches the new one to the old copper line about half way along. I just used EFI hose, some metallic coated heat shielding and 2 stainless hose clamps to connect the old line to the new line and it works a treat!
  20. spotted a guy out the front of his house in Highbury waving at me last minute as I went past - sorry I gave you the wtf look - only saw your 4 door dark blue R32 on the front lawn when I went past again bit later ... not sure who you are on here, but
  21. haha would you believe I actually own Double Dragon - I have the jamma board in my arcade machine (which is for sale if anyone is interested). A mate and I finished it again just a few weekss ago. Classic game!
  22. spotted a black R34GTR number plate 34 GTR on North East Rd yesterday *drool*
  23. er I don't think my CD key will work online *coff coff*. But I still have a few hours of reports to type yet tonight, so no games for me
  24. Yeah I finished COD4 single player in about 8 hours - was a lot of fun. Don't play it online though. I have just built myself a new AMD Phenom 9500 Quad Core rig with all the usual fruit 4Gb DDR2 1066Mhz, 1.5Tb total hard drives, blah blah blah. Damn it runs quickly!
  25. They have less inertial weight, hence rotate easier and help the engine produce more power. Sure it is probably 1rwkw, but for $100-$200 it is pretty good value - especially since the car will rev quicker and build boost quicker.
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