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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. I would be dead keen if we could do a group buy and get the delivered price closer to $300.
  2. ^^^ Hi mate I tried to PM but it says I can't PM you. Consider the 265s sold to me!!! PM me your email or mobile please.
  3. ^^^ Paul, since I am the only V35 coupe owner regularly on SAU (and I don't want to part with my stocker), you would be better served to chuck a wanted to buy in the V35 forums, or the general 'wanted to buy' forum/thread.
  4. ^^^ you probably best use the 'wanted to buy' thread instead of the 'for sale' thread then champ.
  5. ^^^ they look freaking awesome. Care to share the link of the seller?
  6. I will be making an appearance with the little guy in tow
  7. Welcome to the forums, but before putting up a new thread please use the search function - this topic has been covered many times before.
  8. I have 3 x PIT ENTRY GOLD tickets for the Clipsal 500 spare this year .... it is only $200 a ticket, which gets you full 4 days gold seating in one of the best spots on the track and opposite a super screen. Happy to sell as a group or separate.
  9. Yerp, nice work Greg
  10. Yeah I was sure there was a whole thread listing every single globe type for the V35, but on searhcing I couldn't find it either.
  11. You are after these mate (or similar) http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/2x-White-LED-SMD-Parker-Globes-bulbs-T10-Nissan-Skyline-Silvia-R32-R33-180sx-R34-/270838999328?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3f0f432920 Just take your front wheels off, undo the plastic inner arch skirts and bend back to get your hand in near the parker/rear corner of the headlight. Take out the old ones, whack in the new. Is a bit of a pita job, but doesn't take long.
  12. Errrr of course - these things are the whole idea of a tune .....
  13. Bleh, missed it again .... got caught up with work and didn't get home from Gawler until 7pm .... maybe next week
  14. It can't be a sedan surely - if it is then it is is $5+ too much. But yes more details would be nice. I was assuming it is an auto coupe when I said $21k is a bit cheap.
  15. Sounds a bit cheap and a good deal - you can find them for MUCH more $$ around the place.
  16. I heard it will be 1/4 mile from mid-year, but no car faster than 10.0 will be allowed to run. Period.
  17. Awesome, can't wait to see it up close! Come to our first SAU:SA club social event and join up - PM me if you want more details. Would love to have another V35 in the club! We have a few, but you can never have too many Vs What car did you drive before - I take it you were at one of the SAU/SASupra track or driver training days? I would have had my old 4 door R34 with gold Gram Lights back then.
  18. f**k yeah - VERY exciting news!!!! http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/motor-racing/nissan-to-return-to-v8-supercars-competition-in-2013/story-e6frfgb6-1226266051719
  19. Avoid CVT models at all costs if reliability is your goal. Do a search on SAU for threads about it. Most cars in this price range will be these - and no-one wants to touch them with a 20 foot pole.
  20. Pull apart the dash and follow the wires. About the only thing you can do.
  21. The diagram looks like it is an indicator light for the flux capacitor .... do you have one of these in your back seat?
  22. Nope, when you buy a new car autos ALWAYS cost more.
  23. ^^^ that is so freaking aweome ... might have to speak with Munro about chucking some space savers on his E63 for some fun
  24. Cool Brad - so your place one weekend with a couple of cases of beer? Or should we do it at Camperagent where there is a lot more room? Or we can do it at my place - whatever suits.
  25. Haha yeah, all hail Teacher Chef
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