yeah mate they are Enkei Circlar's, and mine are 17 x 8 and 9 too. Tuff wheels! I love them to death, but was feeling like a change.
I have a mate that works at ROH so can get them painted secret squirrel for an awesome price - problem is it takes a while as he squeezes them in when he can. Cost me $300 for all 4 to be taken back to bare metal all over, then properly rust treated, undercoated then the normal ton of layers of metallic silver then clear. I have heard of double and triple this though quotes by paint shops for a simple rub back and respray. Just go to paint shops and get some quotes. If you want me to get yours done let me know.
Yeah Matt - if you wanted them white powdercoating would be the way to go - quite cheap and best long term coating available.
You wouldn't be able to go the powdercoating route if you want to machine or polish the lip Lee - you would have to go for painting then get the lip stripped back.
Matt, come check them out anytime you like. I will be home all day tomorrow working on the car, so feel free to pop over (you might want to ring first just to make sure).