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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. you mean Jasmine, Steve?
  2. ask Keir to hire out the track for the lambo/RH9 and you can go with him Danh Seriously - give me a ring if you do that - I am sure Munro would help foot the bill too.
  3. edited: sorry Vu - case of mistaken identity. Post away to your hearts content
  4. I assume this is not directed at me?
  5. ok I have had enough of this banter now. He was a tool + he is not sorry for it = bad form and makes us all look bad. Thread closed
  6. yeah sorry I must amend my advice - I was told that about SR clutch plates, but assumed it to be the same for all varieties.
  7. I was told to NEVER machine a flywheel. Apparently even the smallest amount of machining can disrupt the integrity of the metal, and when a flywheel comes apart at 7,000rpm+, they can take your feet off, or various other nasty things.
  8. Wow that is sweet. Simple but very effective. Puzzles me why the it hasn't got shiny white/blue HIDs though - the yellow headlight look is so 1980s
  9. I don't want to jump on the bandwagon (too much), but doing 260km/h on any public road is disgraceful. Even worse, you seem to have no remorse and plan on doing it again .... that is plain stupid. The only shining light is when they catch you doing it again you will go straight to jail, no passing go. Hopefully then they will take you license away for 2 years. Lucky your antics didn't make the news to make cops harder against us and push public opinion of Skyline drivers further into the gutter. How they did not do you under hoon laws and confiscate your care for 48 hours is beyond me.
  10. farking unbelievable post and pics mate. Keep them coming. It must have blown your mind. Have you been for a ride in a R35GTR yet? Can you bring one in your suitcase for me? I will happily cough up the $80k
  11. Sam, I am pretty sure Cubes tried to get a sub-forum done, but Prank said no - hence why the for sale thread was created. Maybe PM Joel and see what happened if you want to know more. Hey you changed your mobile number mate - PM me your new one!
  12. Well I have had enough, so that is why I started this thread. Anyone who posts stuff for sale in the main SA section will get 50% ban, and if the complain or give me attitude they will have a little holiday from posting on the forums. If everyone posted up their crap for sale in the SA section, imagine how many posts you would have to wade through .... you are lucky Cubes set up an SA for sale thread at all - items for sale are REALLY supposed to go in the 'For Sale' forum, not here at all.
  13. so what did you do?
  14. spotted a yellow Ford GT40 (or replica) this arvo cruising down Grenfell Rd, Wynn Vale - had Vic plates .... damn they are HOT!
  15. sorry Darren I never saw your question - I can move, lock or merge threads, and can delete individual posts - like I am about to clean up all the shite out of my own thread ....
  16. +1 for dodgy as mate. If he really wants the car he will be more than happy to meet you where you want. And surely you would negotiate a deal over the phone - not by SMS. Dodgy, dodgy, dodgy. Don't lose any sleep over this one.
  17. I bought mine at Gepps Cross Kart Mania - about $100. It is full face though - not sure if they have part face or not. You might want to check, but I thought for Lala you have to have full face - it is a fire safe thing.
  18. thanks Nick always Mr. Info Heard any more about a Melbourne move yet mate?
  19. new plates are something like $25 - have a splurge and buy new ones
  20. ok, I am sick to death of all the tools not reading the forum rules, and just posting their items for sale in the SA section. This is NOT ON, and I spend way too much time cleaning up after all you fools in general, without having to merge a post a day into the for sale thread or section. If you have an item to sell, please post it in the 'for sale' thread stickied in the SA section, or in the 'For Sale' forum. Same goes for WTB I have been VERY lenient on this in the past, but will start to warn and then ban people if this continues. Also, it is not kosher to join the site and the same day start flogging your wares. We would much rather you be a part of the Skyline community, come on cruises, be a part of it all, and then use this community to sell your items - rather than you not being around whatsoever, the join the site just to flog your wares. It is not cool at all, and most other forums you require 100 posts to sell anything at all, so we are being very fair. Any queries or complaints, PM me and I will promptly ban your ass READ THE FORUM RULES!
  21. nah no worries mate - I know how damn long it takes to get a car complied. Let me know when you are done with them mate. No probs.
  22. I would take them to somewhere like Wheelworx or Boostworx and ask them. Yes I am pretty sure you could get them repaired. Maybe try Pedders or somewhere like that. They would have a press to pop the old bushes out and new ones in. Are you finished with my inner guards yet?
  23. Damn, that house is literally under 3km from my place - far too close to home. Let's hope they make examples out of these people. But no doubt they have caught a very small fraction of the people actually involved. I can't believe the cars were in such unstripped condition - why steal all those cars and just hang on to them? Maybe waiting for the heat on them to go down before rebirthing them interstate perhaps? Thanks heaps for the video Howie - much appreciated!! I very much enjoyed the Asimo movie too - we were keen as to go see him/it, but my son came along on 1 Nov, which made it a bit difficult.
  24. If he wanted the car for that price enough he would have come pick it up himself. You got sucked in by a jackass - I wish you have punched him in the face .... if he joins SAU I will make it my business to make his life a misery. That is a terrible tactic of his, and he should pay for it. At least it is sold now and you can move on.
  25. nice ride mate. Welcome to SAU. Looks like the engine has been out, as the cam cover "RB26" is not normally been painted red from memory. So it's got an oil cooler, HSK intercooler .... what other bits does it have? How much did u pick it up for? (if you don't mind me asking). It's amazing how there are so many around for under $60k, yet there are still some dreamers asking up to $100k for them. Enjoy your new toy
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