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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. old news .... I posted about this middle of last year after a long chat with Terry V. Looks likes Bill R is involved too and he and his consortium want to pump up to $10M into the project if the State Govt will put $10M in too - and so they should. It will have a huge reduction/impact on hoon driving, drifting and drag racing if we actually have a legal place to do it twice a week I will be peeing my pants with excitement if this actually goes ahead. Apparently people have already acquired some 2nd hand timing gear and timing boards from an Eastern states drag complex that have updated - so things are definitely in the works.
  2. yep I can't wait. Gonna be some tuff bands. Most looking forward to Rage, Regurgitator and Hoods
  3. does anyone know if R34GTT 2 door and 4 door boots are the same? I need a new boot, but every single one advertised is for a 2 door.
  4. The one on eBay is an Autech - not Impul. An Autech is basically a GTR, including an RB26, and really is a collectors item. That said the guy is dreaming at that price when you can get a nice R34GTR VSpec Nur out of Japan for cheaper than that!
  5. I just left my washer bottle off. It's not like you need it when you wash your car every week. I also keep some Windex wet towels in the glovebox just in case. There is NO room in the engine bay to fit a similar capacity replacement reservoir - you would struggle to fit anything of half decent volume in there - especially since I have an oil breather kit, and a radiator breather kit. Or if you are dead keen on it, you could mount any sort of container in the boot and patch up some wiring, piping and a motor to it (the piping is already done for me in the form of my rear window washer). I am actually going to do this with a 20 litre plastic jerry can and put in a FMIC & radiator spray system for those nasty 43 degree Adelaide days (I sit around idling in my car for up to 15 minutes at a time while working.)
  6. Nissan will NEVER bring in the R35 as a full volume model. 1. They cannot produce enough to even meet Japanese demand (something like 2,000 units were pre-sold where they had budgeted selling 20 per month), and 2. there are not enough people here will buy them. They will bring in a couple hundred in 2009 if we are lucky, and then all 2007/2008 produced Jap cars will come under SEVS. That's my guess anyhow. Fingers crossed.
  7. cool mate, I am sure it will all work out for you. FYI it doesn't matter that the wheels are the same dimensions - they HAVE to be oem parts. No ifs ands or buts. So if the compliance workshop doesn't have evidence for the exact part numbers of every single item in your car, they will have to do the evidence themselves (= mega $$$) or hopefully they can swap them for non-N series parts. When does she get here? I am very keen to see it in the flesh!
  8. Nah I am not sure that is right funkymonkey. For example the FD RX7 was sold here new, yet you can import any year that it wasn't sold here. There was no 18 month gap. Same with WRXs and Evos. Unless the system has changed, but I am under the impression that as long as they weren't sold here in that year, you can import a vehicle from that year. Where does it was this 18 month thing?
  9. Very exciting news .... I am starting saving as of tomorrow From Geoff at Prestige Motorsport: The new GT-R has been ruled eligible for import under SEVS. Allow a good 6 to 12 months before compliance is actually available through a registered workshop. So it may be 2009 before the first of these are seen on Australian roads. For a new example allow from about $120,000 complied. Secondhand examples are likely to be in the $100,000 complied price range over the next year or two, depending on the exchange rate at the time. An as new R35GTR for under $100k by this time next year? I can't stop drooling
  10. So is it Sat 2nd or Sun 3rd Feb? If it is Sat I am out, as I have a drinking engagement with the lads at Hahndorf - mind you I am not sure how that will go after the mega drinking fest of Big Day Out. Man I was crook for 3 days after last years ....
  11. very nice mate! BUT .... have you looked into how stock your car is? Being the first one of the model into Aus, you may find problems with little things that weren't factory, which the SEVS workshop may not have access to evidence. Pretty much EVERY import has something on it that is a different model to evidence, and you need to change them (even if only temporarily) to a model they do have evidence on. For example my headlights were a different part number to what they had ever seen, so had to bolt in another pair for compliance. My windscreen also was an unknown part number, but luckily a Qld workshop was doing evidence on another R34 with the same part number windscreen while my car was in the SA workshop, and after a 3 week wait, the SA workshop bought the evidence off them and I didn't have to change the windscreen over. I know Skylineee is going through this atm with his R34 - and for some reason he had to have the WHOLE ENGINE changed over for compliance You might want to let the workshop doing your compliance know it is a TRD version, and you might want to start sourcing some oem parts from Japan in readiness to change over the TRD parts they have no evidence on. I know the 1st guy to bring in a V35 Stagea (and it was bone stock) went through this nightmare and it took ages to comply.
  12. sweet Martin - anything you have is great. It is hard to find pics of V36s - they are just too uncommon as yet. I am thinking in a couple of years when I am looking to replace the R34, I might bring in a nice red or black V36 and twin turbo it. But then again I might just buy an R35GTR by then too
  13. Awesome pics! Did you happen to get any good ones of V36s? I see a couple in the backgrounds of those GTR shots.
  14. buy one of my set of wheels ROH Blades $700 or Enkei Circlars $900 Problem solved
  15. Go to Adelaide Radial Tyre at Holden Hill - they will sort you out. Big blue place almost opposite Hungry Jacks
  16. Evil34 got his brand new Top Secret front bar from interstate for $200 - PM him about it.
  17. I am Legend is an AWESOME movie - one of my new favourites. Alvin and the Chipsmunks is a LOAD OF CRAP. It bored me senseless, even though Jason Lee is one of my favourite actors. Bad kids movie (at best)
  18. nah Clipsal weekend is a bad one - I will be there all weekend
  19. It's not just the holes that look ugly. Once you remove the sticky crap that also holds the spoiler off (the sticky stuff impossible to get off - took me around 3 hours per side) the paint is a different colour/shade, as it has never seen sun. I put dodgy black 100 mile an hour tape over the whole area where the spoiler used to attach. I had hope to have a new boot by now, but hasn't happened yet.
  20. that is indeed an amazing bike! Thanks for the great turnout - good bunch of people! I had fun. How drunk was Flick? ROFLMAO - she was hilarious
  21. My wife just rang me and said she just spotted Shaun/Evil34 going over the Birnkenhead Bridge (she was in her blue Honda Accord Euro). She mentioned, and I quote "it looked nice - was nice a clean and shiny, not dirty, dented and scratched up like your car" To which I responded "well all you have to do is approve the $5k budget and I will book in my car to be resprayed tomorrow" That did not illicit a good response Was worth a try though. See some of you at Fasta Pasta and 8-ball tonight :D it is going to be fun!
  22. yeah sounds about right - may be a tad expensive, but I haven't bought 16s for many years. I take it you still have stockies? You should buy one of my sets of rim (insert shameless plug here) http://www.nissansilvia.com/forums/index.p...p;#entry3871530 or these for $900
  23. you gotta keep an eye on the Group Buys Forum - lots of goodies on there all the time http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Ad...ak-t177690.html
  24. Those of you old enough (like me) will enjoy this Peter Russell Clarke clip - it makes you proud to be an Aussie!!! I guess some of you were born long after he stopped being famous and have never heard of him Enjoy anyhow! http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=IFyVaLO5amQ
  25. On a Gts-t 265s are the widest you would get under your guards without scrubbing - but I am not sure you can get 16s that wide. Definitely go wider than 205s though - that is not enough rubber for standard power. 235s are probably the go sweet spot between price and grip.
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