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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. wtf you can't honestly want to sell yours already Andy? I heard from a reliable source that the $50k R34GTRs available in Japan are absolute pieces of crap with mega high km (then changed odos) and they are pretty ordinary. There are a few have been on CarSales for over a year and I am sure the owners would take around $60k for them - I keep thinking about it .... mmmmm
  2. WOW - an old school member I haven't heard from in ages! How are you doing mate? I got a summons for a driving issue a while back and had my day in court etc etc. My mate who earned the same fine and was supposed to get a summons at the same time wasn't home much (around the time I got my summons) and they stopped trying to give it to him. That was nearly a year ago - they knocked on his door twice and failed (neighbours told him), and that was it - he hasn't heard back about it. But yes, I have also heard that they just turn it into a warrant, so when you get pulled over for some menial thing, they slap bracelets on you and take you away. I would be fearful about coming back into Australia N/A and would seek legal advice before even trying just in case (if you are ever coming back).
  3. The unit includes an oil temp sensor/probe, and is intended to wire into the ecu to get water temp (but has provision for you to add a water sensor probe like I already have). I am not confident at all the in the ECU water temp sensor, since all Nissans tend to sit on warm on the oem gauge and then hit boiling hot within 1 seconds and nothing inbetween, meanwhile you fry your engine. Not sure if it would accurate or not, but I prefer the hardware method anyhow - and since I already have an in-line water temp orble in the radiator hose I will keep it.
  4. The Pivot cost me around $200 delivered, but apparently retail for $300. I bought it on special from performance-wise - he was good to deal with (I bought an HDi EBC and HKS wastegate actuator off him too). It is a cool little gadget, and since the Pivot displays water and oil temp digitally, it allows me to convert my existing AutoMeter oil temp gauge into a trans temp gauge, and I am replacing my AutoMeter water temp gauge with a smoked face AFR gauge. I will post a post up tonight about my new carbon face gauge install, but here is a sneak peak with the Pivot on the top left hand side. I will get some better pics in the daylight too.
  5. nah I haven't yet mate .... hoping to in the next few weeks (is part of a larger upgrade, so I need a free and clear weekend to do it all). But given the curved blade design I take it it is quieter than the stock fan. Also, I bought a Pivot oil and water temp controller, so I can manually adjust what temperature range the fan comes on. So unlike the stock fan which runs all the time, my fans will stay off until the water tamp is around 90 degrees, which helps everything warm up quicker (and results in less noise overall)
  6. I got the 16" one Luke - should fit on the new radiator nicely.
  7. yep I bought the same one and it arrived the other day .... haven't installed it yet - looks the goods though
  8. yep I spotted "GTR34" turning from OG Rd onto North East Rd this morning at around 8:15am Patrick - I assume it is the same car *drool*
  9. hey Stan, on a side note, have you changed over the pipe that runs from the AFM to the turbo (the one that sucks shut if you run over 1 bar) .... I can't find these for sale anywhere ....
  10. has anyone ever come across a photo of this GTR wing on the back of a 4 door R34? (can they post it up if they have)
  11. yep I would be keen for one of these as well .... would be significantly better if we could 'program' how much slip the TCS allows - like Bass said you actually only need around 10% - whereas I would think the oem TCS is around 50% when activated. Also, another challenge for you - can you make up a similar module to the TCS thingo that makes the steering wheel gear controls 'On' by default when you start up, rather than off? I have no idea why they even invented such a switch - why the hell would you ever want it off? Even if you don't use the steering wheel controls then it still wouldn't hurt to have it come on every time you whack the gearknob into tiptronic mode. I assume you could do it by relay off of one of the wires to the switch in the centre console?
  12. ah no good for then sorry - I want nice and soft for comfort (since I use the car all day every day for work)
  13. so was the car really hard with them in?
  14. Hi, how many kms have the Teins done, and do they knock or move at all? Are they ultra hard or similar to stock?
  15. yep I hope to make it - will drag few more Skylines along too
  16. can't wait to see your properly tuned beast on the dyno Joel! FINALLY!
  17. I might make an appearance if a few other fellas go
  18. Darren give me a ring - my brother-in-law has a full set of R33 stockies with good tyres just sitting around gathering dust in his garage. He is looking to sell them, but I am sure he would lend them out.
  19. yeah skylineguy that was me in the black 34 4 door .... saw you too late to wave or beep
  20. spotted Flick's car for the 1st time on Wright Road this arvo (with I assume her bf driving) .... spotted 'R34' parked on Grand Junction Rd on my way home - looking awesome as always!
  21. ROFL maybe you should be on the knitting and crochet forums? N/A = naturally aspirated. Oh and 2 door and 4 door GTT R34s are identical suspension setups. Balls at the front, forks at the rear. But N/A R34s are different. Balls front and rear (like R33GTRs hence why these are often sold to R34GTT owners who later regret it, since the weight distributions are vastly different).
  22. just spotted Snake's R34GTR on North East Rd, Oakden - damn I love your car mate Gave him the quick wtf look, and got one back saw you too late to wave or beep
  23. of course you can wind them back - they are a computer at the end of the day. But some Jap cars are genuinely low km, as basically everyone there uses the mass transit system and might have only used the car on weekends. The cost of tolls, parking and driving in general over there are absolutely ridiculous - so lots of low km cars makes sense. GTRs are very easy to spot ungenuine km, as all you have to do is look at the paint on the intake plenum - if it is still mickey mouse black, then it has under 100,000km - if it is all paint stripped and looks white in patches then it is easily over 100k. Steering wheels, gear knobs, handbrake boots, seats and seat belts are easy indicators of km travelled, but can of course be changed too.
  24. hey guys, I have had a couple of requests/complaints to clean up the this thread and keep it on-topic. Please go spam up the spam/whoretown threads
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