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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. Yeah mate you definitely can get the cluster out without taking the steering wheel off. Drop the wheel down as low as it will go, remove all the screws then gently, but forcefully manouver the cluster out. The centre ones are easy as - get a narrow screwdriver in the edge of the air vent assembly and pop it out. Then undo the 2 screws you see, and the whole thing comes off.
  2. yeah - healthy banter is what public forums are all about
  3. yeah Vlad they are based in Adelaide - Pete lives in Ridgehaven, and has a workshop somewhere. Martin Donnon does some of the tuning for their various projects, so will get him to tune my setup for me when I get it. Not sure on the timeframe (will be months, not weeks), but will let you know how it goes.
  4. It is his DJ name - not sure where it actually comes from though - I should ask him that
  5. Most P platers drive like dickheads. I know I did when I was young and stupid, thought I was the king of the world and dragged (and drove) like a maniac all the time. Fortunately some of us grow up Face it, most testostreone-pumped late teenage guys think they are the shizz, and take every opportunity to act like a tool. I see it every single day. They all want to race me - no matter how crap their car is. And female P-platers just drive erratically because they are holding their mobile phone to their ears or writing text messages while driving.
  6. haha it is actually POMFUS - it is a mate of mine. He just swapped his R32GTR for the R34
  7. but if the driver were rendered unconscious then the car would continue running after an accident anyhow - nothing to do with a turbo timer .... I was just pointing out that any failed electrical system could be responsible for the car running on, or causing a fire, etc etc after an accident. Which is the only danger that turbo timers have in that they are an electrical device that could cause things to go wrong. No worse or more dangerous than any of those other completely legal things. Aftermarket cruise control is perfectly legal/insurable fyi. But yes, everything non-factory is technically illegal if we want to split hairs
  8. yep Pete Liebig that I mentioned above owns/runs/does the Nistune ECUs and software. I didn't know he has a website. He is currently working on more Skyline models, but the R33 has an unusual chip that they have had a lot of trouble cracking - same too with the S15 and R34s. They are hoping to have a solution soon, and I will be their guinea pig
  9. I said impossible with a disclaimer afterward. But in an accident the car would not stop unless you tuned the key of or the car stopped by its own volition. And if you turned the car off without the handbrake on the turbo timer wouldn't activate anyhow. As far as I know they are all standard on all turbo timers - all that I have seen anyhow (which would be 6 different brands and models. And I also added if installed correctly You need to not touch the brake pedal, turn the ignition off and put the handbrake fully on for the turbo timer to activate, so this comment doesn't make sense hence my disclaimer short of electrical catastrophe Same could be said for cruise control, electronic parking sensors, AI computer driving systems like following distance regulators in Mercedes etc .... yet they are not illegal. Sorry mate, none of your arguments against make ANY sense
  10. a common misconception. With any turbo timer that is properly installed the turbo timer will stop working if: 1. Handbrake is not on - why would be your handbrake be fully engaged in any sort of accident? 2. Brake pedal is pressed - who would not hit the brake in any variety of accident/incident 3. Keys are still in the ignition and the ignition is in the on position - unless you physically turn the car off with the keys the turbo timer will not run So you could NOT have any variety of accident and the turbo timer keep the car running. It is IMPOSSIBLE (short of some catastrophic electrical failure). Similarly with remote start. With a properly installed system the remote start will not function if: 1. Handbrake is not fully engaged 2. Gear selector is not in neutral (and yes these can/should be fitted to manuals) 3. Brake pedal is pressed 4. Car is put in gear at any stage So how is remote start dangerous, and illegal? Makes no sense - where is ANY danger? Oh, and yes Andy I agree - I love my window windup function on my alarm too!
  11. If the alarm has been wired up properly it should have a neutral sensor - so it CAN'T start when in gear.
  12. There are no words for how much I love to start my car on a really hot day and get the a/c cranking 5 minutes before I go and get in it. Vice versa in winter. Plus I have to turn out onto a main road within 1.5km of leaving my house every day, so do the remote start for at least 5 mins before I leave home (while I am still getting ready) - otherwise I would flog it while still cold to make it into traffic. Yes I have no patience to warm it up - and couldn't do so properly in 1.5km anyhow.
  13. wow that price is unbelievable - I wonder if it is legit/legal? Methinks not. But either way - even if you bought it you have to get dyno time etc etc - worth it for a few guys to buy and pool resources maybe
  14. no idea mate. Look him up and ask him I guess - I don't know his number. Or better still give Pete Liebig a call and tell him Andrew Nuske with the black R34 sent you. I don't have his number, but here is his email: [email protected] He and his team have been cracking all the Nissan ECUs for reprogramming - I am not 100% sure what they have or haven't perfected, but give him a try. They have nearly cracked R34 ECUs so I am going to be their tune guinea pig - Pete tells me the stock ECU when cracked and modified offers an even greater range and ability of tuning than a PowerFC! They have developed laptop based tuning software too - maybe they sell licences for it. But they have a workshop and dyno for tuning anyhow. I bought my Datascan licence off them - that is the best Consult software to use for monitoring things.
  15. did you sell your R34 Andy? WTF?????????
  16. nope you can't reprogram your stock ECU yourself - I believe Jeff from the SpeedLab can though. PowerFC software costs $10,000+ I believe.
  17. spotted Flick going the other way just now on Grand Junction Road, Gepps Cross. I had the air horns blaring and arm out the window but you were oblivious
  18. sorry I mean ex = without not ex = previous owner of
  19. haha yeah was going to post today about spotting Flick and Luke (ex NOT URS) at Anzac Dragway BigW. I was cruising past with 2 crazy S15s (one white with black rims, the other blue with chrome-lipped black rims with P plates) egging me on to race - before they took off at 150km+ down South Road. There were soooooo many boy street racers out last night down Gleneg direction after Big Day Out - it was quite crazy. And not a cop to be seen where I went. Also spotted gzilla giving out suncreen at BDO - nice work mate. Sorry I didn't hang around to chat - was pretty wasted by that stage and trying to keep up with a mate who wandered off.
  20. hey Erin I have a mate looking for a ticket. Will pass on your number in the morning. Not sure if he secured one today or not.
  21. haha yeah Cara that was me - and I did see you wave
  22. yep, as discussed I will be there and will catch up for some booby-juggling observation, and a Jim Beam or 2. We will have to come visit you Luke for some special SAU discount Jim Beam
  23. Bollocks. Any R34 intercooler kit that has an entry at either end, and does not have a hideously bad flowing 180 degree bend to follow oem pipe path, will need the washer bottle removed. The R34 washer bottle takes up the whole inner corner between the drivers inner wheel guard, and the power steering fluid cooler. Hybrid is one of the largest makers of intercooler kits, and they require removal of the washer bottle. The Trust and Greddy kits I have seen all have a similar piping path, which requires a hole to be sawn under the battery position, and that whole wall of the engine bay has washer bottle along it - so there is no way to get around it.
  24. Work fine on my PC. I use the DivX player to play everything. It has a heap of codecs built in. I also have installed the Community Codec Pack, which has lots of handy codecs too. DON'T use media player - as if you would use a Micro$uck product when there are other products available. Download DivX player, and also VLC player. Between those two, with the CCP installed, you can play pretty much anything!
  25. that sucks .... but it is nothing worse than you will do to it the first time you hit a decent spoon drain or carparking bump when you aren't expecting one. The Chips Away (or similar mobile duco repair mob) - they specialise in that sort of thing. The whole bar doesn't need to be repainted.
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