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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. I couldn't work out why I couldn't beat Steve's score - all I could get is 35.5 seconds - but then it occurred to me that SuperPi only uses 1 of my 2 cpus (dual core you see) A more appropriate Pi test is the multiple core version here: http://www.hwbot.org/download/multipi-0.2.zip I got 1 min 23 sec @ 2.75Ghz - that is the highest I have overclocked it to so far .... I will get it to 3Ghz when I have some more time to play with it! (For some strange reason the multiple core beta starts time at 30 minutes rather than zero - but I assure you it is not true! lol). Everyone post up their scores to compare!
  2. can you please do some GTT badges (like I posted above)?
  3. How long are the sills (I want to know if they will fit on a 4 door) ... and how much $$$ are we talking?
  4. I saw the black V35 coupe that Synergy brought in for their compliance (that I posted some photos of a while back) driving on North east Rd the other day .... unfortunately it was going to other way so I only got a quick flash of it. *drool* If I had known how soon V35 compliance was to be available when I bought the R34 last July, I would now have a V35 in my driveway instead of the 34 .... but I had committed to buy the R34 when I found out .... bloody fantastic cars (if not very lacking in power) - even Jeff from C-Red owns 2 of them and absolutely raves about them!
  5. I went for a Thermaltake Blue Orb 2 (about the same price) and it is quite unbelievable - it is absolutely silent, is on automatic speed (ie. the hotter the CPU gets the faster it will spin to try to cool it down), and the hightest speed I have seen it go is 1,200rpm (still silent) and the hottest I have seen the CPU is 45 degrees when hammering it. Currently it is 23 degrees ambient, 39 degrees CPU at 830rpm .... quite unbelievable for a dual core X2 4200 @ 2400Mhz (4600+ speed).
  6. what is Lik-Sang?
  7. damn I already have dinner organised tonight - what time are you going - maybe I can come say hello after
  8. Why are you selling your bonnet Wogboy - it looks great. I wish you were in SA, I'd buy it off you (but not for the price you are asking)
  9. we are both with Node, on ADSL 1.5Mb .... unfortunately we both live in Northgate, so our phone lines are on a RIM, hence we can't get ADSL2 or +
  10. hehehe ... nah it was taken in America
  11. haha good to catch up with you mate .... I was writing up some notes and heard this rumble backing up along side me .... the fabled Vange-mobile!
  12. baaaaaaabow .... looks like a case of the phantom black R34 4 door again
  13. hey Duc, I have a few nice pcs for sale at the moment ... in fact I might post a for sale thread - as I really need to get rid of some of this stuff .... I have just upgraded, and have my old 2500+ rig for sale .... has 512Mb DDR ram, 80Gb HDD, Aluminium PC60 copy case, etc etc .... $500 ..... or I have other systems cheaper
  14. lol Chops that you posted that message at 10am and rang me at 12:30pm to tell me you have bought a new 4600+ 939 CPU .... nice upgrade there mate!
  15. Steve - I don't reckon we made it back to my place last summer .... it definitely has been a while! Sam - yeah Chops kicks my ass at all the games on my own machine trdrz - mine is a real jamma machine - no mame unfortunately - it is the real thing. The game boards are like 30cm x 30cm!
  16. haven't you been here for a post-cruise games night Steve? There have been a few ... but not for a while now .... spa under the verandah, nice 8-ball table, video games, projector home cinema, plasma in the family room .... my entertainers delight house
  17. look what I have in my rumpus room - Xmen VS Street Fighter .... I also have Ultimate Mortal Kombat .... might be selling it all to make room soon ....
  18. awesome rig there Howie .... here is my setup .... X2 4200 o/c to 4800, XFX GT7600GT, 2Gb Patriot DDR 533, 20" AOC, 500Gb HDD etc etc
  19. nah Karl wasn't me .... I had the 'Line down Taperoo way today .... I am told there is another black 4 door around Adelaide
  20. very nice mate - looks awesome!!!
  21. yeah thanks for the update Terry ..... please keep us in the loop if you hear any more info. A group of us are getting so desperate to race that we are seriously considering driving to the Eastern states for a meet .... and while that is a cool idea in theory, it is not a good option in case something breaks while over there and the car gets stuck there - not to mention cop problems, speeding fines etc etc
  22. I was driving home yesterday and saw this at the local Mobil - I thought WTF .... and had to go back and get some photos .... scary shit! And I went up Mount Osmond last week for work and came across this road - it is absolutely impossible to get around the bend without crossing to the other side of the road - up or down! Very tight corner!!!
  23. ah well things have really changed then. When I brought my MX5 back with me when I moved back here from Darwin I had to take it to Regency for a VIN check, and while I was there they made me pull off my illeally dark tint there and then. He handed me a razor blade in a holder thingy and said I couldn't leave until the tint was off.
  24. yeah, cos they get the 34 mixed up with a Magna all the time .... *cough* Verada boy *cough*
  25. Are you sure Luke? I had to have the VIN and engine number inspected before they gave me new plates/rego - otherwise you could remanufacture write-offs from interstate.
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