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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. On your indicator stalk, move in from where you switch the headlights on. The 'fog' lights are actually the lower filament in the dual filament high beam. But the H1 globe that comes with the new headlights only has a single filament, and I am not sure if the Philips ones you bought are single or dual filament Paul.
  2. Here are the pics Nate. Obviously being a projector they flip the image upside down.
  3. Yes, that is the EXACT item I posted up a page back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS WHAT YOU NEED. Didn't you watch the video? Sheesh.
  4. Yes a ballast and igniter are the same thing - but I think the little chrome thing that plugs into the back of your globe is also part of the igniter system. But to be clear, if you already had a ballast screwed into the bottom of your oem lights, the part you (and many people) need is the cable he pulls out of one light and refits in the other - one end clips into the back of the ballast (and is held in by a little screw), and the other end is a near square looking chrome thing that plugs into the back of the HID globe.
  5. You really need a new one. You are missing the chrome connector on the other end that is part of the ignitor system.
  6. Yep it looks like D2R or D2S are fine, as the lights have a cutoff inside the light housing, so either bulb works. I have D2Ss in mine and they are fine.
  7. And conveniently, for anyone that wants to run their Halos full time, the green/red wire you cut supplies accessories power, so I am pretty sure if you wired that up to the red wire to your Angel Eyes ballast, you will have Angel Eyes on whenever your car is on. I am still thinking about doing this myself.
  8. You want to cut the green wire with the red stripe.
  9. The harness you need is like this: http://www.ebay.com....#ht_1372wt_1378 I am going to see if he can get hold of any import workshops in Qld that comply V35s and see if they keep the cables or throw them out, as 2 Adelaide guys need them and I am sure others will realise too that they need them. Otherwise we can figure out how many we need and do a mini-group buy on them from the USA Ebay link above. That same guy has the ballast, but they are $100 each. Dog with Bone needs these too sadly. The black box that double sided tapes to the new lights is the igniter/control module for the Angel Eyes in your lights. R6n I will take a photo for you today before I chuck my other light in.
  10. 4 hours for 1 car? We effectively did 3 cars in under 4 hours, and that included about half an hour of calling around wrecking yards/workshops to try to find some igniter cables .... but yes undoing the headlight hardness is a real pita - until you realise that you just unbolt the headlight and pull the headlight with all your strength forwards, and the hardness will just pop off with enough force. Worked a charm for all of our cars
  11. It's all good Sam - turns out that Paul (manc01) had the ballast, but was missing the internal cable, and Dog With Bone was missing the ballast and cable (so obviously both guys had their HIDs removed at compliance and are running halogens) ... so we will have to do another fit-up day. Might also pay for you to make sure you have HIDs - look very closely in decent light at your headlight globe - not the ocatgonal part that is the shield/reflector, but the actual globe inside it (you can see the base of it from standing outside your car and without removing the light) - if the globe is somewhat oval/almost rectangular in shape (like the high beam globe), then you have halogens and need a cable and/or ballast - of it is round you are ok.
  12. Ah yours is the white one I keep seeing in that open-sided carport (I am a property valuer, so am around there a lot) .... I hope you have a good alarm/kill switch/club-lock!! Nice looking car btw ... one of the V35s at my place today lives in Lightsview too - he has the black Series 2.
  13. Yep it is a diy job, but obviously you would need to get a wheel alignment done ASAP after lowering the car and adding camber arms. It is simple bolt-on. And if you are out North/North-East, Adelaide Radial Tyre on North East Rd do the best import wheel alignments around.
  14. Yep, a VGA to composite adapter can be sourced cheaply off Ebay. Give Brad a PM Tommy Kaira RL or call 0427 999 093 - he does the English conversions and can get rid of your motion cut. Where are you in Adelaide? I had 4 x V35s around at my place in Northgate today fitting up the Angel Eyes headlights we did in a group buy. And you should check out the Skylines Australia:SA club - www.sausa.com.au - we would love to have more V35s in the club.
  15. You don't NEED a camber kit with only that much drop, but it will get you better surface contact with the road if you do get one. I would also steer clear of the ones you listed - they are just too cheap and Godspeed is know for some pretty dodgy stuff. I have these, and they do the job perfectly - over 50,000km on them and not a single issue. you have to wonder why SPC ones retail for $450-odd dollars in shops (and $175 on Ebay - I paid around $250 for the same nearly 2 years ago), and the ones you listed are $75. http://www.ebay.com....=item35bbe0bf4e and the camber kit is completely separate to the shocks - they mount to a different part of the car.
  16. How about you all quit bumping, or I am getting my ban stick out.
  17. But Pete, most movies we download are crappy rips and cams/screeners. I am talking about the movie studios making movies available at or near cinema release time in 720p for $5-$10 and you OWN it. It depends how fussy you are with quality though I suppose. I have 24" monitors and most movies I download look plain awful compared with 720p content.
  18. I would presume that compliance pulled out the HID globe and wiring and just left the igniter there rather than have to seal up a big hole it leaves in the bottom of the light if you remove it.
  19. I have a 1:24 of a black V35 like mine - apart from getting the front grille 100% wrong, I love it!
  20. IT is insane that they think they can stop torrenting. But the big issue is why are movies on ITunes $24,99, when you can go out and buy brand new, new release movies from places like BigW for under $20, Surely if they don't have to produce, package, ship, wholesale then retail an actual DVD, then the actual cost of the movie should come down significantly. If these stupid movie studios charged $5 to download a DVD quality movie, then many, many people less would pirate them.
  21. Yeah mate we will have them available for sale cheaper to install yourself - super easy to install.
  22. Pretty sure they will come in at around $200 installed
  23. ^^^ that comment was for MattR - we are in Adelaide Ksharp
  24. ^^ haha too funny - this is similar to what Heretical and I both bought, and have now sent back to be replaced by D2S globes. ^^ How can the listing be for "D2S D2R" when these are 2 separate bulb types? The D2S is for projectors, which is what our new lights are. The D2R is for reflectors. BUT, I have noticed on our headlight boxes it says "D2R" - and it also says this on the headlights themselves. Then I noticed that the inside the projectors of our headlights is a piece of cardboard (or something) that does the cutoff for us. So it looks like with these headlights you can use either the D2R or D2S. Confused yet?
  25. For those interested, the SAU:SA Club has a cheap group buy and group install on GPS trackers on very shortly - membership has its privileges!
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