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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. ok I will take a set for an R34GTT. How do I pay?
  2. got mine today - thanks heaps mate!!!
  3. great post - I have massively enjoyed your photos and commentary - keep it coming! I have an 'adopted' Japanese 'sister' recently moved here to Adelaide from Nagoya (have known here for nearly all of my life) - she is a master at cooking us up Okonomiyaki - I can't get enough of the stuff!!!! Have you ever heard of Chris Glenn on the radio over there? He is from Adelaide and is apparently a radio superstar over there all over.
  4. damn 17" wheels are ultra hard to sell these days - if they were 18s they would be gone in a flash. If you get desperate to sell, fire me a PM Roy - unfortunately for you I have recently bought some gold WORK Gram Lights for my R34 - if I hadn't bought these I would buy yours in a flash. Other problem is that I have a set of ROH Blades, a set of Enkei Circlars, a set of R33 stockies, and a set of R32 stockies sitting around too - the wife might divorce me if I buy another set. However if they were the right price I wouldn't be able to resist.
  5. so is there ANY benefit to fitting these to a non-track used R34GTT?
  6. yeah I would massively appreciate mine b4 the weekend, as I am doing a heap of stuff to the 34 and would love to do this at the same time .....
  7. count me in!
  8. yep make sure you hammer them up on price, then agree what is included with the car, then strip every aftermarket thing they are not going to pay you for off it and sell it.
  9. yep, I've had enough. Consider this topic locked.
  10. hey mate, can you PM me a price for multiple badges - ie. if I buy 3, or 5, or 8, or 10?
  11. Sorry I couldn't get my car up to scratch in time and ended up going to the snow instead Patrick .... will be in next year for sure. Awesome work guys, and huge congrats to all that entered!!!
  12. I just thought I would rub it in - we leave for a week at Falls Creek in just under 2 hours. Don't worry, I will have enough fun for everyone on the forums who is stuck in Adelaide Any other snow-bunnies out there?
  13. we get back from the snow very early Saturday morning - so if it is Sunday I can probably make it.
  14. cmon - details .... where, what condition, did they catch the thieves etc etc
  15. how good are the tyres? I can buy these brand new with no tyres for $850
  16. please don't post for sale threads in the general section - that is what the for sale post and sections are for. Moved.
  17. how much do you want for the Drifk Teks Ryan?
  18. yeah they definitely looks TONS better in person than in any pics - for some reason photos never do them justice - unless the photo is taken from down low.
  19. if you were doing R34GTT bonnets I think you would do some good business .....
  20. yep Spencers are the way to go - the owner John owns (well if he doesn't still used to) the "Recaro" plated pewter S15 with full burgundy leather interior and boot retrim, and some phat Momo wheels .... they know their stuff, but you pay for it. Claudes are good, but I am not sure where they have moved to. Used to me at Magill.
  21. looks awesome - your Dad must be stoked! I disagree with all the fuss about wheel sizes and offset - what is the big deal - they look good imho
  22. horrible story and just goes to prove how shite SAPOL really are. Sorry to hear of your situation. But seriously dude, you must drive like a minger (or have your car riced to the max) if you have been pulled over 12 times in the past year - I spend all day on the road, do 30,000km a year and haven't been pulled over once. And I often drive my Skyline like a stole it
  23. yep a 24,25, 26 or 27mm (can't remember which) open end spanner will do it with ease.
  24. Guy, Synergy on Main North road currently have a GT350 V35 coupe and a GT300 V35 sedan if you want to drive one. They are really nice, but gutless as hell. You can buy TT kits for them though
  25. why on earth is it on CarSales for $10k? Surely it is worth much more than that.
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