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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. Yep, I am hoping to catch up with him/it tonight :)
  2. Haha yeah ... but the AMG is gone - traded the ML63 for the R8.
  3. You might be on the right track there
  4. Yeah good but busy, as usual Matt. Oh, and speaking of R8s, a certain someone you know had his new toy arrive on the back of a truck today
  5. There is no harm in posting a question about it in the General Club Chat thread, but leave the posting of the event and subsequent organisation up to the event coordinators.
  6. Yeah I think after a bit a apathy/failure at organising last year's show this year might be a decent one! We have new Exec event coordinators, so hopefully they pump this show up and get decent attendance.
  7. You have to wait for an admin (me) to be notified by SAUSA to add you to the SAUSA member list. But since I am a nice guy and will take you at your word, I will do it now
  8. Yep once you join the SAUSA club then you have access to a new group of sub-forums at the top of the SAU page. But they also have a FB group, website and emails out. I am pretty sure they would be organising show attendance at Extreme this year. I am planning on going in it
  9. Nope. Joining the club is cheap and easy, and then you get to come on cruises, track days, shows etc etc. Basically nothing is advertised on the public section anymore.
  10. Most V35s I have seen have the manual release button broken completely off - if it is you have to pop the centre console up and get your hand under there to push down the locking mechanism.
  11. I forgave you for the Caldina Matt, but now a VW? I am not so sure ..... We need to catch up and play some poker!
  12. I am sure the SAUSA club will be joining the show as a club. You need to be a paid member though. www.sausa.com.au
  13. R means accident repaired. And almost always it is then ineligible for Australian compliance under SEVS. If you bought that car from the importer and landed it here, they would make you either crush it, send it back to Japan, or you could keep it as a track car if you had a CAMS license and followed the appropriate steps.
  14. ^^^ Yep, spot on the money. Both Kristian (whom I am personal friends with - he has hundreds of happy customers and favourable reviews) and Geoff (whom I bought my R34 through back in 2006) offer exceptional service and have been in the game a long time. It also pays that they have exceptional contacts in Jp to do personal inspections with hundreds of pictures - there is no better way to make sure you are not getting a lemon. But of course the catch always is that you have to have the cash in your hand to wire to the seller in Jp as part of the process - you can't take out a loan against a car you are importing. You also can't insure the car until it is complied and registered - which is a risk. A guy at the end of my street brought in a Jp S15 and had it transported from the boat to his house (for him to stock it out) prior to him delivering it compliance - it was stolen that night from his garage and has never been seen since
  15. Plus dealers have to charge 1/11th GST that they have to give back to Government, then there is the chance that the vehicle gets lost/damaged at sea, you have to finance the purchase cost for 6-9 months while the car gets here/gets complied, there's a risk that the car will have rust or previous repairs that the compliance workshop finds and the car has to be destroyed etc, etc. It is not nearly as simple as just finding one and buying it out of Japan. And not nearly as cheap as it would seem.
  16. FYI pretty much no car dealer will EVER show you the dereg. papers - they will claim black and blue there isn't one or they didn't get one with the car. Just the usual shonky tactics from local car dealers.
  17. Yep, pretty much EVERY Skyline on a lot (in Sydney in particular) has had the km would significantly back. Worst thing is, that you go out and buy a Skyline with 3x,xxxkm on the clock and don't do your 100k service for another 60-70,000km = not great for the car! Hence all of my comments above. Go on the condition of the car, NOT the km.
  18. I know that the CANbus plays up with ANY variety of alarm or any sort of introduced electronics on the V36. I am sure Chris will harp in soon and let you know the (presumably bad) news.
  19. I am actually driving it to the Temora 1000 in November
  20. AxlOz a flight from Syd to Adl is under $100 if you shop around ..... but no for sale ad as such yet - I am not really ready to sell, unless it was very easy
  21. Yes! Or just buy mine and you know what you are getting .... do you like black? I am considering trading up to a V36, so will sell for the right/realistic price.
  22. Man I hate idiots (500hp). If you took one second to pull your head out of your arse you would realise that Redbook also has the indicative average km a car of the age should have on it too .... thanks for 'correcting' me though. http://www.redbook.com.au/cars/research/used/details/2003-nissan-skyline-v35-111364?R=111364&Silo=spec&Vertical=car&Ridx=42&eapi=2 So, as I alluded to, expect a 2003 V35 to have 100,000-180,000km on average (assuming no wind back, which is rare).
  23. Redbook and the RAA claim that average km on a car is about 15,000km a year nowadays ..... but I guess in Jp it is lower than that. Still, given the price to register and insure a car in Jp they do tent to get used quite a lot - I have seen 4 year old V36s come through the auctions with 100,000km on them already.
  24. NEVER buy an import without getting an import specialist mechanic to look over it - a decent one will be able to tell you the genuine km quite easily. It is amazing when you watch the Jp auction sites how many cars with XXXkm on them get sold in Jp, brought here then appear in car yards with YYYkm. Happens all the time. At the end of the day if you get a decent mechanical check and are happy with the car, then buy it. I am quite sure that my V35 that had 48k on the odo when I bought it in 2008 had more like 80k on the car .... now it has 125k on the odo (so probably more like 155k in reality) but still runs like a dream and is quite flawless apart from the usual window and door lock motors going and needing to be replaced, and the lower control arm bushes going (which I replaced with nolathane bushes). Of course I have replaced the shocks, springs, sway bars, wheels, intake, exhaust, radiator and lots of other things - but most people will change these to their tastes anyways.
  25. 1st car (white) - it is dead easy to 'wind' back the km - there is a guy in Sydney who will do it for $100 - 5 minute job with a laptop. Love the hella flush stickers and stock wheels ... I assume it has been stocked out - I bet it had an 'easy' 2,000km a year life of rice, rice, rice thrashed within an inch of its life. 2nd car (silver) ewwwwww willow interior and beige seats - there is no limit to how much you would vomit just sitting in that car 3rd car - who advertises a car without pictures??? also listed as an 'SP' - sorry champ that delineation didn't come out until V36 - I assume they mean 'Premium'. But no pictures????
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