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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. Ah, fair enough. But no it is not risky whatsoever to put an alarm on the standard central locking. But most poeple's central locking starts playing up by its own accord anyways (mine included). I actually need to put an aftermakret actuator in my driver's side door - a great tutorial video is below for anyone's info. I am going to tackle this soon, as I have had enough of my door intermittently not locking or unlocking.
  2. Unlucky http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=8271033
  3. Why wouldn't you just have your alarm remote unlock your doors like everyone else?
  4. Holy phuckballs Batman ... is that a real ZTune?
  5. Haha our old mate Ted180 .... times like this I wish I had taken up a mod position on HardTuned when offered .... but then again, policing that bunch of rabble would be a challenge
  6. They are pretty obvious if you know what you are looking for.
  7. Interesting links there Jenna. And while noteworthy, I think an ECV is the LAST thing that most of us would get defected for .... but it would be interesting to see if you would or would not get through Regency with one fitted.
  8. Why would they not be legal. If you car is under the stipulated Db when the device is fully open/free flowing, then surely you having the option to make it quieter is a good thing.
  9. They are much cheaper now than they used to be .... this is who I got mine through http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/APEXI-80MM-FLANGE-ECV-EXHAUST-CONTROL-VALVE-SILENCER-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem2c5404458bQQitemZ190388127115QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  10. I had a s/s manifold (that I had HPC coated) on my S15 and it cracked within 4 months .... AND I didn't notice any performance gains.
  11. WTF? How much damage do you need to be a repairable write-off? http://www.manheim.com.au/dv/items/3052211/2011_ferrari_california_cabriolet?referringPage=AuctionListing *drool*
  12. 100% fit. The one I bought looks exactly the same, so might even be the same seller.
  13. ^^ WOW that is a stupid thing to say. Of course it will fit - it is the same one I have on my V35.
  14. which ABD adapter do you have? The Kiwi PLX one has videos being used on a G35 on YouTube, and it supports both OBDII and CAN, which our car needs. I have been looking at getting one of these for some time.
  15. Mine is converted ....
  16. How much do you want to pay for a good condition set with good tyres? I know of a set sitting in a garage in Taperoo that the owner might be able to be convinced to sell.
  17. Yeah I also have an 18 x 9.5 +20 LMGT4 copy sitting here all fitted up with a 245 tyre on it if you want to come and try it on.
  18. Ask and you shall receive ... http://infinitihelp.com/diy/gcoupe/projects/infiniti_g35_instrument_cluster_removal_procedure.htm
  19. Yeah except their normal price is US$119 + shipping - these are less than half of that. I thought about colouring in the MPH references and the km/h around the inside with black texta/paint - pretty sure you would never notice it. But I have left them for now, as I think the extra numbers make it look more 'racelike'.
  20. Came across deal of the century on some V35 EL gauges. These are out of the USA and cost an unbelievable US$58 delivered. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/03-04-G35-MANUAL-A-D-D-Angel-Gauge-Gauges-INFINITI-/200625226623?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item2eb632037f Arrived in a few days from paying and fitted them today - they are freaking awesome!!!! They are to suit a 260km/h speedo (for the inner km/h bit), but conveniently the MPH scale on the outside goes to 160mph, so is not dissimilar to the V35 180km/h max speed. And especially since my speedo used to run around 10% off (due to my 265/35 tyres), this works out perfectly - the MPH speed almost perfectly matches my km/h speed. Took under 1.5 hours complete to install from go to woah, having never removed a cluster before. Trickiest bit was getting the EL thingo over the gauge needles - but got there eventually. Enjoy the pics.
  21. I will go put a thread in the V35 section ....
  22. Yeah problem is there are only like 3 regular posters on SAU who own V35 - you, me and Geoff (and he lives in Nuriootpa). I do see some other V35 owners in SA posting in other sections (BPV35). But I do know 2 people who own nice coupe's that I could personally invite along - and I am sure Munro would bring his S3 R35GTR out to say hi. And you might like this little mod I did on the V35 today!
  23. Coilovers are sold, all the rest is still sitting here. Someone must need some stock 1997 S3 R33GTR gear!
  24. Thanks for the info. Seems completely bizarre that they did not make the realtively higher performance VQ35 dd then. It also explains how the VQ30 makes only a small amount less power than the VQ35, which has always surprised me.
  25. Ah I had no idea they were so different. Is direct injection better than the VQ35 system? I know nothing about it. Is there a website I can learn from?
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