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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. Yep as above, they are awesome cars. For their power level quite fuel efficient, for their handling ability are quite comfortable, and I still have people come up to me and ask i have just bought the thing brand new - despite the fact that mine is 10 years old and has done nearly 130,000km! But honestly if cared for properly the engines last forever. And by 130,000km like mine most people will have changed the various bushes that go, the springs, the shocks, the swaybars, the brake rotors, etc etc .... so often they are in many ways in much nearer to new condition. One thing that is not immediately apparent is that if you want to import one, you HAVE to have the fob price cash sitting there to pay immediately. Which means you need up to $10k in the bank ready to wire to the Jp seller. Obviously this means you can't get a personal nor car loan, as there is no security for them to base the loan in until the car gets here, is complianced and registered. But also noteworthy is that most cars in yards here were bought many months ago when the exchange rate was much better - so you would expect to get a better price buying locally than even importing. Some yards are just insane rip-offs though. And yes, as said any V35 with under 100k on the clock is VERY, VERY rare, and should be checked thoroughly. And a tip if you are like me (and most others on here) that can't help themselves but modify - before considering buying a stock car, have a look at tastefully modded ones - often the mods don't add a huge price premium, and you can save yourself shitloads by buying one already modded and nicely set up. For example I have a black '03 coupe and have spent more than $10k on bits and pieces, yet if I were to put it on the market now I would only ask about $20k. Compare that to buying a stocker from a yard from $16-$20k, and THEN having to spend $10k to put all the toys I have in mine, then it is a no-brainer. FYI if someone were to offer me $20k I would take it, as I am considering a change
  2. No there is no indication. But I know it has turned off when I can rip a standstill skid or do figure-8 burnouts
  3. Nope, doesn't for me - the lights are the same as when you just press it.
  4. Yeah 03. I haven't tried drifting, but I can do a very mean standstill and figure 8 burnout with no disruption by the VDC system. Maybe when you drift you activate the anti-yaw system, which I believe can't be fully turned off?
  5. On mine holding the VDC button in for around 10 seconds disables the VDC system to allow me to do standstill burnouts and drive on the track significantly more aggressively. It would seem the Yanks G35 do not have this feature, so they have created a hard-wired unit that does it with a switch.
  6. Haha yeah Julian - I reckon you were there in the Jaffa-mobile if memory serves me correctly?
  7. You think only Skyline owners read this forum? Yeah right. Hence why we have all been telling you that advertising the start place and time is a REALLY, REALLY BAD IDEA. You will get every idiot under the sun turn up. Including the cops. But hey, I will check back on this thread next week with a big bag of popcorn and see what happened.
  8. 1). Yes 2). Almost all Nisan dealers won't touch a V35/V36 with a 20 foot pole - they HATE grey imports. 3). as mentioned you cannot 'tune' the stock ECU - if you get a Cobb or Osiris unit you can reflash the ECU, but you really need a local tuner skilled with Skylines to do this. But the basic servicing any idiot can do - drop the oil then refill, clean the air filter element, top up the coolant. That's about all you need to do in terms of regular maintenance.
  9. My V35 is not FI, but I found it added a tad more power, tad more torque, but more than anything seems to build revs a bit quicker and wants to go harder. Not sure on the effects under FI - I would have thought even better, as the stock plenum is 1). a restriction capping of cylinder 1's air supply, and 2). holds a LOT more heat, so you risk detonation more. After a very spirited drive I can hold my hand on my V+ - with the stock plenum you can't even touch the thing after a short drive.
  10. Yeah DC, that was the one - my old number plate was PCOTY-1 - she was a great fun car. Did a 12.74 @ 105mph too Saw the car around about a year ago - has been stolen a couple of times since I owned it - last I saw of it Nisswreck had bought it, fixed it up again and resold it.
  11. Was thinking about them for the V35 .... how much did you get for them in the end?
  12. Have you sold the R35GTR seats yet Adam?
  13. Haha, I think this was the one when I got one of my many "emit undue noise" fines in my pewter S15 for doing a 2nd gear standstill when leaving the carpark. Cops kept me there for 1.5 hours in the freezing cold while a Regency specialist was called out to try to defect my car - and they couldn't find a single thing - he even congratulated me on how nicely and legally modded my car was. Those were the days!
  14. Your run-in with him was a bit more epic than most Pete .... you BAD BOY
  15. Yep, Sled and I have had it told directly to our faces by Stuart Mclean (the head of the bike cops in Adelaide), that they pay close attention to all car forums, including ours. Also, I am not trying to scare you off by any means, but if anything happens on the cruise, YOU, BEN, will be held personally responsible by the police. They have been prosecuting the organiser of cruises if something goes awry. They want us off the roads and to not congregate in groups. Fullstop. It doesn't matter how legal your car is, if they decide they don't like you or your group, they will lock down the carpark and go over you all car by car. I have had this done before on an NS cruise some years ago - 150 cars were checked vigorously for defects (and something like 30 were issued full Regency defects) - they blocked off both entrances of the Newton Shopping Centre carpark and it took some guys 4 hours on lineup to get out, while they checked each car out with a fine tooth comb. As Sled said, if you want to join a respectable organisation that gets left alone by the cops because we do the right thing, then join up with sausa.com.au and come on our cruises. We have never had a single issue.
  16. LOL ... they WILL turn up if you advertise the place/start time - and they most definitely do peruse these forums on a regular basis, let me guarantee you.
  17. Since you are being a cheeky f**k and have not yet changed your sig as requested, have a 1 week holiday from the forums. Learn some respect.
  18. If/when you drive it on your Ps you have NO insurance ..... I know you keep saying you are not going to drive it, but how stupid do you really think we are? FYI if/when you hit a Bentley, be assured as you are illegally driving a prohibited car you will have NO insurance, and will be paying off the Bentley for the rest of your natural born life. As for your question, how long is a piece of string? Without pics, specs (you haven't even stated whether it is manual or auto, premium or non-premium), REAL indicated km (pretty much EVERY V35 bought into Australia by any variety of car dealer has had the km would back), and extensive condition report, how could we possibly have an opinion on value? If it is mint, then $15k is a very good price. If it is a dog, then I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole (but is still a pretty good price - it is a LOT of car for the money imho, regardless of condition as long as undamaged).
  19. Yeah, when I was a P-plater I used to think I knew it all too. Good luck to you. One day you will grow up. I have always maintained that if the govt really had any interest in driver safety and lowering the road toll, instead of cameras to catch you 1km over the speed limit and limiting what sort of car you drive, how about you make track-based driver training COMPULSORY, and people get tested in simulated real world situations reproduced on the track. I guarantee you that 50%+ of people would not pass without significant retraining. It would make the roads a MUCH safer place. The first driver training track day I attended run by the John Bowe school I was simply amazed at how little I actually knew how to drive, and how quickly my skills significantly improved.
  20. I think it is stupid that an inexperienced P-plater can drive a car that has 199kw and it is legal .... learn to drive in a 100kw cheap car, then buy a decent car once you have some skill, knowledge and are not going to kill yourself or others.
  21. Hi kohbz, please significantly shorten the layout of your signature - rather than bullet list your mods, just make them a sentence, so they don't literally take up half a page. This is SAU policy.
  22. It is categorised exactly the same as 350Zs, which i am pretty sure are not P plate legal in any state. So of course you shouldn't get one on your P's - you WILL get caught and I am very sure a hefty fine, possible court appearance and definite loss of license would be the result..
  23. Bad luck there Brendan - ironically I got my first fine since 1995 a few months back on a local connector road I drive every day. But the answer is cruise control - and I use mine religiously.
  24. I upgraded the front splits on the factory wiring, then added an amp and sub in the boot run via RCAs from the head unit. Works a treat.
  25. What, this R8? It goes alright too :)
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