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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. I assume you mean Adelaide Jap Dismantlers? They don't do crash repairs as far as I know - they are a parts shop.
  2. ^^^ As per forum rules, please post prices on everything. But I offer $50 for the monitor (and you are going to be getting a LOT more of that by not listing prices).
  3. I used to run 225s on the 9" rim on the front, but have changed to 235s now - not a massive amount of stretch, but the tyres offer the rims NO protection. Also, I use my car for work, so I park on the kerb literally 20+ times a day at different places, usually in a hurry, often with a laptop, tablet or phone in use - hence I catch a lot of kerbs!
  4. ^^^ depends if you run decent offset and have stretched tyres or not. Many people (including me) love to have a wide rim and the stretched look (235's on my 9" rims and 265's on my 10" rims), so you have no bubble of rubber to protect your rim. One touch of a roundabout or kerb and I mark my rims in a major way. But it's the price you pay for looks
  5. Nah Tony350 - hence the little up arrows I put in there
  6. ^^ I don't mean to be mean here, but you fundamentally don't understand how a CVT box works if you are asking this question - they do not have a valve body to upgrade!
  7. I have tried to get a quote from Shannons and they were not remotely interested. Just because you managed to get insurance with them with your Stag - you might have jagged an understanding/import owner consultant and got lucky. Doesn't mean I "carry on". And fyi most insurers rely on a Redbook value of our cars for replacement, and as ours are not in the Redbook means that most insurers won't touch them. Seems that RACQ and NRMA are exceptions, which is good for choice for import owners. And iamhe77 I can't bloody wait until you have a major accident then come on here and sook that the mean insurance company won't pay you out, as they decide that items on your car made it unroadworthy. Of course they can not pay at their discretion, so me giving that advice is not just "going on". I was just pointing things out to guys on here so that they can make a full and educated decision about their insurance.
  8. I can't believe that RACQ will even insure an import fullstop. To my knowledge pretty much the only places in Aus that insure grey market vehicles are Just Cars, Young & Cool and I have heard of some people jagging Shannons if they are member of a Cams Affiliated car club, and do less than 10,000km per year (but if you ask Shannons upfront they will say no). As always there are small exceptions to the rule, like if you insure your car under your parents name initially their current insurer might look at your car. And of course things which make your car unroadworthy like black/clear indicators will make them not insure you. Similar with illegal wheels, exhaust etc - from their point of view if your car is illegal then they are not interested in insuring you. Sadly ALL of our cars are illegal (unless 100% stock), as you only need to make your wheel track more than 10mm wider and your rims are technically illegal, if your exhaust is over 92db it is illegal (and pretty much every aftermarket exhaust is), and if you have lowered your car whatsoever then part of your exhaust will be closer than 10mm to the ground and as such is illegal. The proof in the pudding is what happens when you have an accident, as technically they can decline to pay insurance if anything whatsoever on your car is unroadworthy. This includes worn tyres. You just never know until you claim.
  9. That thing is porn! If only I wasn't so in love with my steering wheel stereo and cruise control switches I would buy it.
  10. Yep our cars are quite crap with road noise imho - little sound insulation in the floor compared with most other cars. I definitely have had some quiet sets and some almost unbearably noisy sets of tyres. Steer away from tyres with big, blocky shoulders/edges on them - they seem to generate the worst road noise. I have always had it in my plan to buy some Dynamat or equivalent and put it under my floor carpets everywhere, but have never gotten around to it.
  11. ^^^ yeah but an Evo 8 just has water sprayed on an air to air intercooler - an entirely different thing to water to air intercooling. I have looked into this myself, as that is what I would put on the V35 if I ever get around to supercharging it.
  12. Well first of all, I didn't put an official warning on your profile before, but since you are being a smartass about it, I now have Second of all, constant thread bumping IS AGAINST FORUM RULES - just because you can't read, does not mean the rules don't apply to you : http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/94955-warning-thread-bumping/ Third of all, you have solidly proven that YOU are in fact the one who is stupid. Questions?
  13. You are treading an extremely fine line then .... if you want to sell commercially on SAU, please become a forum sponsor. It is not fair on paid traders who do the right thing for other businesses to come on here and sell their wares if you get what I mean .... http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/294953-are-you-a-business-want-to-advertise-on-sau-click-here/
  14. It is time for you to accept an offer or quit bumping this thread - you have significantly, well and truly had your quota of bumps over the last (near) year these have been for sale - and if they haven't sold in a year, clearly you are asking too much. Enough with the bumping. You have been warned.
  15. A couple of issues you may not have considered: 1). shipping is by real weight or cubic weight (whichever is greater) - you get no real savings on very large/heavy items unless you are willing to buy a whole container to freight gear in, and 2). if you can get the retailer to mark the exhausts value as under $1,000, then you will avoid around 25% duties/GST - so if you bought more than 1 item you would definitely not get it past customs without being slugged duty/gst. This would more than outweigh any slight potential savings of shipping multiple units.
  16. Let's lock in Sun Aug 5th - for lunch somewhere reasonably central - maybe the Bombay Bicycle Club? Has a decent size carpark that is fairly secure too. http://goo.gl/maps/2Moi
  17. ALWAYS do a search before posting a new thread .... there have been cubic shit-tons of these threads over the years ....
  18. Topic closed as per PM from OP - car no longer for sale.
  19. A 2 second look on Carsales and you will find what you need for $5k. Obviously anything that is 25GT is not turbo. Anything GT-T or GTT is Turbo - the last T means turbo. http://www.carsales.com.au/car/brand%20new/dealer/demo/private/NISSAN/SKYLINE?eapi=2&sort=~Price&vertical=Car&silo=Stock&base=1216&Range=Price:Min,Max~0.5&find=R34|CarAll&keyword=R34&page=1 Seriously mate, I know people are having a go at you, but a very simple and quick search anywhere on the internet and you would have found the answer without making yourself look like a dick. In future, for all your info needs, first place to check is Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissan_Skyline
  20. I have been running quite dark tint on the rear lights for 2 years now without ever being pulled over - and the cop here in SA are usually pricks.
  21. Yeah man I am leaving to head in now.
  22. And in terms of performance, I don't think they give quite as good output as the stock lights, but are good enough in my opinion. Adjusting them is an absolute pita, but user dog with bone/Leo on here had a little bingle and while his car at the crash repairer he got them to adjust them and he says they came up a treat. I might even go ask a crash repairer to adjust mine for me too, as mine are far from perfect.
  23. Persevere with Jesse - he does sometimes go mia due to drifting around Jp and gets a backlog of work - there are no holdups with the sending of goods once the transaction is up and running though. No idea what ours are called - Jesse did post a Jp Yahoo link to them ages ago, but I can seem to find it. Pic attached though
  24. You are not going to find any for $500 (and those Mars performance ones are for LHD - I guarantee it). The ones we got through a group buy from Streeter in Jp were just under $600 delivered, but normal price is about $700 del. FYI Nissan quoted me $2,800 per light for stockers. Also I think if you are going to be fussy about the output then any aftermarket lights are not for you. I would suggest emailing Jesse Streeter (an Aussie who lives in Japan) and see if he can find you some 2nd hand Series 2 lights/projectors in Japan. http://www.jessestreeter.com/ or email [email protected]
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