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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. I agree - they are very cool. In fact if they had 50-100 more kw I would own one right now. I was all geared up to buy one when they first came out, but just couldn't take the plunge for that amount of power. A turbo kit would now solve that though *hint hint*
  2. ^^^ AsM speaks the truth. I put in a HKS drop-in filter and cut a hole in the bottom of the airbox near the front, and ducted air from the right hand side front of the bumper up connected to the hole in the bottom of the airbox. Pods achieve quite the opposite - sucking very hot air from inside the engine bay into your engine = bad.
  3. So, did they return your items?
  4. Do a bit of searching around SAU about the GT8 CVT gearboxes. When it fails, it will cost MORE than $10k to fix. A number of people have parted out their car and sold it off when their CVT gearbox has developed a fault. GT8s are highly not recommended imho. Save yourself the (potential) pain and find a non-CVT sedan.
  5. Yep, as everyone has said, he is full of shit. I think the interior is brilliant - and after 125,000km my interior is still like new. Yes the CVT sedan gearboxes were pretty crap, as when/if they broke down they are VERY expensive to fix - but the normal coupe gearboxes are great. As stated the VQ35DE is one fo the all-time top rated engines in the world - go Google any 'best engines' list and the VQ35 will be on it. I service mine myself - all you need to do is clean the air filter and change the engine oil/filter. The V35s use normal oil, but one would be better served to use a half decent synthetic oil. The items to service my V35 cost under $100, and it takes under an hour.
  6. Point of note too - that Akebono kit is quite illegal - you are not legally allowed to have any type of adapter to fit your brake calipers. Just sayin'
  7. My kit is standard Brembos off a manual V35, with Stoptech 2 piece floating rotors http://www.z1motorsports.com/350_g35/product_info.php?products_id=5563 Nah, let me guarantee you that delivery WON'T be $200. Like I said the kit is about 100kg. I paid about $350 to ship mine here a few years back, and postage rates were much cheaper then vs now. Also, it is illegal for the US business to not declare the correct value, so you will find that for items of this value most will put the invoice amount on the package. Duties and GST on products worth $2,500 will run you around $400 in duties and GST (assuming $200 postage cost is correct, which it is not). Just factor this into your decision. I will be asking $2k for my kit, and it will come with decent pads too. I probably won't take off my braided lines, but tbh these made NO difference - I wouldn't bother if I was you. If you DID want to bother, braided lines can be had for around $200 delivered out of the USA.
  8. Hey mate, I am considering upgrading to a V36 in the not-too-distant future, at which time I will probably pull my slotted floating rotors and Brembos off and sell them. How soon are you looking to do it? FYI that kit you linked to is great, but once you pay for shipping and GST/duties, you will be WELL the wrong side of $3k. They are not too far off 100kg for all that gear believe it or not. Shipping from the USA is a bitch.
  9. How many runs each did you get? Interested to know with that many cars there. Could you line up against who you wanted, or did you just join a queue and whatever was next to you once you got to the line was it? I miss the old Wednesday night drag meets from all so long ago
  10. Yes mate, the passenger side one touched the heat shielding on the bottom of the car - had to pay $120 to get AM Performance to fix it. Also of note is that when I pulled off the HFCs a couple of months ago to do some exhaust work (flexi joint on the cheap y-pipe broke and had to be replaced) the guts was gone out of one of the cats - so was just a shell in around 40,000km. Not great quality, as it turns out.
  11. Classic Jp wheels are classic for a reason. You can't go wrong with LMGT4s, SP1s, Work Kais, GT-Cs etc etc .... almost all other wheels on a V35 look a LOT like Bob Jane specials - regardless of what brand they actually are imho.
  12. +1 for the P45Rs! (but I am somewhat biased)
  13. I have had a shit-ton of work come up (as usual), so will be coming out for a watch around 12pm.
  14. Haha Danny - still a year short of my time on SAU .. but you definitely count as one of the old schoolers. (I spoke with Diggity DotCom on FB the other week!)
  15. Haha you have been around here for more than long enough Danny to give a few people a bit of stick .... it's the young whipper-snappers he have to worry about
  16. ^^^ No, you are the one getting the warning and the weeks holiday from SAU. You were warned. Don't come sooking back to me either, or you will get a permanent holiday.
  17. As said, you don't need one, but it is a good idea. BUT it needs in a holder to be bolted to the car, so it doesn't roll around - otherwise you won't pass scrutineering.
  18. Yeah mate definitely planning on it. Not 100% sure how work will pan out though - I have something on Tues arvo, then am taking a half day off Friday to take Tyler on his school camp for the weekend - so my work week is kinda screwed. Fortunately I have been a bit quiet for the past few days, so fingers crossed it stays quiet. Seldom does though. Of course if you wanna tag along I will tell you what time to be at my place Tues night once I figure it all out, if that suits.
  19. Weather is going to be 17 degrees - I wouldn't panic about not having an oil cooler Perfect weather for turbo cars!!!!! And as Ryan said, there will be little to no rain at all - Mallala is not famous for being wet!
  20. Clint, this is your first and last official friendly warning - it gets nasty from here on out. You are the new guy. Slinging shit at people who have been on here forever, (and who are generally great contributors to our fine community), is not going to end well for you. Grow, up, play nice, and learn some respect. You have been warned.
  21. Steve, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the odds of someone right now sitting at home with nothing better to do, and has an RB20 rear heater hose, and can get to you and fix it for $20 plus a six pack (which I am sure wouldn't even buy you the hose itself), all within the next 2 hours is worse than one in a billion. If I were you, I would be making other plans. The good news is, that if you can find some copper pipe about the same diameter as the inside of your heater hose, pull the other one off the heater hose off the heater core at the firewall, and join them together with the copper pipe and some clamps. I ran around 'fixed' like that in my R34 for months a few years back. You lose your car heater, but at least the car will be usable.
  22. But you gotta remember Sean it is 1). black (so instantly worth $2k-$5k more than a silver), and 2). a 70th anniversary (with full leather seats, sunroof, presumbly seat heaters etc etc).
  23. IMHO $25kish - but I am sure they would want $30k
  24. I hope you run your car at stock (= 4wd) height and don't have any speed humps or spoon drains in your area - as the ground clearance on that front bar is freaking insane.
  25. I am considering it. Not sure I can be Effed dragging the 5 year old and 2 year old along though (since I am home babysitting).
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