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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. EMZ R33 .... it is my (and many other forum members) opinion that both Shell and Caltex so-called Premium fuels are shite, and neither guarantee a 98 ron rating necessary for our engines to survive a decent lifespan. I ONLY use Mobil 8000, or BP Ultimate .... other fuels that you have mentioned have given me detonation and other problems. Also, as far as I know the 10% ethanol fuels are not suitable for RB25 unless they are specifically tuned for it (hence why you have had problems).
  2. ah sorry, I thought it was you .... have edited my post
  3. no worries Nick. It was very good to see Drew in such high spirits and he really looked 90% fit, which is truly amazing - given the ordeal his body has been through. He was very chatty and full of smiles, which was fantastic. His parents and Dana were great too - I think they appreciate our support and well-wishes! Great to see Electro, johnn and his g/f (sorry we weren't introduced) there too!
  4. I'd be in that for sure once I get my new suspension, oil cooler and trans cooler in .... maybe we should organise a day for say 2 months time?
  5. I know Drew is keen, but we definitely should leave it many weeks before doing anything too strenous with him - after all he very nearly lost his life 2 whole days ago. Great to hear he is doing so well! I am planning on heading over to Flinders tomorrow late arvo/early evening, so if anyone wants to catch a lift/mini-cruise from the North-Eastern side of town give me a holler.
  6. haha Pete ... I know you can keep up - with smoke billowing out of that open-wheeling inside tire like on Sunday Yes Joel, thanks for clarifying. I really don't want to step on anyone's toes, and of course it is in no way up to me whatsoever anyway. I was just voicing my opinion, that yes, we don't want every man and his dog turning up to cruises. I also was just making the argument that we strongly prefer a turbo to be hanging off the side of an angine, in order for people to keep up, and not frustrate others. As I said, I have been stuck behind slower cars on a cruise before, and it makes for a very lousy cruise - hence why it's good for similar types of cars to cruise together.
  7. errr, I sort of agree - as long as you can keep up .... we have had problems in the past with some R31s holding up the group and causing frustrations through the hills. I certainly don't want to sound like a snob, but you guys do have your own R31 exclusive club after-all ....
  8. For the info of those not in attendance, it actually was a nice cruise (up to that point), with a great group of cars and guys. You can find my pics here (click) And a small video of some cars in the meet spot carpark here (click) (you will need a DivX decoder, you can find some here: http://www.free-codecs.com Also a pic of the man of the moment and his poor ex-R33 below Get well soon buddy!
  9. thanks Dana, I will definitely drop in an visit Drew in the next couple of days. Glad to hear he is getting back to being his old self .... shows just how the strong the spirit is! Wish him the best from all of us! On a side-note, do you know what the insurance situation is? If Drew needs to pay the excess to speed things up (even though we all know he wasn't at fault, but these things can take time, especially with a fatality involved), I will organise some events asap to raise the needed cash. He should not suffer more than he already is, so us pitching in for his excess seems only fair. Let me know. Andrew
  10. yeah the story was actually fair and objective .... unusual for the media
  11. lol @ you guys
  12. I would assume there is no excess, given Drew clearly wasn't at fault. But yes, a good idea if needed.
  13. awesome, glad to hear he is going to be ok! I didn't know his last name so couldn't get any info earlier today.
  14. well it was a horrible situation, but you just do what you can. Thank goodness the 2 SES blokes were there to run the show. I went over to the green Festiva to try help them, but the trapped driver was a mess, and the passenger was absolutely freaking out. I just kept talking to her and trying to calm her down. She knew the condition of the driver and was hurt pretty bad herself. It is horrible feeling helpless in that situation. I have many horrible images of today burned in my head .... Sorry if it seemed we ran out on the guys that were left, but they wanted the car out of the way, the emergeny services/cops had arrived, there was nothing else we could do, and I had a family birthday dinner at 6pm down North Haven, so had to get going.
  15. awesome, I am very hard to hear that! I have been worrying about his legs all day. It is true testament to how strong and safe Skylines are. The motor was easily pushing against the firewall, and the radiator etc was well and truly mashed into a lump of metal with the motor. I feared he was significantly trapped, the way the car was damaged. Hopefully his injuries are not serious at all. Yeah his face was a bit banged up when I was trying to talk with him (he had no idea where he was at that stage), but not too bad. The airbag definitely saved him a lot more pain. Let's hope it is a very speedy recovery for him.
  16. nah no sweat mate ... just making sure no-one thought Sean was a fool .... only I can say that
  17. yeah it was truly a miracle no other cars were involved, given there were around 10 cars in the vacinity all doing around 100km/h! As Chops said, it was very lucky that people were being sensible and leaving long following distances between cars (which hasn't always happened on previous cruises). My condolences to Tony's family. May he RIP. I will try to find out more about Drew's condition tomorrow, and will let you all know. Please pray for and think of him in his (and his family's) time of need. Did anyone see him out of the car? I take it he didn't need to be cut out too much? I hope he didn't have broken ankles/feet, or bad cuts etc ... any info?
  18. I hadn't finished composing my newsflash post when mxtcy wrote that - it didn't exist yet
  19. I had 9pm in diary originally too .... this is a better time and you'll get tons more people.
  20. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but .... Before topics get posted and the rumour mill in Adelaide starts I wanted to let everyone know what happened. Approx 8 Skylines were travelling at approx. 100km an hour (in a 110km/h zone) in a dual lane road (which was damp) heading slightly uphill. The oncoming lane was single lane, but had a semi-dotted line for overtaking into the middle lane of our 2 lane road, when safe. It appears an oncoming green Festiva was overtaking, crossing into the centre of our 2 lanes, and has hit Drew/prof_dls (who was in the middle lane) almost head-on. The festiva appeared to be momentarily airbourne, then was struck by another maroon festiva (or similar car) after it hit the ground, spinning the green festiva around onto the road shoulder. Needless to say Drew's car is a write-off. When I left, the emergency vehicles has arrived and were starting their work. Drew appeared to be trapped in his car, and was very shaken up and disorientated. His airbag had gone off, but he had still hit his head very hard on something. Due to the massive damage of the car I can only assume his feet and/or legs were trapped. Unfortunately the young *edit* male (for various physical reasons - blood etc - I originally thought the driver was female) driver of the green festiva was trapped heavily in his vehicle, and appeared to be deceased. His young female passenger appeared to be quite seriously hurt, and was highly distressed (mostly about the driver I think). The other festiva was damaged but the driver seemed ok. So all in all it was a terrible accident, especially when Drew was only in the wrong place at the wrong time. We were all being responsible and had had a great cruise. My heart goes out to you Drew, I massively hope you are ok. Please let us all know asap if you are ok, and if there is anything we can do for you. Andrew ** update - I heard on the news that the other driver is indeed deceased, and Drew was airlifted to the RAH. I will find out exact details of Drew's whereabouts and organise a visit in the near future.
  21. it ended extremely badly anyhow .... see my other post.
  22. yeah I also can't believe it is being held the same time as a cruise (or during daytime at all for that matter) .... ah well next time
  23. cmon R33GTR owners - awesome coilovers, cheap price!!! Price drop to $1,000 for quick(er) sale!!!
  24. not so bad in the wet, now I have a car with traction control
  25. hahaha .... yep I'll chuck them in with the springs Duc!
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