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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. Truer words have never been spoken. I might head out for some runs at this 1/8th mile thing in August just for a look (haven't been to the TB track before), and for some legal tyre warmup burnouts (assuming they are still allowing THAT)
  2. Wow is it school holidays already. What sort of question is this, and why are you asking it in a Skyline forum?
  3. Ah I read on his FB that he had damage - maybe it was something else?
  4. ^^^ GOLD! Hope it's an easy fix Craig!
  5. Wow there are no words for how much you are dreaming. Even the plate "V35" or "Skyline" is not worth that ....
  6. Yeah I agree totally Pete. I can't see how 1,000 people rocking up at 1/8th mile would prove anything positive - like you said Rann would probably use it as ammo that we don't need to to build a new track, as we have TB already. Plus - go all that way for 8 seconds of entertainment and not even get a 0-100m time, let alone world standard comparable 1/4 time - fahggeddaboudit. At least with a 1/4 mile and trap speed time you can use it to real world evaluate the performance of your car.
  7. Yeah me too mate - it wasn't that long ago (2002) when there were only about 10 SAU members in SA and we all used to meet down at Mitre10 Glenelg and go cruising around the place without a care in the world. We even knew the copper down that way and he used to stop in and say hi to the group. Never got defected and life was good. Boy how times change.
  8. ^^^ what you guys don't realise is that Nick/Whiplash WORKS in insurance, and specifically in CTP and injury claims. He deals with these people every day and knows for a fact what sort of cars they drive and what sort of injuries they receive .... you are the ones who are speaking out of turn when you don't actuallly work in the industry and don't have the facts in front of you. If you don't believe that more young people than ever are hurting themselves (and others) in high speed vehicle accidents as a direct reult of the massive power for minimum price cars that are around today, then you are the ones kidding yourselves. I don't like the current hoon system, but how else do you slow these idiots down? Nothing else seems to work. Maybe the govt should invest in a racetrack/drag strip and some actual driver training .... but no - that is asking WAY too much. At least you take it to the track Simon, not the street
  9. Very pretty there Luke! The engine install pics look good too.
  10. Yes these guys made a mistake and were idiots. But I just wnat to point out that this was most definitely NOT an SAU:SA event of any variety - just some guy posted up a cruise thread on the normal SAU forums and a few guys went with it. Very stupid move posting video up on YouTube. The guys have been dealt with.
  12. Yeah CAMS making the Tailem Bend drags day in August being 1/8th mile is gayer than aids imho. Why even bother?
  13. ^^ Very, very nice! The fake woodgrain in that is not too bad at all, unlike the S2 V35s, which was GROSS.
  14. The free garlic bread was MUCH appreciated - and the $10 squid was not half bad either!!!
  15. We were asked/ordered by SAPOL to take down the thread about the cruise, the subsequent thread and all references to the event. Even they don't like how the news/ACA grab hold of these things and publicize the hell out of them - it actually makes more work for them. Various media outlets were hounding them daily for more details, and they were browsing SAU constantly for info. Best solution for all import owners is not give them any ammo.
  16. Quite a nice shot of the front half of Dumpe's car actually
  17. I changed the upper plenum to a Kinetix one on my 80,000km VQ35 and mine looked nothing like this - it was silver and clean - not black and oily. I couldn't believe it looked like new, but yours s digusting - I wonder how it got like that?
  18. You forgot to do your clock/climate display surround
  19. So, I am sure everyone has seen the hype about this event. It is extremely well planned and looks like having many hundred cars in attendance. It is going to be, no doubt, the biggest Skyline event ever to be held. And racing at Winton would have to be a once in a lifetime opportunity for most. Especially when they get the Gibson cars etc out for a burn - the mecca of Skylines to be sure. Please post in here if you are certain to attend, as we need to get a big chunk of accommodation booked in the next few weeks if we want to be all together in one place for the parties. I am thinking I might collect (via cash, Paypal, transfer or whatever) the accommodation costs from everyone and book it all together if that suits people.
  20. Can you find out from your supplier which seat has the widest width at the base (between the bolsters where your hips go) - for the more ample gentleman lie myself ..... must be a quick release action too for a coupe. Can you get them to provide the measurement of the actuall asscheek width on the Cuda (which I believe to be the widest). And can you get them without the 1,000 Bride logos on the recessed part? (just want the one at the top).
  21. If I were you Brad I would take the GTR for a quick burn (very late at night) with the exhaust and cats removed and see if it will make 20psi. If it does, then it rules out the cats or collapsed exhaust out of the equation.
  22. I have a spare R33 series 3 GTR turbo around here somehwere if it is any good to you Brad.
  23. Nothing off Ebay is EVER bolt-on - so don't believe them for a microsecond. I am positive that any scissor door kit would be a MAJOR job to install, no matter what the advertiser says.
  24. ALL cars that come out of Japan have dereg papers etc which MUST show genuine kms and all sorts of other details about the car. This is the BARE MINIMUM you should ask any dealer for. If they don't/can't provide this then definitely walk away. A LOT of yards based in Sydney doctor the kms (a guy in Sydney comes in with his laptop and changes the km in 5 minutes for a fee of $100)- it is easy as hell to spot how old these cars are - and they STILL advertise V35s with 25,000km on them - they have a yards full of them - yet when I was shopping around the Japan auctions for V35s I almost never came across cars with such low km. they also hold heaps of spares and can 'make' you a premium in a few hours with leather seats (half or full, your choice), pop-up TV, premium wheels and Brembos, depending on how much you are willing to pay. I ended up buying a V35 from a dealer in Sydney that is a bit more reputable than most, and despite the disk rotors being WAY more worn (and badly lipped) than a 48,000km car should have, the rest of the mechanical checks I had done were good, so I bought it. But not before knocking him down $6k plus free delivery to Adelaide off his original price!
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