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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. How about I give you a weeks holiday from the forums for being a tool? Bye bye.
  2. Man you guys are so 'new' ..... http://www.carsales.com.au/dealer/details/nissan-skyline-2009-11316588?cr=0&vertical=Car&Range=Price:Min,Max~1|Mileage:Min,Max|Year:Min,Max|Seats:Min,Max|EngineSize:Min,Max&silo=Stock&sort=default&eapi=2&__N=1216%201246%201247%201252%201282%204294963846%204294963593&distance=25&find=crossover|CarAll
  3. I doubt that, since the V37 does not exist .... I think you mean a G37, or V36 as we (and the Japanese) know them
  4. Yep, that is exactly why we go early and leave before the ferals get too rowdy ....
  5. Haha they are good mate .... not a single bruise I, however, feel more than little second hand! MattR and I kicked on at the Walkers Arms with Munro for a few hours and a few more pints of Bulmers .... sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo seedy today and I am supposed to be typing a heap of valuation reports (while watching cricket - spewing it has finished so early).
  6. Rather than post up a new thread iwth a new question ever few days, why don't you save up a ton of your questions about every aspect of V35s and ask them in one thread? This is getting a bit ridiculous. And before you post another new topic every time, make sure you do a search on SAU for the topic, and go do a search on g35driver.com - you will find that every question possible of being asked has been asked on there.
  7. Since it is not you selling the gear, this thread is ok mate. But your link doesn't work!
  8. Haha enjoy your bus ride .... I have booked a cab for Matt & I ..... but I am seriously considering heading over to Whiplash's place now, waking him up, punching him in the ovaries, and making him come .... mind you they say an exploded (or near enough) appendix he had earlier in the week feels a lot like being punched in the ovaries anyhow
  9. Dang it, I was just about to message you Nick to see how you are getting on and if can make it Nick. Get well soon mate .... we will have a few for you ... and you will be spewing even more - we are going to drop in and hang out with Munro afterwards at the Walkers Arms and you were invited along .... Oh and Matt, be at my place by 11:15am mate - but I am sure you assumed that anyhow.
  10. Please use the search function before posting up a new thread - there have been several threads and discussions about these. The verdict is that the one you listed is a piece of shit, will never fit properly and looks like ass. There is one on Ebay that is about $500 delivered that fits fine supposedly.
  11. ^^^ OK Tim it's time to put my foot down after your 26,000th bump. Clearly if someone was going to buy these locally 1). they would have already and 2). they would see your many, many, many posts you have already made, so you don't need to pbump it every week. Please take the ad to the general section, put them on Ebay or Gumtree. Same goes for you harleyhanson and JMan - we do not need to see the same ad over and over and over. Try other mediums of advertisement.
  12. ^^^ and I didn't even bite .... bad news too Matty - Nick's appendix has burst or something, so he is out for Schutzenfest. I might have to see if the wife can drop us in. And we are invited to a shindig with Munro at the Walkers Arms at 7pm Sat night on the way home if you are keen.
  13. ^^^ Amen to that .... there is no way on God's green Earth I would get into a car without intrusion bars - they are there to SAVE YOUR LIFE.
  14. Does anyone need some PC storage space? Get on this insane deal http://www.ourdeal.com.au/deal/axeze-2tb-seagate-expansion-external-desktop-hard-drive-delivered-to-your-door
  15. I came across these posted in another thread - thought it might be useful to put up for common info. All vehicle regulations are supposedly governed by NCOP.(National Code of Practice) in conjunction with ADR. Window Tinting clause 7.2 page 24 http://www.infrastru...0_01Jan2011.pdf short answer 70% transmittance (30% tint) Wheels & Tyres table on Page 23 http://www.infrastru...n_2011%20v3.pdf get to know your maximum tyre widths / aspect ratios in relation to stock. all codes here : http://www.infrastru...n/vsb_ncop.aspx
  16. Yeah all HIDs are supposed to be removed at compliance. Since they are not self-levelling there is no way they would make it through the pits as far as I know.
  17. Let's hope the Jagermeister tent is host to these lovelies again this year. And the Jagermeister slushies last year were freaking awesome!
  18. Yep I plan on wearing my SAU club shirt. So, my big plan is: - Arrive at 11:30am or so (gates open at 12pm) .... history shows I am always late, and Whiplash saves a place in line for me - but since he is giving me a lift this year I will most likely be on time ... if anyone is keen on coming early (before 12pm) to help us save max tables and chairs once we get in, we will enter via the Coopers Gate, which is off West Tce. - As soon as you enter go get an ID wristband from Tent 1. - Then go get a Stein from tent 30. - Go get a green or red apple cider from Tent 19 and a serve of Salt'n'Pepper squid from Squid inc. Tent 23. - We will be sitting near the centre of the Jagermaeister shelter, which is tent 46 once you get a program, or if you download it Here (click) - I like tent 46 as it has good access to all of the facilities and a decent view to the spray tent - forecast of 28 is letting us down a tad at this stage, but let's hope it comes through warmer than that. - Profit.
  19. The answer is that EVERY STATE IS DIFFERENT. You need to ask your state transport authority for the information - and they HAVE to give it to you. There will be a PDF you can download from them.
  20. It doesn't matter - the car has passed ADRs with the privacy glass fitted, so any cop that knows anything won't do you for it. That said one or two per year Australia-wide get pinged for it, but all you have to do it challenge it at a local police station and they will take the defect off.
  21. I came across this in my travels .... farkin' LOL
  22. ^^^ Very, very nice shots (and ride) there!
  23. ^^^ wow! Super nice condition ADM R32 there Craig!!!
  24. Yep, I am down like a clown for this as per usual! Anyone who does not enjoy drinking, shooting, gawking at hot chicks, eating insane amounts of food and talking shit about cars for a whole day should NOT attend this event. For everyone else there is NO excuse!
  25. ^^^ very nice, and I love the fitment!
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