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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. PAID and email sent to Jetdat!
  2. they look AWESOME! Did you get the covers from the same place we are getting ours?
  3. nope, haven't seen it at all Damian - and I look for it too! Lovely car - I one day might paint mine the same colour. /gives Nozila and Sambo a poke in the ribs to help
  4. good to hear you got it sorted Joel!
  5. I agree - if the government really gave a toss about the road toll, they would make defensive driver courses compulsory - with testing on skid pans, on gravel and in non-abs/power steering cars, to make sure you know what to do when you get in trouble. They need to make the general license testing/renewing procedure much more stringent, especially for very young and very old drivers. I am on the road all day, and have at least 6 people do VERY dangerous things near/to me every single day. It's quite amazing I have havent been hit yet - but that's not for lack of other people trying. On another note, they need to make the fine for: - not indicating early enough/at all - pulling out of a sidestreet in front of someone causing them to lock it up - turning a corner into the centre lane - sitting in the right hand lane anytime - especially on an 80km/h road $1,000 per offense. These simple things shit me to tears, and they seem to be getting worse every week. No wonder road rage is so prevalent. There is no excuse for these things - it is purely inconsiderate people who don't care about the road rules, and think other people will get out of their way to not hit them. /end rant
  6. my R34 is leaning out in the top end, and I think I would be making a little more power than that - so I think it is true what Sam said. I have just bought a Walbro 255lph pump off Ebay for $125 delivered .... and am going to chuck in a Sard fuel regulator while I'm at it - then get the SAFCII tuned by Donnon, to hopefully make around the 200rwkw mark I am hoping.
  7. price dropped to $32,000 ono. Car is just sitting around gathering dust now .... www.andrewn.da.ru
  8. very good condition R33GTR front grill with brand new GTR badge/mount. Painted white (obviously can be repainted). $250 + postage. These are rare as hen's teeth. I think the genuine mounted badge alone is worth up to $100. Selling for a friend. I don't know what year car it came off of, or any other details. In excellent condition.
  9. lol love it .... "I wanna be just like Alabama Man" .... "I thought I told you to shut up b$tch" rofl
  10. EDITED 21-7-06 PACKAGE DEAL! User: Nightcrawler Car: 1998 R34GTT Skyline Front Seats: M004 outer with M006 inner section (like oem) Rear Seats: M004 outer with M006 inner section (like oem) Wrinkle Front: Yes Wrinkle Back: Yes Logo Embossing Front: Yes Logo Embossing Back: No Handbrake Boots: M006 Gear Stick Boots: M001 Door Trims: Yes M006 front and rear Centre Console: M006 Parcel Shelf: M001 Postage or Pickup: Postage Adelaide Black double stitching please! Have just paid fyi, will add a new post confirming!
  11. sorry Ash, but I think the Cayenne is 1000% sexier than the VW .... and does 1-100m in under 6 seconds, if I remember correctly.
  12. Can anyone confirm that R34 coupe and 4 door rear seats are the same? I wouldn't have thought this to be true, but someone said they are the same. Does anyone know?
  13. it is probably just the fuel tipping to the opposite side of the tank when you are on camber, and the pump becomes partially exposed (ie. has no fuel on it), so you can hear it louder. My 040 in-tank used to drive me crazy with buzzing in my S15 when I had less than 1/4 a tank, and on really hot days for some reason.
  14. Sean I bought a $450 Hybrid copy kit from JustJap, it is bar and plate, and it seems good! I had a Hybrid bar and plate in my S15 which was making a lazy 200rwkw and it worked fine too.
  15. boy I hope so, but I wouldn't think so! Does anyone have pics of the rear seat of a 2 door out of the car? I think I would recognise whether it is the same as the 4 door one - I have had mine out enough times! Can someone with a 2 door measure the width of the rear seat that the top and bottom?
  16. For my front covers, I am after the same look as the oem R34 S1 seats - M004 on the outer parts (and rear), and M005 or M006 centre (whichever colour looks most like oem) - and I'm after the centre to be the the wrinkle look (which I think should only be $25 since we are just getting the fronts, not the whole set done). Seat pic attached
  17. yep front seats are the same as the coupes, as far as I know. Can you actually verify that they have an R34 template? Last time I spoke with them (6 months ago) they didn't have one and needed a test car to get the template from. I am also interested in rears for my R34 4 door - anyone in Melbourne with a 4 door R34 want to volunteer for a template? If they can't do rear seats for an R34GTT, and do have a template for R34GTT fronts, put me down for some fronts in dark grey with lighter grey inserts (to copy the standard colours).
  18. yeah Brad - I have had a few people offer to buy the R34 from me already Sorry didn't see you Heslo! No haven't sold the S15 yet - it is at a mates car yard and I don't think he is trying hard to sell it at all. Might grab it back from him and just put a $30k sign on it and sit it out on North East Rd for a weekend - I am sure it will sell in 2 minutes flat at that price. Tell your friends I will take $30k for it now, and save me the trouble! Means I will be losing $40k on a 4 year old car, but what can you do?! Spotted Mick in SIR033 this arvo on Grand Junction Road and had a chat with him - damn that GTR is hot - someone off here should buy it so it stays in the 'club'.
  19. Quoting ax53b70p25 : "and all the moderators want to do is rip my posts" What drugs are you on mate? Keep discussions on-topic, and don't threaten or intimidate anyone, and your posts won't be moderated. The guidelines are very simple and some people like yourself think the rules don't apply to them ....
  20. That black one is 100% what I want too Chapman! (This is the first one I have seen with semi-leather seats and pop-up TV). If I had realised that V35 compliance was so close, I wouldn't have bought my R34, and would have a GT-8 in my garage right now!
  21. If you are desperate I will put mine in, but can't really be bothered unless you struggle to make the minimum numbers ....
  22. I have a stock black one to borrow if you need it (it currently is on the car so I would have to swap) .... but it has been fairly heavily cut on the inside to fit the FMIC and piping, so not sure if it would suit RAWS or not.
  23. Erin, dpending on what the tyres are like, I am interested for a bit more than that amount for my R34! Interested in a swap for some S15 stockies with good tyres + some cash?
  24. mmmmm Angel eyes .... would love to do this on my R34, but the circular style just wouldn't suit unfortunately
  25. was good company, great group of Skylines (hope the lights-off hotplate pics turn out ok) and a mildly entertaining movie containing some awesome cars!
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