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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. ouch - looks very nasty! Thanks God you're OK Guy - it can always be FAR worse! It is my worst fear that some arseclown will be on the wrong side of the road heading up TTG hill - looks like a wide spot where the car came to rest. I thought they changed all of the centre lines to double up there, so there is no passing allowed whatsoever?!
  2. yep - if you can't afford a kick-ass alarm, then you can't afford the car. Simple as that. Sell it to someone who will appreciate it.
  3. yeah I heard this too. But I have also heard from a couple of sources that the track is in pretty poor condition and needs to be resurfaced before drags can be held. If Bill and Co. had won the case they were going to put in timing boards - I wonder if BJ will bring us into the 21st century and finally install some for us? Makes watching drags 1,000,000 times more enjoyable when you can actually see what times all the cars are doing.
  4. yeah mate I have one you can borrow. Problem is you need software to run it - I ended up buying Nissan Data Scan. Unfortunately I use my laptop every day for work so I can't lend it to you too. PM me if you want to grab the cable.
  5. got any pics of it fitted on the car?
  6. Hi mate, a black one to suit R34GTT for me please. I just paid - will PM you the receipt now.
  7. yep, I can't agree with you more Joel - it makes absolutely no sense that they don't have yearly inspections here - it would dramatically decrease the number of accidents!
  8. Damn, this was stolen from one street away from mine. It is normally locked up in the garage - I don't often see it out where it could be stolen. Unlucky guy! Wonder if it has been found yet?
  9. yep fire me a PM please
  10. OK after numerous complaints I have cleaned up the spam. Now you boys behave yourself - don't make me whack you with my mod stick If you want to dribble utter crap and abuse each other, take it PMs or the wasteland. You have been warned.
  11. Sif park your car anywhere (or even own a nice one) without insurance. What the hell a nice car like that is doing parked on a street overnight is beyond me. If you don't give the thieves a good chance they won't even try unless you are majorly unlucky. Sorry, but if you can't afford the insurance, you can't afford the car. Hope he gets the rims back though, and the thieves get what is coming to them. Aren't "Speedy" brand rims cheap-as-crap rubbish that every commo and excel has on them?
  12. damn, I went past Tyres Plus twice this morning and didn't spot either of you fools ....
  13. I pulled out my splash guards when I first played with my R34 and never put them back in ....
  14. this sounds way too organised to be joyriders - Gone in 60 Seconds style methinks!
  15. Dylan, what you think is your engine oil cooler is actually your trans oil cooler (unless you took the trans oil cooler off and put an engine oil cooler in its place). I bought a JustJap radiator and put in a Davies Craig trans cooler where the oem oil cooler was. Then I put a JustJap engine oil cooler in the passenger side between the wheel and the bumper bar. I am actually thinking of putting the stock trans oil cooler back in to add to the trans oil cooling since I have actually reduced the volume of trans oil due to removing the radiator cooling section from the system. I plan to put the oem trans oil cooler in series, in the drivers side between the wheel and the bumper bar. I have some pics of the install if you are interested. It is a fairly easy job in terms of technical ability, but you need an amazing amount of different tools and pretty much a whole day to do it. I did radiator, trans cooler, engine oil cooler and changed turbo in one very busy weekend.
  16. thanks for the sway bar info SK. Oh and fyi, when I fitted the front shocks/springs, with them at the standard height that they were delivered to me (the middle circlip groove), the front was 370mm from the centre of the wheel. I had to drop it 2 circlip grooves to make it 350mm. Not sure if they have buggered up the circlip groove heights or what. I am yet to install the rear shocks. Just thought I'd let you know. Thanks heaps for all your efforts too!!
  17. yeah mate I agree entirely - it is a lot like how the Aus Delivered 200SX/S15 won the Performance Car of The Year in 2002 - it won on the basis that it was $200k cheaper than the Porsche tested, and availability/price or parts is a fraction of the cost etc etc. Of course it isn't a better car than the Porsche, but on their comparative analysis which includes value for money, it came out on top.
  18. very nice job mate. Good luck with the cops and the offset of those rear rims though - 1st Saturday night down the Bay or Anzac International Raceway and you're toast with a defect station.
  19. Paully you're not making sense - if you are paying $750 for parts from Leader vs $500 for the same parts from MSY, over the course of a few computers you could factor in a 33% failure rate from MSY (which is never going to happen - I know guys interstate who have been extremely happy buying from them for over 5 years). Yes MSY have NO customer service, yes you need to know EXACTLY what you want and even then have to pray they have stock, BUT if the price is right (which it is) they will kill most other computer suppliers within a couple of years - quite the opposite to closing down. And every new location they open, they have even better buying power and can buy and then sell goods at even more competitive prices.
  20. no worries guys .... thanks really to Pawley (edit: not Paully) since it was out of his mag (I have one somewhere but was easier to grab it out of his collection).
  21. Well guys it is time to churn to Adam from Internode for me My 8Mb/384 40Gb plan has gone up from $99.99 a month to $119.99 a month Adam so the same plan for just $89.99 Such a shame - Node used to be so affordable.
  22. ok guys here is article (click) - it is the bottom file - sorry about the size but the scans are huge so you can zoom at will.
  23. Surprisingly the STi came out on top. The R34GTR obviously had seriously more power and was faster in a straight line. And the Evo7 is a go-kart on steroids. But when Martin weighed up the prices vs performance vs grey import issues the STi came out the winner. Obviously the GTR is the best car, but at the time it was worth $102k (what John sold it for) so didn't represent the best 'value' overall. I think John sold the Evo7 for something like $65k too which counted against it compared with the cheaper locally available STi. I will scan in the article for you tomorrow when I get time and you can have a read. Surely they wouldn't get a copyright knickers in a not over a 4 year old article, so I will risk it.
  24. That is Munro's old beast .... it is a funny coincidence that Mattr, Munro and I were talking about it just this afternoon. Scan from 'Speed' below - note the yellow Evo VII was John's too.
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