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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. Yeah right. The USDM V35 stereo/Nav is upwards of $4k
  2. The big issues with supercharging is, that to do it properly, you really need to decompress your motor somewhat, which really means engine out full rebuild. So once you add $5k in rebuild/major service parts, plus removing/reinstalling the engine ($1,000-$2,000), plus labour for rebuild (1,000-$2,000), THEN add on top labour to fit and tune the SC ($3,000-$5,000), it is a pretty expensive exercise, to say the least. But with 300rwkw it would be all worth it
  3. The show and shine June long weekend is for club members only Krystle, so I can't put up the details publicly, but since you are joining up anyhow, I will PM them to you - hopefully all of you guys are going to join up - we have lots of great events. Yep that sounds great Sam. Only slight problem is, in future please don't put up cruise routes - (ironically given your profession) we have to be careful, as both cops and other forum lurkers do check/follow the SAU forums, and we don't want to attract the wrong attention from the boys in blue, nor the RCK tag-alongers. We are pretty safe hidden away in this sub-forum, but don't ever put up plans/cruise route publicly in other sections, as you WILL get visitors to your cruise.
  4. ^^ Nope - as long as a car isn't sold here in that year, you can import same models. But yes, as of 2013 we won't be able to bring in any more V36s if they do end up selling the G37 here. It is just like you can bring in 1992 & 1993 R32GTRs from Japan, but you couldn't bring in and comply 1991 models (until they came under the 15/20 year old rule) as they were sold here in homologation for the touring car series. Similarly there are early 2000 years of FD RX7s and Mitsi Evos that were sold here, so are ineligible to grey import (until they come under the 15/20 year rule)
  5. The June long weekend is out for me - it is the premier yearly country show event for the SAU:SA club - the Kadina car show and piss up weekend - I strongly encourage all of you V35 owners to come along - it is a huge weekend of cruising, food, booze, car show and fun!!!!
  6. There are only a few hundred V35s in Australia, and only a small proportion of those have guys of the age and inclination to form a club .... so the answer is no, there is no state in Australia that has a V35 club. And no sadly, there is not a V35 Australia club as far as I'm aware.
  7. There is no rev or speed meters on the oem screen ... what you are missing is fuel consumption/economy, trip meter, compass and service reminder. But as I said above, I am not sure if you need the DVD Navi rom, screen and/or wiring to get it all working.
  8. Unlikely. Your average businessman/middle age guy (who can afford a $100k car) does not want to have non-English buttons and not have full use of the stereo/Nav equipment. Also Nissan generally speaking won't touch imported V36s (and this is likely to become more pronounced one they actually sell them here). So in reality they still will be a very niche market. Plus their price is linked to the cost in Japan - so they will not suddenly go up in price, when people can keep bringing them in cheaper.
  9. The "DVD player" you refer to was not in fact a DVD player - it was a DVD Rom to load maps onto the factory Nav. It could never be used to read/play conventional DVDs. Nearly every V35 has one, and they are completely useless to us. If your car did in fact once have the factory TV (which I assume it did if it had the Navi DVD Rom), then you should still have the wiring for it in there, and you just need to find a 2nd hand screen. I haven't seen one for sale in Aus, but have seen them pop up on USA Ebay - but I couldn't guarantee the wiring is exactly the same. I have a feeling that the Navi computer runs most of the function sin the screen, so you might have to source one of them as well. For my money you would be better off getting an aftermarket pop-up touchscreen monitor and putting it in your TV hole, and doing a CarPC in the boot. Then you have a REAL entertainment system!
  10. Word is that the G37 will be around the $100k mark on the road here new .... so I can't imagine any forum members on here being stupid enough/have the cash to shell out $100k, vs being able to buy plenty of Jp import ones about the place for $30k-$40k with nominal km on them.
  11. Yeah mate, the stock premium 18s I have do have tyres - legal but not a massive amount of life left. Mind you, these days you can buy 235/45x18" Chinese tyres that are pretty good for under $100 each.
  12. I have a set of 18" Premium wheels here in Adelaide - I was planning on keeping them as spares, but I might be willing to part with them. What offsets are your wheels?
  13. I also have the SPC rear camber arms - have been going perfectly for 40,000km including track days.
  14. Looking good! What happened to your old one Tim?
  15. ^^^ Steven, nice of you to join up on SAU to advertise your business - NOT. As you would realise, if you want to advertise on SAU, you need to become a sponsor. Consider this your first and last warning.
  16. Not sure on the "goo", but some residual will remain on the car when you take the old lights out. And sorry mate, I have nfi on how to do the boot release, or whether you actually need an actuator or not. but I have one here just in case - only owes me $50.
  17. Yeah tail-lights are a piece of cake. Remove the trim pieces around the inside of the boot, undo about 5 nuts and the light will come out (with a tiny bit of force, since it is stuck in with goo/sealant). Lights will be plug and play (since they are factory). I am not exactly sure what is involved if you want the boot release on your new lights to work, but go search the G35 forums - I saw a tutorial on how to do it ages ago. If you are going to do it, I have a boot release actuator here brand new in the box that I thought I would need but never did.
  18. ^^^ since you didn't cut the solid indicator wire, I would be careful around cops if I were you. I am quite sure it is illegal in Aus to have it on all the time.
  19. Mine shines down way too far on the ground .... this results in oncoming cars seeing a reflection of the projector light beam on the actual chrome housing of the light below the projector = dazzlingly bright for oncoming cars.
  20. I have tried and had the same result as you - I am going to have a closer look at the headlight I have not yet installed to figure out what the go is.
  21. How did you fit a halogen globe into a HID socket? They are physically different shapes/sizes.
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