There is an extensive thread about these somewhere in the V35 section. Bit of a PITA job to fit including baking your lights to break the seals and open them, much stuffing around to fit the halos (including having to silicone them in = dodgy imho) and horror stories about the place on the net of people baking their lights too long and ruining them, not baking them long enough and damaging the seals when opening them, and the halos falling out of place or not being siliconed in perfectly straight and looking like shite. Not something I am game to do TBH - hence why I bought the aftermarket lights with all of the guesswork taken out. Plus it is fully/easily reversible to switch the lights back if you want later on.
Are you free Saturday morning/lunchtime to help/watch/drink while we fit the headlights to 5 x V35s Matt? Munro might pop around in his R35GTR for a look/help/drink too. It is getting some new toys fitted as we speak and will be making mid-400 awkws by the weekend