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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. OK enough out of all of you - you are acting worse than children and are an embarrassment to yourselves. First and last warning.
  2. LOL, you would be lucky for a Nissan dealer to sell you a specific part for your V35, let alone reprogram your Nav to English. Most dealers hate us with a special passion. Most won't even service our cars - despite them being nearly identical mechanically to the 350Z. And let me guarantee you, it is not even close to as easy as 'just reprogramming' it. Xanavi took thousands of man hours to convert the series 1 and 2.
  3. That one is definitely a series 3 - has the recessed tail-lights, chrome door handles and projectors. Also it is a 70th anniversary model, as I am pretty sure they were the only ones to come with full leather.
  4. And when you Google the vin, surprise, suprise you come across 2 cached links to the original ad for it that says 2003. So he has KNOWINGLY changed it from 2003 to 2008. I assume 2008 is the compliance date? Someone who does not know Skylines that well might fall for the compliance date on the purple sticker as the build date guess https://www.google.com.au/search?q=6u90000pv35506775&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=rcs&gws_rd=cr
  5. Wow. Just wow. As if you would drive in such a state, in such a car, in such circumstances, past the LARGEST POLICE STATION IN SA! That is a whole new level of stupid.
  6. Is it urethane or fibreglass?
  7. You simply can't do what you are trying to do Kris. You need to buy one of these: http://www.ebay.com/itm/JDM-INFINITI-NISSAN-SKYLINE-G35-DOUBLE-DIN-DASH-KIT-IN-SILVER-WITH-AC-CONTROL-/330958830777?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Model%3AG35&hash=item4d0eaefcb9&vxp=mtr or if you have a series 2 one of these: http://www.ebay.com/itm/JDM-DOUBLE-DIN-DASH-KIT-2005-UP-INFINITI-G35-DUAL-ZONE-AC-WITH-NAVIGATION/271241762380?rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222002%26algo%3DSIC.FIT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D261%26meid%3D9199610478626575897%26pid%3D100005%26prg%3D1088%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D5%26sd%3D271241760137%26 and in anticipation of your next question, no there is no easy way to separate the stereo and climate control boards.
  8. fyi I sold a silver double din BOSE eom with refurbished internals for $1k about 2 years ago. These things are valuable and in demand (especially if they have been refurbished), as they are continually stuffing up. DO NOT buy any variety of Metra kit - they are junk.
  9. No it's not. There will be no further warnings - next bump and I will just delete this thread.
  10. No idea mate. Last I heard he was having shipping issues getting it into the country or something like that. Maybe join his FB page to get updates? I was going to buy a kit to do my whole car, as the prices in the pre-buy were insanely cheap - but then the pre-buy ran out before I got around to buying it. Hopefully his retail prices aren't too much above - it makes a $500 'respray' in a different colour every year VERY appealing
  11. That is your final bump. Any more will result in this thread being deleted.
  12. Two things: - when you post a new topic, give it a minute or 2 to come up on the site before posting it 2 more times. - there are literally 7 x SA V35 owners on here, so I would suggest you are shit out of luck - try Japanese Import Spares.
  13. If you can't sell it locally and then are willing to ship I will take it off your hands.
  14. If they are the same as the coupe (which I assume they are) they you just need to remove your front wheels and the front inner plastic/guards, and the whole of the back of the headlight is accessible.
  15. Is is good stuff, but is STUPIDLY expensive in Aus due to shipping issues as it is so flammable/dangerous (has to be shipped internally within Aus by truck - cannot go on a plane). Once this stuff is released (updates are that it will be VERY soon), I am going to do my wheels and front grille this this : http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ebc-liquid-wrap-paint-vinyl-have-a-love-child
  16. I think you need more camber and rubber mate :) :D
  17. I would like to know too. Definitely looks like a copy of a 350Z bumper. Have never seen it before though.
  18. Where did you get the black Infiniti grille from Sam?
  19. Erggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry to tell you champ, but once you have a problem with the GT8 trans that is it - you will fix one, develop a new error, fix the next, develop a new one etc etc etc ...... go read all the threads and nightmare stories .... most end up getting parted out ... didn't I warn you on here before you bought the car?
  20. Interestingly when I checked my rear 265/35/18 tyre pressures at Caltex Bolivar on the way to Kadina they were 44psi - I even commented on this to others there. I had them fitted around 2 months ago and had not checked them since. Bizarrely the front 235/45/18s that were fitted by the same shop at the same time were 28 and 32psi - weird.
  21. ^^^ private, the answer to that is easy (and I answered it above) - it would have been put completely back to stock for compliance (as it HAS to be), complied like that, then put through RWC. After that all the goodies put back on.
  22. Your paint code is on your vin plate champ - pop your bonnet and look on the drivers side firewall for your plate.
  23. Nah there definitely is a 2" bigger rule. Can't be stuffed going and finding it, but every state has it.
  24. No worries thom - we are all about helping each other here. Regarding your comment "If the car was imported with modifications, I would assume that these would have to be certified by a local engineer and VicRoads doesn't have any paperwork on file to confirm this" - this is not correct. At SEVS compliance the car has to be STOCK. As in how it rolled off the factory line. You CAN'T get any modifications engineered prior to compliance. If the car was modified out of Japan, someone changed all the mod parts out for stock, got it complied, then put them back on. This is pretty common. And again, almost ALL carbon bonnets are completely illegal. Doesn't stop people running them, and I personally love them. Yes, if you don't want cop attention, get the carbon painted the same colour as your car. Or even better get it plasti-dip sprayed, and then if/when you want the carbon look again, you can just peel the plasti-dip off. Also note that you REALLY don't want to run a vented bonnet in winter - your engine bay will constantly fill with water, and you do not want this. Many people I know run an oem bonnet in winter, then change to vented for the warmer months. As I said, the 05+ premium came with 19" rims - the 03/04 DID NOT. It wasn't even an option. But it depends on how anal Vicroads are going to be about it. My guess is they would go off your tyre placard. If I were you I would contact the compliance workshop (should be listed on your purple sticker) and point out that you don't have one - I am sure they would post you out one, as to not have one technically makes them in breach of SEVS, which could see them stripped of their compliance certification (which cost them $100k+ to get). Make sure you point out you want the 18" sticker, then you can legally go to 20" without any issues.
  25. The mechanic was a liar - the car would have had to be COMPLETELY STOCK (as in like it rolled off the production line) when it passed compliance. No ifs, and, or buts. There is no way to get around this. Pretty sure a pod of any variety (unless fully enclosed in a box), is NOT technically ok. There is no chance in hell your bonnet is ADR compliant - as far as I am aware, NO carbon fibre bonnets make the ADR grade - as in an impact test ALL carbon bonnets shear - resulting in slicing and dicing of pedestrians. No, 2003 V35s DID NOT have 19" rims as an option - only the 2005+ Series 2 and 3 did. Base model rims were 17", and the premiums 18". You should get away with the 2" rule - depends on what tire placard the compliance workshop put on your car - look inside the drivers door sill. If they put the 17" info on there, source a 18" sticker - can't be too hard. But beware the track width of your 20" rims, as if they are even half decent offset, they will fall outside ADR regulations on track width. Hope this info helps.
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