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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. awesome work on organising this Patrick!!!! All the gear looks amazing! The stickers are pimp as too!!!!
  2. and some of the beach shots (we had to leave before the main group arrived it would seem )
  3. now the most important part of the show
  4. more
  5. some of my fave pics .... only about 1/4 of what I took though
  6. yeah I would have thought 6 PCs per power 'zone' .... normally you would have 1 zone per section of the house (most houses have 3 zones), and likely all of the 6 power points in your rumpus room would be on the same zone. So what you do is run an extension cord from the complete other end of your house, so you get 2 zones of power to use. When we built our house I got the sparkies to put 3 different zones to my rumpus room for this exact purpose .... then I went and ruined a perfectly good LAN room by putting my beautiful pool table right in the middle of it .... I also have 3 zones of power in my office for the large number of electrical devices I run in here too
  7. 60+ ... no way Nick - I would put money on 150+ .... in the parklands there were 8 lines of official cars, and there were around 20 cars per line, plus all the non-official cars, which would have numbered 60 .... I reckon over 200 all up easy
  8. thanks guys - but I don't just resize them - I open them, rename them and compress them on resaving in PSP. Thanks though
  9. Bass, unfortunately the R34 wasn't in the prologue for some reason - we were all looking out for it but never saw it. I had walked among the cars earlier in the day, then watched most of the cars do their runs, yet didn't see it, so I assume he wasn't there I am sure someone will get pics of the hills stages and post them up.
  10. pity he lives at the other end of the earth .... some of us have to work tomorrow and will be going flat out just to make it to the cruise meet-point on time
  11. No worries for the pics guys - glad you like them .... it is an absolutely massive job to take that many photos, then rename them, then compress them, then upload them - but I appreciate it when others go to the trouble Stay tuned for pics of my trip to the Singapore Motor Show last week (when I get them sorted out) .... have lots of video too which I am going to encode with DivX and make available!
  12. I am hoping to find the pack of Skylines tomorrow night at the meet-point - we should just park a little bit off the main group and that way it will be easier to find each other!
  13. Martin Donnon and Keir Wilson's LS1 R8 Clubsport Twin Turbo (damn it sounded awesome!!!)
  14. Enjoy! (In no particular order)
  15. I will be bringing my S15 and my 4 door R34GTT
  16. The LS1 looks awesome Martin! Best of luck to you and Keir! I am heading out to Victoria Park Racecourse tomorrow around 1pm to catch the prologue - if anyone else is heading out feel free to PM or phone me.
  17. Which end of Adelaide are you dirty? (I have the feeling you are down south?). Fire me a PM with details either way. If I don't head to dirty's, I'll be heading out to the cruise anyhow .... if any of the old school fellas from the NE burbs want to hook up at my place and cruise to the meet point together let me know. Where is the meet point for the cruise?
  18. If anyone has already paid and needs to withdraw last minute (for some reason), let me know and I'll put my S15 or R34 in the SAU stand ....
  19. you missed me off your confirmed list
  20. nah Matty - definitely not me (as if I'd park in a handicapped spot) - plus I was home all last night ... sounds like my car car to a tea - but you have seen my Doppelganger
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