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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. You have to join up to SAU:SA Sam and come on our next breakfast cruise coming up Sun 18th Sept, to show off your new toy! And we have a track day coming up in November - even a stock S15 can be a lot of fun out there.
  2. .That is just too awesome ... brings back some great memories of our visit to Universal Studios in LA where we saw all that shiz .... War of the Worlds set, Bates Motel (from Psycho), Jaws, Back to the future set and lots of others. Too cool.
  3. ^^ haha slightly reminiscent of these old pics of my R34 (before I sold it) and my V35 (when it was stock)
  4. ^^^ Bawahahahaha - mostly true .... damn I am old
  5. Given an admin often sits in and posts in this thread and the V35 section in general, just PM me the changes you want made (so I can copy and paste) and a link to the thread, and I will edit it for you
  6. Yeah I service my own myself anyways man - it has never been near any mechanic - every bit of work I have done myself
  7. Because Nissan Australia HATE, and when I say HATE, I mean HATE grey imports. They even released some docs/guidelines before the Aus release of the R35GTR for dealers to keep an eye out for any 'illegal' grey import R35GTRs from Japan and report their vins to Nissan - they even considered taking legal action to try to stop people from importing 08/09 GTRs. Of course they want to protect their market when a USDM R35GTR retails in the US for $72K, and in Japan for $80k, but here are $175k. So, similar story, they don't want us buying or bringing in V35s at all - they want us to buy 350Zs and 370Zs.
  8. Yeah turned out that Gavin's Red R35 had had a computer tune-up the week before and Martin Donnon had inadvertently left the car in valet mode. It is tuned there and has made about 340rwkw every single time it has been dyno'd before. For reference a Series 3 R35GTR with the same mods as Gavin's (mid-pipe and Cobb tune) made 361rwkw on the same dyno the other week.
  9. Thanks. Yeah I am hoping for another 10 or so when it is tuned. Sadly they were only using 1 wideband probe on the dyno day, and during my dyno run it became dislodged, so I have nfi what my afrs are like. I assume she is running a bit rich, as per normal factory ECUs. I am also getting a resonator fitted this week, as with the HFCs and new 3" mid pipe, it is very raspy. I am assured these will not kill any power, but just take the edge off the raspy sound, and mellow her out.
  10. Hi guys, just thought I would post up some info about my mods and current power level, for those interested in what power levels we can expect out of the VQ35, for what mods. Back when I bought the V35 2 years ago she made 151rwkw, stock, 5AT. Since then I have done a few 'engine' related mods including: Kinetix intake plenum Ground Wires Kinetix High flow cats Megan Racing Y-Pipe Custom 3" mid pipe Cheap Chinese rear muffler CF Intake pipe HKS panel filter Oil Catch can Fitted an SAFCII but NOT tuned yet - ECU is completely untuned. So at the SAU:SA dyno day last weekend she made 175rwkw - the SAME dyno as the 151rwkw. Note that this is a Mainline dyno - not a 'Disney' dyno like most - so power levels are much lower than other dynos around the country. For your reference an individual with an RB25 R32 had made 205rwkw on a Dyno Dymanics dyno recently, then made 155rwkw at Willalls. Admittedly he seemed to be running less boost, but other people got up to 25% lower than what they had previously dynod on other dynos around town too, and it is a common occurrence. Anyways, that is my story so far. Enjoy the dyno graph. And you can see my dyno run at the 6:55 mark of this video : Also, in the video make sure you check out 5:22 - it is RH9 - the Willall Racing original - it used to make 680awkw, but is now detuned and has smaller turbos to run on the track. Still sounds angry!
  11. No-one in their right mind would put those things on their car TBH they look a hell of a lot better than stock crappy brakes IMHO.
  12. I WAS going to download and watch this show - thanks for the spoilers Damo
  13. Big problem is that it is a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way to tow a car home. And my car is my daily, so it would be an even bigger problem if I broke something. I remember the old days at AIR - every 2nd car broke something on a big drag day. Plus it is the definition of sucking to be expected to drive 9 hours there, drag all day, then drive 9 hours home. If you don't do that then you have to pay for one or 2 nights accommodation thrown in the mix and be away from the family .... the cost all up is just too high (for me anyhow).
  14. The photos don't show any Grex brakes .... and thanks, but no thanks
  15. Wow that bottom one is an AWESOME buy - Series with series 3 tail lights, supercharger etc etc. Shame it has no Brembos - how could you supercharge a V35 without putting on decent brakes? I would buy that in a heartbeat if I could get rid of mine quickly.
  16. Haha knew I would touch a nerve there Matty ..... just stirring you up mate And yeah, HURRY UP AND BUY AN R34GTR already!!!!
  17. Yeah that is an awesome and very informative YouTube clip .... lots to think about there. In fact we were shown that same clip on a projector at the St Paul school open night (where we are sending Tyler for primary school) and they highlighted what sort of world our kids are growing up into and how technology/social media in particular will shape them.
  18. Bwahahaha you wish .... and aren't you STILL "In search of a time better than 12.74" as per your sig .... despite the fact you have owned no less than 2 GTRs with basically double the power my S15 had Nernernanerner :D Man I wish we had a drag strip - I would love the take the 35 out and see what she can do. I might well be disappointed, but would be nice to find out.
  19. No worries at all Shiva. And go to the Red Cross shop for a cushion for your missus - they have all variety of baby-related things - it will blow your mind.
  20. Yeah it's a good idea in theory Sherlock, BUT we wouldn't want to step on Ash's toes re: merchandising - I am sure he will provide kick-ass event jumpers or hoodies to buy at the SAU Nationals!
  21. Like I said, there is no way you will get a rear facing capsule (which you HAVE to have BY LAW) in the back seat passenger side of a V35 coupe, AND get a human passenger to fit in the passenger seat. Get used to taking the missus's car once bubs is born is my advice. Or do what I did (and score some brownie points in the process) - buy her a shiny new Honda CRV to fit both kids and all their gear in And in my opinion, few of the convertible capsule/car seats are much good - my advice is to go hire a capsule from the Red Cross baby shop (there is one or more in every major city), then put more money into getting a good car seat for when they are 6mths+. HOWEVER if you have a big fat bubs (my 2nd child is currently 5 months old, very long/tall and nearly 9kg!!!) then they grow out of a capsule and you HAVE to buy a convertible baby seat (as they are not yet 6 months old) that can be either forward or rear facing. But imho when the bubs is tiny and has no neck strength, a high walled capsule is the only way to go (and the ONLY type of baby capsule the Red Cross recommend).
  22. I don't think that is right Dion - it seems to get less accurate the higher weight the car is. There are heaps of online drag calcs, go Google some - they came up with times between 14 seconds and 13 seconds flat for my V35 depending on which one you believe. I believe it would be dead inbetween the two, personally
  23. Pfft you are all a bunch of fags
  24. As far as I am aware no Nissan dealership in Australia will touch a V35. Certainly none of them in Adelaide will
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