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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. Oh, and Paul, you should join up with our club SAU:SA - www.sausa.com.au - we have a few V35 in the club!
  2. Just measured it - 4cm wide and the Brembo logo is 1cm high. It really is that tiny!
  3. The grounding kits do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Don't listen to a word anyone says if they say they do. I have put them on 3 of my previous cars and my V35 just in case they actually did something, but they don't. And seriously, you are comparing a new (presumably dual clutch pack) $100k+ Porsche gearbox to an 8 year old V35 gearbox? WTF?
  4. I think someone had a little go at drifting and failed ....
  5. I am sure I will be there again - was an amazing cruise earlier this year! Are you dealing with Stuart McLean? SAU:SA as a club are developing a good relationship with him too.
  6. Very nice 31 there! Why can't you drive it for the next 3 years?
  7. Are you charging for this service Jeff?
  8. ^^ Go have a look for yourself on carsales .... very sad indeed. But on the upside, V36s can be found from $30k+ now
  9. My quick measurement with a ruler was 9cm length from end to end, with the Brombo insignia being about 1.8cm tall.
  10. Yep we saw smoke billowing out of a silo across the water as we went over the new/expressway bridge at about 7:15pm. Didn't hear or see a bang, but it was filthy thick black smoke!
  11. Wow her Mum must be proud!
  12. I am sure I saw Johnny Black on the shelf next to the Double Black for $50 .. maybe it was a 1lt bottle? And Kye, what decent single malt are you getting for under $50 a bottle? Nothing decent I can think of!
  13. Errrrrr dude, seriiously, you are concerned about 3-4 days and no calls? It will take you 6 months AT LEAST to sell your car - you may not have a single phone call in that time, unless you advertise it at a bargain basement price (and even then you will struggle) ..... the car market is the worst ever. It took me 8 months to sell my old R34 for $18,500 and it had $20k of mods on it .... different car, but you get the idea. Our cars are a double edged curse ... they are awesome and seem unique cos no-one knows what they are and the average Joe thinks they are worth MUCH more than $20k-$30k (people are SHOCKED when I tell them mine is 8 years old and only worth $30kish). But, by the same token, because no-one knows what they are, people aren't out there looking for V35s. And those that are have a LOT to choose from (check around on Ebay, Carsales, car yards etc). Sad but true.
  14. Yeah it's not bad ... but I prefer Johnny Black with some French oak shavings in it for a couple of weeks .... I picked up a bottle of double black for $47 from 1st Choice - it was cheaper than normal Johnny Black!
  15. ^^ I have a stock S15 one in the shed you can have for a bottle of bourbon - not sure if they are the same or not?
  16. ^^ I have a stock S15 one in the shed you can have for a bottle of bourbon - not sure if they are the same or not?
  17. Er yeah my mistake - I am pretty sure that is the unit I have. Please note that I have still not actually fitted it yet - I haven't been abot ot figure out where exactly to wire it in. I bought mine from Chris Rogers on here. And there are instructions floating around on the net for install in to a G35/V35 too.
  18. Did the steering wheel volume controls have resistors included to solder in-line with the stock wiring? My understanding is that wihtout these no unit will work. I am in Adelaide too, and John had no idea how to wire up the SWI-PAC unit I got to fit to my V35 to work with my JVC head-unit - that was about a year ago now though. He does awesome work though - has done quite a bit of audio gear for my current and previous cars, and does most of the auto elec. stuff on a whole heap of SAU:SA Members cars.
  19. As sonicii said, check the cheque for watermarks etc (hold it up to the light), and yes, I recommend calling the bank that issued it to check it authoenticity if you are worried that this is a scam. An no, you can't ask for cash, as 1. anyone who withdraws over $10k cash draws the attention of anti-money laundering legislation and this will cause him and you plenty of trouble, and 2. he is not going to be comfortable rocking up with a big suitcase of money - and you don't want to rock up to your bank with a big suitcase of cash either - it just seems to dodgy.
  20. Sounds legit - just make sure it is a bank cheque and is 100% legit.
  21. WOW you drink some faggy drinks
  22. Same width rubber all round is absolutely fine. Most people put wider aftermarket rims (and subsequently wider tyres) on the rear as the offset of the rear standard wheels on the V35 is horrible. I run 9.5" +20 rims with 235s on the front and 10" +12 rims with 265s on the rear. You would be finding the steering slightly heavier because you have gone to a wider tyre than previous, plus the new tyre actually has grip, where your old worn out tyre probably had little grip
  23. ^^^ Nope, once an ad has been posted, it stays. If you have sold just post up in here SOLD.
  24. Yeah there was a story on the news a few months back about how they have cracked some new technology where they can get about 200W out of a panel that is the size of an A4 piece of paper, rather than the conventional size panels you see today. It will make roofs a LOT less ugly! But yeah the price is currently still pretty insane.
  25. ^^^ looks sweet! The front mouth is amost too big in the pics IMHO, but I am sure looks different in person.
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