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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. answer : hideous Whilst on Autechs, I take it you have seen this dreamer's ad? Autech R33 ROFL. Someone needs to tell him there are plenty of R34GTR VSpec Nurs floating around in Japan that would be cheaper than that on the road here. Mmmmm what would you rather have - 50,000km R34GTR VSpec Nur, or a 180,000km R33 Autech?
  2. I love my UV cut factory rear windows - no way they are legal, but the cops don't hassle me cos the front windows aren't tinted at all ... I need to fix that
  3. ^^ that one have been the flat rear one - not the block mounted front one
  4. ok sorry Mark I came off a bit harsh. Sounds like you were not habitually doing it like tons of disqualified retards do - sounds like you got a little unlucky. Hope it turns out ok for you.
  5. yep, you know I will be there .... will drag the wife along too
  6. As said above, it is clear if you are still driving while disqualified, you haven't learnt your lesson from the 1st disqualification - so hopefully they take your license for good. You may be looking at jail time, but knowing the pathetically weak justice system in SA I wouldn't be surprised what little punishment you get. I just can't believe anyone would be stupid enough to drive whilst disqualified - it smacks of complete disrespect for the law, and other people - given you would have no valid insurance, and worse still, no valid 3rd party person insurance - which meant if you caused an accident and injured someone, they would get no compensation for medical costs/injury/suffering.
  7. yeah was fun, thanks to those that turned up .... pity about the rest that said they were going to then never did .... Yeah nice to meet you too Jas - I mean Flick - lol .... sorry I was pretty drunk by that stage .... SAU representatives were: Me, Whiplash, 4_door_sleeper, Pawley, MissNismo, Chops, RedBack, Flick, & Luke, Jred_33, Deluxe and Timmmmay, plus a host of other hanger-onners I had a ball, but was a little bit sick a couple of times during the night - and am not much better today Sorry to hear about your public transport woes Nick - that sucks ass ....
  8. nah that one is for the rear. For the front you need a whole fancy chromed mounting thing
  9. spotted Cara pulling out of the road near PALS liquor this arvo - looked like you had just washed your car! I saw you too late to wave or beep - I don't think u saw me
  10. spotted Flick and Luke out in the 32 on North East Rd Greenacres - got a - did u like my air horns?
  11. yep I bought you a medium mate - already have it washed, ironed and ready to go. Now I just need to not forget it I will fire all interested parties PMs with my mobile number to hook up. When you get there look out for a group of at least 3 guys wearing dark green shirts saying 'I am Sotally Tober' - 2 tall(ish)/fatt(ish) guys wearing glasses (4_door_sleeper {Guy}, and I{Andrew}), and a bit of a scrawny bloodnut with a cheesy smile (Whiplash {Nick}) :D
  12. yeah mate Northern gate sounds good. What size T-shirt are you Nick - Med/Large I would imagine. I will grab you one if u want.
  13. yeah mate I have an oem one sitting right here in my office. How much is it worth to you (it is a very nice desk ornament at the moment). My brother-in-law bought a replacement GTR front grille for his series 3 GTR, but turned out it was a series 1 grille so didn't fit. I sold the grille for him on the forums, but the purchaser didn't want the badge - just the grille (it was for a gtst). So there you go - I badge left over. It is on a mounting thingo to go straight on.
  14. so, how much is this guy selling the plates for?
  15. Windy Point restaurant is a cool place to go, with amazing views, and the food is always exceptional!
  16. I don't think you can make 220 with standard turbo (for very long anyhow). And 12-14psi will pop a standard turbo in no time.
  17. yep like sald said only do 2 hot laps at a time, and you may need 2-3 cool down laps inbetween. I physically melted my tyres when I took the S15 out there - they had gone molten and looked quite unbelievable. Tyres were rooted afterwards - not from wear, but from the heat/melting. I actually did a whole day on my oem Nissan S15 brake pads (which were already quite old) and still drove on them for many thousands of km later. But my brother-in-law in his R33 had to call Steve from Manta half way through the day, who actually drove out to Lala with new brake pads and fitted them for him!
  18. will try to come say hello and teach you how to play 8-ball
  19. wtf Nick - not good enough. Get your Mum/neighbour/friend/Grandma to drop you in, and find your way home via mysterious adventures ....
  20. yep, 180rwkw(ish) - depending on your fuel pump. Make sure you run an injector cleaner through pre-tune too, to make sure they are not clogged up. For the relatively cheap price I would be chucking a Walbro 255/Bosch 040 fuel pump in pre-tune too. You will definitely get more/safer power too.
  21. wtf is with people saying 'down' North and 'up' South on the forums .... weird
  22. Welcome to SAU! You should come to the dyno day in a fortnight, put your car on, and meet some of us peeps
  23. They look cool and would be easy to fit, but $13 each? - daaaaaaaaaaayyyyuuuuuummmmmmm!!!
  24. ah yeah thanks Steve - 2 weekends time
  25. Full bottles of water (like empty pet Coke bottles refilled) - not sure why cats don't like them, but they don't - or the dodgy black cat cardboard cutouts with reflective eyes you can buy from cheapie shops.
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