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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. wow, from all I have read, this is fast becoming my new favourite car Check out lots more pics here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2007-Noble-...2QQcmdZViewItem loooooove the dark metallic purple, and the black ones!
  2. I think you could make an R33 exhaust fit - it will certainly bolt-on to the turbo/dump pipe, but the mounts might be slightly different. I would give it a try if I was you. tyres are fine. shocker they may or ma not check. pod filter is fine as long as it is fixed and doesn't wobble around all over the place.
  3. I absolutely love my tiptronic R34 - the only people who don't like them are ones who haven't driven them Never again stall at the lights or stuff up your launch, never miss a gear again, you can change gears in the middle of a corner when hammering through the hills without your hand leaving the wheel, rev out longer in each gear, etc etc. And I haven't done the valve body upgrade yet, but this makes the gear changes even quicker and harder. Add an uprated stall converter and no manual will come even close to keeping up with you with the same power. Plus you can drive like a nanna when you want to just putt around in full auto mode.
  4. yep I stand corrected. However it appears then that some R34 have a steel impeller, as mine is most certainly steel. This is where my confusion lay. Good luck with the sale anyhow, we have bumped it to the top of the list for a whole day for you
  5. ah ok, but the R34 stock turbo I have right here (on my lap) goes a metallic 'ting ting' when I tap the compressor wheel with a spanner, and gives a dull plastic-style 'thud thud' when I tap the exhaust wheel with a spanner. No way it is ceramic - it would make a completely different noise. And how can by compressor wheel be steel - I was told ALL R34s had nylon wheels. Now I am very confused.
  6. lol .... Google is your friend - there is tons of info about it on the net - plus I have one right here and it is definitely nylon .... it is tuff stuff - but only to 12psi. All you keyboard warriors need to talk about what you actually know - not what you think you know
  7. Nope, I have an aftermarket boost gauge in my R34, and with the stock turbo it showed 7/8psi then up to 10psi (when the 2nd solenoid kicked in at around 5,000rpm). But once you add exhaust, dump pipe, intake etc, mine went to 10psi/12psi. So yes, you shouldn't be doing hard track days at all if you have the stock turbo, no manual boost control and an exhaust.
  8. 100% correct SS Eater - the nylon exhaust wheels are fine for up to 12psi, but any sort of track work over about 10psi will see them shoot down the cat converter. Awesome for response though, as like you said they have less inertia to spin, which makes for nice early spool up and boost!
  9. well sorry to correct you mate, but all R34 turbos have a nylon exhaust wheel, as do late model R33s, which this is obviously off. Do your homework before correcting people.
  10. sorry to tell you mate, that is a nylon exhaust wheel .... looks identical to my R34 one .... still a great turbo though
  11. yeah but being offered, and someone actually coming up with the cash, are two entirely different things .... but I do believe you - some people have more money than sense
  12. IMO paying for plates is gay as .... how people think they can sell something they got for free is beyond me, as are the stupid people who actually pay for them. I think you will find something like 1% of all plates advertised for sale actually sell at all .... and really they are only the ones with '8' in them, as some Asians are highly superstitous. If I remember correctly the previous owner of 'Skyline' couldn't sell the plates at all so just let them lapse and effectively handed them back into Transport SA - where the current owner got them for the cost of the plates, and is now trying to sell them for a profit. No offense intended - just an observation, and feel free to correct me if I am wrong. IMHO it is fair to pay someone a small sum to reimburse them for originally buying the plate - beyond that is a bit of a joke to me. Everyone is different though I suppose ....
  13. Well I don't know which 16 year old tool wrote that dribble above, but that is not how I read the judgement at all. Bob Jane signed a sale contract for 4 Certificates of Title, which did not include fixtures and fittings located on the property. 'Dodgey' Nowak later tried to get the other CT on the estate included in the sale as well as various fixture and fittings, which do not actually form a part of the property. This is not how contract law works - not even close. There are also going concern and GST issues, which are complex, but Nowak is essentially trying to get out of paying GST by buying the 'business', which Bob Jane clearly never intended him to do - he was only selling the land. The business is a separate issue entirely. Bob Jane is actually the defendant here and as I read the judgement, he has done the right thing. Nowak is a crook (which the judge all but says) and is the one being deceitful. I can't actually believe Nowak could be so plainly stupid as to even let this get to court - as it is clear as day that he has fabricated evidence, he is knowledgable in the field of buying and selling properties so he knows all the procedures and rules, and he hasn't got a leg to stand on. As far as I read Bill Russo has had almost nothing to with the whole thing - he only became involved long after the issues with dodgy companies changing names and issuing bonds to raise capital came along. Either way it sucks, and the judge should not allow an appeal (they can't possibly win), and make it all go away so new contracts can be negotiated and the place sold and fixed up.
  14. Hi, have you got the silicon hoses on the wrong way around in that picture? You want the smaller diameter (reduced) end at the turbo with the bov recirc hole at the bottom, and the larger diameter (non-reduced) end at the air flow meter. Did you notice any throttle improvement with this? Any negative effects? Why have you taken this off the car?
  15. yes, but they all all via PM, which stops the board getting clogged up with every Tom, Dick and Harry's f/s items, and back and forth banter. I will delete this useless topic shortly too ....
  16. yeah I am going to get a set shortly with swaybars for the R34 to see how they go .... are very good so I hear.
  17. yeah mate the hands and arms are still recovering - have a few nasty cuts and still black fingers, but it's all good. Yep the radiator is bloody awesome - with my new thermo fan (which is noisy as buggery but extremely effective) I can keep the water temp at 82 degrees sitting stationary indefinitely in the hot garage. Still have a few issues I am sorting to haven't been able to give it any real stick yet, but at 10psi it feels extremely strong and quite powerful. Boost comes on very early and hard-as, which is very pleasing.
  18. yeah $70k sounds like a lot until you factor in $45k to buy the car stock, then there are all the standard mods, then heavier mods. I lost count of how many times the car went to Cartoys, Tilbrooks, Turbo Tune or Morpowa and came out with a $2k+ bill. Unfortunately when I bought the S15 there were NO 2nd hand parts, so every single thing that went on the car was brand new and fitted by (expensive) workshops (since I had no mechanical expertise - and look a me now last weekend installed a new turbo, radiator, oil cooler and trans cooler on the R34) I stopped keeping accurate track of expenses at $25k and that was before the last round of mods.
  19. lol nah it says $29,000 - not $20,000 .... and it was a bloody bargain - it owed me nearly $70k and I sold it for $28k without the wheels .... damn cars - but hey, they are fun!
  20. buy mine, buy mine Cheap as chips at $750 with tyres .... I need them gone .... pics are on my S15, but perfect offset for Skylines too!
  21. how about Bob f**king Jane pulls his finger out of his ass and fixes up the track himself so we can race? Surely someone knows him and can get him to look at this thread and all the others on the many motorsport forums to see the damage he has done to our fun.
  22. spotted Heslo sitting in his car parked on Main North Road this arvo - I was the crazy person in the (wife's) blue Honda Accord beeping as I went past!
  23. yep my R34 sat on the docks with unspecified customs issues for over 3 weeks awaiting inspection (meanwhile they charged me something like $500 in holding/storage fees) - then compliance which was supposed to take 2 weeks took over 9 weeks, due to the complier having to get evidence for the windscreen and headlights, of which they had never seen the markings/model before. Get used to waiting ....
  24. yep it goes in the drivers side wheel well - hence when you put in aftermarket intercooler piping, which goes under the battery, you have to lose the washer bottle
  25. I have R34 halogens you can swap for compliance if you need them.
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