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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. There is an extensive thread about these somewhere in the V35 section. Bit of a PITA job to fit including baking your lights to break the seals and open them, much stuffing around to fit the halos (including having to silicone them in = dodgy imho) and horror stories about the place on the net of people baking their lights too long and ruining them, not baking them long enough and damaging the seals when opening them, and the halos falling out of place or not being siliconed in perfectly straight and looking like shite. Not something I am game to do TBH - hence why I bought the aftermarket lights with all of the guesswork taken out. Plus it is fully/easily reversible to switch the lights back if you want later on. Are you free Saturday morning/lunchtime to help/watch/drink while we fit the headlights to 5 x V35s Matt? Munro might pop around in his R35GTR for a look/help/drink too. It is getting some new toys fitted as we speak and will be making mid-400 awkws by the weekend
  2. Ohhhh look what turned up at my place today! Hooked up the Halos just to check them out.
  3. Spammers have been banned and thread cleaned up by Nightcrawler
  4. Read between the lines : "D2S is projector, D2R is reflector" - you need to figure out whether your glones are S or R. If they are S then that is what you want, if they are R they will still work, but the pattern will not be optimal for the new projector style lens.
  5. Nope, you should be all good. manc01 - I am quite you are NOT going to find any D2S HIDs in stock at any store in Adelaide (which is why I told you about buying them on Ebay on Monday). And as per my PM, any H4 will do the job - you just need to decide on what quality you want. but be prepared ot be raped if you buy retail vs buying online.
  6. ^^^ Nate, what makes you think the high beam is H1? All references I can find say they are 9003/H4 http://g35driver.com/forums/lighting/191293-lamp-replacement-guide.html http://g35driver.com/forums/faq-diy/41299-all-light-bulb-model-numbers.html
  7. 'still keen' - please DO NOT put gifs in your signature - that one was 8.6Mb - totally unacceptable. I have now removed it. The first warning is friendly
  8. ^^^ how about you leave people's streets/addresses off the internet - bad form. Think about what you are writing BEFORE you post it. Post above edited.
  9. When he says he 'spent $50k on it' I think he means he bought it 5 years ago for $40k (which would be true) and has spent $10k on it .... but seriously, they are some tasteless mods IMHO - those wheels are pure puke - and for $4k he could have bought some high end Nismo wheels in decent offset rather than the fail wheels with large spacers (which are not only dangerous, but are illegal and void your insurance) .... what a tool. But as opposed to most, I quite like the GTR front bar - especially with the carbon fibre centre.
  10. Yep it really is that simple - except you don't even have to undo the 10 bottom 10mm bolts - you can undo all the top ones and just lean the bumperbar forward/down and there is plenty of from from memory. But to make it more fun, the 4 Adelaide guys are going to get together at my place, sink piss and do all the cars in one hit!
  11. I bought the lower contorl arm bushes in a group buy on here a few months back for a bit under $100 (from memory), but I haven't had time to fit them yet - they need to be pressed in.
  12. Absolutely speing I couldn't make it for this one guys - same as a few others I was smashed with work and just couldn't get away .... I wasn't looking too bad, but then at 11am everything went haywire and I knew I was screwed for the day. Looked like eveyone had an amazing time!
  13. Seano, check that it actually is the ball joint - the most common V35 defect is the lower control arm bushes going (which mine have done), and they make a knocking noise too.
  14. How blue are the 6,000k globes? I don't want any police attention, and my old HIDs @ 6,000k got me more than enough.
  15. Haven't seen any for sale. If that price is for a pair, you would easily get them shipped here via a drop-shipping company for under $300. Not a bad price really. I have seen pics of a car in Australia that had guards the same as an R35GTR with the fluting higher up - but I can't find them to buy anywhere!
  16. FYI when I finally got round to wiring up my SAFCII and getting Martin Donnon from Willall Racing to tune it, I got 183rwkw - not bad from an auto!
  17. I have a spare one in the shed if you want it Matty. I think it has an RB type connector on it, but a converter would be easily sourced.
  18. Thanks for the tip - I might figure out the best place to wire up accessories power and fuse before the lights arrive.
  19. Very easy is my thoughts - plug and play. But I have been wrong before :ninja:
  20. Email Jesse at [email protected] and tell him you missed out on the group buy, but you want a quote on a set through him - it will cost you a bit more, but anything is doable.
  21. No idea until we get the lights - but I am assuming that the CCFL halos are wired to the stock parkers - surely it is very easy to separate them and connect them to accessories so they come on when the car is on. We will figure it out when we install the lights.
  22. These lights will be BETTER than you can even imagine ... I am thinking about wiring mine up so the halos stay on during the day too! I have a couple of spare T5 led globes I can sell to whoever wants them for their parkers too - I think they cost me about $10.
  23. I just made payment for heretical and I - should be here in around a week YAY
  24. Great to hear guys had a blast - sadly I didn't make it at all as work went crazy and time well and truly got away from me .... I was busting to go for a passenger blast in Munro's R35GTR or Daniel's Radical as well ..... G3TR4G remember that most SAU:SA track days are not opened up to the general SAU community, so if you want to be guaranteed on future days you gotta join up ..... it is cheap and easy - and membership has it's benefits www.sausa.com.au
  25. Yep Nightcrawler and Heretical are now paid for too. 4 down
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