I agree - if the government really gave a toss about the road toll, they would make defensive driver courses compulsory - with testing on skid pans, on gravel and in non-abs/power steering cars, to make sure you know what to do when you get in trouble.
They need to make the general license testing/renewing procedure much more stringent, especially for very young and very old drivers. I am on the road all day, and have at least 6 people do VERY dangerous things near/to me every single day. It's quite amazing I have havent been hit yet - but that's not for lack of other people trying.
On another note, they need to make the fine for:
- not indicating early enough/at all
- pulling out of a sidestreet in front of someone causing them to lock it up
- turning a corner into the centre lane
- sitting in the right hand lane anytime - especially on an 80km/h road
$1,000 per offense.
These simple things shit me to tears, and they seem to be getting worse every week. No wonder road rage is so prevalent. There is no excuse for these things - it is purely inconsiderate people who don't care about the road rules, and think other people will get out of their way to not hit them.
/end rant