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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. FYI, unless the sedan is different to the coupe, the a/c board is integrated with the stereo unit.
  2. Try "Just Cars" or "Young and Cool" .... or if you don't do excessive km per year, try "Shannons"
  3. The other option is to cut your oem headlights right back (like in the restoration processes mentioned above), then get them clear coated from a panel shop.
  4. DO NOT run lights you source from the USA - as pointed out they are LHD biased - you will get pinged by the first cop coming in the opposite direction at night. Source some from Japan - contact Jesse Streeter - a heap of us did a group buy through him last year, and they are AWESOME! From memory one-off sets were about $700-$800 delivered, but the exchange rate is a LOT better now than it was, so much less I would think. www.jessestreeter.com
  5. http://www.ebay.com/itm/03-05-Infiniti-G35-Nismo-N1-Style-Front-Bumper-Lip-PU-infiniti-V35-350GT-JDM-NEW-/110901330732?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Model%3AG35&hash=item19d23c032c&vxp=mtr This one?
  6. ????? Sounds painful!!! :D
  7. Yep I have a fibreglass Nismo copy lip on my oem bar - even though my car is only slightly lowered I smack it on things and have cracked it. Looked awesome when it was new though! Real carbon fibre ones can be had out of the USA for 'reasonable' money these days.
  8. pics or ban
  9. Hi Adrian! Did you buy an Evo?
  10. Yeah you have posted this in the "V Series" sub-forum - go try the main areas ... I am quite sure there is a "search my VIN" style thread if you do a search (tip: ALWAYS do a search for something BEFORE you make a new topic).
  11. I love them, but if I brought one home the wife would be out of here before I even closed the door behind me .... Once it has settled in and once you have figured out if it bitey or not, I would love to come have a play with it!
  12. Stolen from Facebook, and oh so funny
  13. It's a bit like how the improvement in CSI techniques has forced people who steal cars to completely torch them rather than just dump them ..... sad in a lot of ways.
  14. Nah, it will still be an extremely even competition and the wins will be shared equally around the brands. In all honesty the whole COTF thing is just a promotional gimmick - all 4 brands of cars will run IDENTICAL floor pans, suspension, brakes, wheels, steering, ECU, engine position/weigh balance, trans, diffs, etc etc. And they will be tuned to the EXACT same kw - with the Nissans being severely restricted so as to not make too much power. Really they will all the be exact same cars, with different body shells on top Already the Ford and Holden camps have been whinging about Nissan having an unfair advantage, as in early testing the Altima had a better wind/drag coefficient, and last I heard they were making Nissan put some flatter panels on the intakes of the Altima to somewhat mess up the drag coefficient to make it equal to that of the Fords and Holdens.
  15. Not sure if anyone missed this, but ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh can't wait to see these beasts at the Clipsal 500 in March
  16. Ah sorry - you said "brake shoes" ... but I get you now. edit: I should read before I post
  17. I assume you mean brake pads Jenna? Go QFM HPX or A1RM pads - I have run them on my R34 and V35 and love them for street use. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/QFM-A1RM-Brake-Pads-Suit-Front-of-R32-Nissan-Skyline-GTS-T-/370732447776?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item5651603820
  18. I was at Adelaide Independent Batteries at Research Rd, Pooraka yesterday Steve and they stock every imaginable size and length earth cables with clamps already attached.
  19. Hi Isaac I will dig up the install diagram tomorrow if I can find it, but basically you need power, earth and air/fuel signal (to splice into), and that's about it. No idea what type of airflow sensor it has, but I am sure the Neo will work on a V35. I don't even know how to pull out the tuning settings off my SAFCII, but every car is quite different, so I am sure they would be of little use to you anyhow. When you buy the dual DIN kit, it has the a/c controller built into it. All you really need is a harness to connect the JVC to the non-bose system (which you should be able to find online, or PM Chris Rogers on SAU - I am sure he would sell you one. Mine was pretty straight forward to do from memory.
  20. I thought my PCV valve had given up, so I went and ordered one from Main North Nissan - $68 and 3 weeks out of Japan. Told them to shove it. Bought one on Ebay for $17 plus $11 express delivery from OC Infiniti in the USA and it was at my door in a week.
  21. Have fun at The Mount, we just came back from there on Thurs night, after 3 days there and 5 days at Warrnambool preceeding. If you are after an awesome meal head to "Pippies by the bay" at Flagstaff Hill, or "The Barn" - little way out, but WELL worth the drive. http://www.flagstaffhill.com/food-services/pippies-by-the-bay/ http://www.barn.com.au/steakhouse.html We scuba dove Ewens Ponds again while we there there - amazing freshwater diving, but DAMN it is cold @ 11 degrees! 7mm wetsuits a necessity!
  22. Every 2 or 3 days is excessive for a bumps. If I see another one closer than a week apart you will have your thread removed. My suggestion is put your car on a Lancer/Evo forum (wrong crowd here), and lower your price even more .... it has been like 8 months ffs.
  23. Absolute glamour.
  24. Yes you will definitely need to give it a flush, as God only knows how old and what type of fluid you currently have, and you cannot mix grades or types. Nope, front and rear sets of pads, 4 x rotors and brake fluid are all you need. Then you need a case (or 2 - one to drink on the job, one as payment for services rendered) of something good like Weihenstephan beer or Rekorderlig cider and a Saturday at my place to fit it all There is of course the option of buying brake rebuild kits like below (which is also on my list of things to do) - but I have never done them before. Apparently they are quite easy to do. http://www.ebay.com/itm/BREMBO-4-PISTON-CALIPER-REBUILD-SEAL-KIT-54mm-48mm-x4-each-w-O-RINGS-/270980437202?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Model%3AG35&hash=item3f17b154d2&vxp=mtr http://www.ebay.com/itm/GENUINE-BREMBO-2-PISTON-CALIPER-RE-BUILD-SEAL-KIT-50MM-OD-X-29MM-ID-W-O-RINGS-/280883629263?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Model%3AG35&hash=item4165f80ccf&vxp=mtr#shId
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