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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. sorry Ash, don't think I can be stuffed again this year .... will see closer to the date. LOL magic moment last year with you nearly falling out of a tree trying to take photos .... classic
  2. Matt is stilll away, but I was thinking about grabbing his GTR and putting it in Salon .... don't think I can be stuffed though. I think it is making closer to 500rwkw? Feels like it in the passenger seat Maybe PM Munro - his R33 streeter is making over 450rwkw these days and looks a treat!
  3. yep definitely interested Chapman - do you have a fuel rail adapter to suit a RB25DET NEO too?
  4. nah mate your Super Fund (whilst not a terrible idea as such) is going to underperform property investment everytime. Go see a home loans broker like Dan at Wizard Home Loans (Silver Bullet on SAU), Vange, your accountant, or one of Adelaide's top accountacy and advisory firms PKF Accounting (where my wife is a manager) and they will soon sort you out to making substantial amounts of money with almost no risk.
  5. but generally yes Joel, since we have just come off a large boom, and the market looks like slipping further in the next couple of years (as it has started already in some areas), now is really not the time to buy - but rather wait a couple of years until the trough of the market, before it comes back up again. BUT, who knows when this will happen - that is the hard bit - and like Vange said if you have spare cash sitting around, even an initially negatively geared investment can help you decrease your taxable income and the debt can be used in smart ways, until the market goes up and you see your capital increase. Either way, if you can afford the repayments, it sure beats the hell out of paying off someone else's mortgage.
  6. ok, this is my last comment to you black32: you said, and I quote: "Real estate never moves backwards...." - that comment is unambiguous and black and white. I was responding to that comment. You did NOT say Real estate never moves backwards.... in the long term! But anyway it is a moot point. Sorry for correcting you, etc etc Joel, the catch is that for the 100% or 105% loans that are being touted about the place, the interest rate is quite a bit higher than the standard variable. Also, a lot of those type of lenders have very nasty fine print clauses, the worst one often being: if you miss a payment or default for whatever reason, they will capitalise any shorfall in payments (or even discounts during the loan), back to the day the loan started. A little known, and dangerous cost, should one default. Of course, if anyone gets into trouble with their loan repayments, etc, bank/lenders are usually pretty cool in sorting things out (whether you get a 3 month interest-only payment plan to help you catch up, or a 3 month no-payment 'holiday' for you to sort things out) or something like that - as long as you are upfront with them before it happens - once you have defaulted it is usually too late and they get quite unhappy. So the short answer is yes, assuming you can cover mortgage payments required (and I would work on an interest rate of +1.5% of whatever rate they offer you, as a buffer for rate increases, just to make sure it will all work), you are better getting a 100% loan and buying, rather than renting. And yes, in the long run the capital value will rise and your leverage will increase, at which time once you have some equity in the property, you can refinance with a 'normal' lender at a better interest rate, as your equity to loan ration will improve. Another HUGE revelation in the past 10 years has been the use of offset accounts, where your home loan is also your everyday bank account, and whilst your normal repayments come out at the nominated time, whatever balance is in your daily account actually counts as being 'paid-off' your mortgage each day, and when they calculate the daily interest on your loan, any money in that day to day account, you are not charged interest on. It's a relatively small thing, but at the start of each month/fortnight when your pay goes in, it can decrease the loan amount and save you quite a bit of compound interest over the long term. A popular combined tactic is to run all of your living expenses off a Visa for the month, leaving a relaively high balance in your offset account for the whole month, then at the start of the next month pay off the Visa (so as to avoid any Visa interest), and start again. Then the whole benefit of your pay comes off the daily interest calculations. However, some institutions do not offer offset accounts, and indeed some won't let you pay off any amount above your monthly payment, which seems good in the short time for you, as you have more cash flow to play/live with, but means your loan will take the full 25years or whatever to pay off - which can actually mean you pay for your house 3 times over in the 25 year period! Analysis of Moana attached fyi
  7. yep what you said is basically right Guy - but a detailed anyalysis of a large number of sales to compare the median price performance of a suburb is a great way to gauge the health of the market. That is why you examine all the sales for the year, to eliminiate any non-market/extranneous sales, and get a general/average measure of performance. black32, I wasn't having a go at you. Like Guy said, you made a comment, did not back it up with any other info, so I corrected you. Believe it or not, some people believe everything they read, and I have come across people in life that honestly do think that property values NEVER go down, as your post seemed to indicate, which is simply not true. Didn't mean to offend you! Brendan - it definitely sounds like you have your priorities in order. But one thing of note, when you buy your investment properties down the track, make sure you put some of your own money into the loan each week - even if it is $100. You will be amazingly surprised how quickly your 25 year loan turns into a 10 year loan, all the while your property value doubles also! As for the millionaire comment black32, there are actually MANY users on here that qualify - and many bringing in more than $200k annually just as normal income. You would be very surprised. And yes, you are 100% correct when you state that there are far more important things in life than money .... that's why I have just treturned from 10 days skiing Mt. Ruapehu in New Zealand - work hard and play hard is my motto
  8. easy done Darren - if you seriously want some financial advice just let me know - my wife is a Chartered Accountant at PKF Accountants, and her brother David (white R33 has been on cruises) is a partner there, and at Associated Planners. I want to grab another hood cable backup thingo off you for his R33 too next time we catch up! If anyone wants some data (like the jpgs I attached earlier) give me a holler and I can sort you out no problems. As for specific advice it is a bit harder (without charging you for it), due to Public Indemnity issues etc, but I can give you general advice/my opinion like I did for Brendan above.
  9. That is a very naive/stupid thing to say mate - of course the Real Estate does move backwards (for short periods at least). Look at the attached pics for current info on Hackham (for example). Simple economics: markets rise and markets fall according to consumer confidence and suplly/demand. Of crouse over the long term values will always rise, but you need to be able to weather the interest rate/economic storm in the meantime. God forbid Labor get into power in the next few years, as their poor economic management will no doubt see massively higher interest rates etc etc. I notice they are trying to undo Liberal's excellent labour reforms, which are the only way for the country to move economically forward. So, Brendan, my advice is: do NOT get completely out of debt (unless you are going to be unable to work in the near future). If you have $210k equity, you should lever yourself at a comfortable level of repayments, and as Vange advised buy a nice little investment property which basically covers its own mortgage - then you are laughing all the way to the bank. Remember - the rule of thumb is that property values double every 7 years (which is the understood property cycle timeframe). However, in my opinion the next cycle willl be more like 10 years, since the market has risen so quickly in the past few years. So, if you held your current house with debt of $210k, and borrowed say $100k more and used $50k more of equity from your home, you could find a nice little unit near(ish) the city for $150k, and the rent of around $200 per week would basically cover the repayments, and you would be net no worse off. BUT, in 10 years time, you will have paid a chunk off your normal home's mortgage, and you will have your home worth say $600k (if your value estimate, and market doubling predictions are correct), plus a unit worth $300k = $900k worth of assets, with under $250k debt! Anyways, you get the idea! Fyi I am a property valuer, so I hope I know a bit of what I am talking about. I would also give Vange's (property manager), and Dan's (Wizard Home Loans Adelaide principal) advice some serious credence, as these guys are in the market and definitely know what they are talking about! FYI another important piece of advice for all the punters out there: buy as close to the city as you can possibly afford - statistically, the closer your property is to the city, the faster the value goes up, and the less volatile these suburbs are to changes in the market.
  10. yep I'd be keen in Sept or October, when the rain goes away. My brother-in-law melted a set of resonably new pads on his 3rd run for the day and had to get an emergency set driven out to Mallala and fitted so he could make the 5th session to finish the day! Steve Cramp from Manta Motorsport is a really nice bloke!
  11. I have one of these in my S15 running around 200rwkw and am most impressed with it! I paid a ton more than that from Extreme! (fitted though).
  12. very nice mate .... when I finally get my new suspension sorted we'll have to catch up to get some nice 4 door pic action!
  13. mmmm Work Kai Emotions ..... *drool* .... a few suppliers on NS.com sell them for around $3k a set from memory
  14. yeah mate they are not bad at all .... not a massive Crownie fan, but I drink them from time to time.
  15. I wish I had an R33 so you could borrow my coilpacks and for me to come drink some of your homebrew Pale Ales Duc Sweet Sean - what have you done? I still haven't had my SAFCII tuned yet - but I have just bought a Walbro pump and am going to grab a Sard FPR - my car is leaning out and pinging when I boot it big time - it would seem my ECU is definitely not standard, and it is not getting enough fuel for some reason!
  16. my S15 is still for sale now $31,000 www.andrewn.da.ru
  17. yep, I'm keen. Definitely have to make it the Leicester or the Coopers Alehouse .... parking would probably be better at the Alehouse on a Saturday arvo? Last I remember the Leicester carpark wasn't that big .... the schnitzels at both certainly are though!!!
  18. Looks like Keir Wilson's Gallardo Ash .... he took me for a spin in it a couple of months ago ..... 125kph in 1st gear *drool* .... you literally pour yourself over the rollcage and into the seat .... has a tight fitting dash covered in every variety of instrumentation - it really is a sight to behold! .... clutchless semi-auto ..... pure titanium exhaust .... simply amazing car!!! He had a crack in his windscreen recently - guess the replacement cost? $10,000 ..............................
  19. That is a friend of mine Courtney's R33, Steve - she is a nice girl and a bit of a stunner too .... she lives up in Greenwith. Her front bar is very interesting too. I have been trying to get her to come out on some cruises ....
  20. phew - thank goodness they found my payment .... I was worried there for a minute. Just got back from 10 days skiing in New Zealand, and the sh!t had hit the fan with my payment - wtf? Ah well, at least it is sorted now. I have PM'd Jetdat the full receipt anyhow (replied to your PM before I read the whole post).
  21. I paid $630 last Friday arvo - it should have hella hit their account by now.
  22. black R34 coupe on Main North Rd/Regency intersection with number plate XENA-34 - complete with pink rug in the back window, and a chick driving it!
  23. thanks mate! Awesome work on this deal too btw ....
  24. my order is wrong - I updated my order on the order page the other day, and sent you an email about it - now want the package deal and have paid $630 last Friday. Cheers, Andrew
  25. I have some stock S15 16" rims for sale - have excellent tyres (2 are brand new worth $400 on their own) $600 - I am sure these would be perfect for Regency.
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