I had some tool in a wine red R33 with GTR rear spoiler pull out in front of me (not to mention 2 cars coming the other way, which both had to brake not to hit him) coming down Kelly Rd this arvo. I didn't beep or give him the air horns, as he accelerated quickly and didn't actually cause me to brake.
When he turned off a few hundred metres down, I gave him a friendly Skyline too-toot (not a hard, long beeeeeeeeeeeeep as if I was abusing him), as the car looked pretty clean.
As I drove past I saw him stop in the side street as I went past, and he reversed back onto Kelly Rd and came after me.
He drove at well over 100km/h to catch up to me and overtook me on a solid white line.
He then came to a complete stop ahead of me in the middle of a one-lane road.
I came up behind him wondering wtf?, then slowly overtook him.
He then tore off left at the next T junction, glaring in my direction.
Damn there are some psychos around.