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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. that's what I tried to tell you in an earlier post .... thanks anyhow!
  2. spotted this awesome beast on Greenhill Rd this arvo *drool*
  3. he bagged out a local company without reason or justification (so I edited his post). That will not be tolerated on SAU.
  4. very clean looking ride there mate! Are the guards pumped? They look a bit like GTR rear guards on one of the photos. Welcome to SAU
  5. any idea on shipping cost to Northgate, SA, 5085?
  6. have you got a pic of R34 dials fitted?
  7. Ash, there is always a spare short-term bedroom at my place if you ever get in trouble.
  8. yeah Darren, we need a 'waste of time' section for that stuff Spotted these beauties today :
  9. yeah Brendan I have been to the R-Spec site and tried various logins to try to get into the download page too. Also have emailed every single email address and filled out every possible page on their website, but none of the links seem to work and all of the emails get sent back to me Thanks anyway. Rice_me_up - do you have the Japanese manual by any chance? Even that would help! Or ask your mate if he still has the English copy?
  10. haha Duc - you should have kept the stealth spoiler the dodgy fibreglass black it used to be - so we can identify you easier .... hey if ever you're passing by my place drop in, as I still have Iceduck's R34 wheel centre caps in my garage - I keep meaning to ring you or something ....
  11. No worries Luke - yep same guy. Did he do your alarm (I take it)? I believe he is a jack-of-all-trades of autoelectrical work. He told me his fave is audio installs, but does all sorts of other stuff as well.
  12. hey allblitz - if you ever see some black side-skirts and rear bumper pods for a obsidian black 4-door R34 in Japan, grab them for me I am also after a front lip to suit stock R34GTT 4 door front bar
  13. Anyone one else want to have a go? I need a very thorough translation and a few different versions would be helpful! I need every last character translated if possible - in particular what each colour wire does/goes, and why it does it. I am particularly interested in what the green and brown wires are for (seems they may be for optional extras?). And all the text/info concerned with the orange wire.
  14. someone must know someone with one!!!
  15. John is next to Morpowa at Modbury North is a good guy and good price. He might be able to help you 0405 702 292 - tell him Andrew with the black R34 sent you.
  16. lol at the R34 comment ross80 .... that is what I said
  17. wrong - all 3 I bought retail for $1k+ - but they still all needed fixing at some point. I just got my XDAII mini back 3 weeks ago - the microphone input socket went, which is a very common problem. In fact I have had 3 mates have the exact same problem.
  18. edit - double post
  19. you greedy so and so - you never even paid for it, it was a gift. Like I said, an item like this without warranty is worth significantly less than if it had a receipt/warranty. Given I have seen them go on Ebay for under $750 with GST, tax invoice and full Australian warranty, I think $400 is generous. But hey, if a potential purchaser wants to buy an item that will almost certainly have to be repaired at some stage (like I mentioned - every O2 phone I have had - and that is 3 - have had to be repaired at some stage), for almost retail price but with no warranty, then you have done well. Gl with the sale
  20. sorry mate, but you can buy these brand new about the place with full receipt and warranty for less (and trust me you really need the warranty - I have had my O2 XDAII Mini fixed twice under warranty). I offer $400.
  21. I assume these don't fit R34GTT, as the standard dial is not flat - it is 2 tiered. But, if you can get them, are they available for a tiptronic auto R34GTT? Ie. they need small cut-outs at the bottom centre to see the 'steering wheel controls activated' and the 'gear number' lights.
  22. you never replied to my question or request for a shipping quote on the bonnet.
  23. had in the car about a year - no problems. Be careful of buying fake ones though - they are nothing but trouble. Buy from a reputable seller.
  24. yeah but lang, you are missing the most important functions of an alarm: 1. as a deterrent (a flashing red light at night makes a car very unattractive) 2. that 15 seconds is often the difference between a stolen car or not. The car in question was in the driveway of a home, so the second the car made a noise the thief would have been out of there. Proof of this is my brother-in-law David's R33 was broken into last week at his home, but as soon as the alarm went off the thief fled. Also, I have 4 points of immobolisation and a kill switch - plus 4 piezo sirens mounted inside the cabin - the noise of the piezo's is absolutely ear piercing - I would enjoy seeing a thief try to get through the 3 immobiliser points with that noise in his ear
  25. andnus at picknowl dot com dot au (replace words for symbols) Thanks mate!!!
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