I have tons of PCs and PC components laying around that I really need to get rid of asap. This week strongly preferred before I head off to Singapore (need cash for electronics shopping spree )
If you need anything fire me a PM or post here.
Stuff includes:
XP2500+ system in aluminium case etc
cheap XP1600+ system
various other systems
AGP video cards
older PCs from $10 for linux boxes, spare storage etc - 10 to chose from
Second hand hard drives 80Gb, 60Gb, 40Gb, 2 x 10Gb
Network cards
CPU and Case Fans and controllers, various cables etc
HP Laserjet 1000 laser printer $100
new Thermaltake 430W Power Supply
new 1Gb thumb drive/flash disk $50
new KVM switch (share one mouse and keyboard between 2 pcs) $40
new keyboard, optical mouse, speakers $10 each (they match if you want all 3)
DVD Burners
17" and 19" CRT (not LCD) monitors
various illuminated bar signs (like the group buy I did ages ago) $40
$25 Telstra pre-paid pack/sim $10
etc etc etc