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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. Sedan offsets are way weaker than the coupe fyi. On my coupe I run 18 x 9.5" +20 on the front and 18 x 10" +12 on the rear and both sit nicely flush - mind you that is with some camber as well. You should post this question in the V35 section to get better answers in future : http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/forum/170-v-series-skylines/ FYI there are only a handful of V35 owners on the SA forums. Stock 17" sedan wheels are an awful 17 x 7" +45. Use the following link to assess tyre offsets : http://www.1010tires.com/WheelOffsetCalculator.asp The answer to your question is that 8.5 +32 is 32mm wider than stock sedan wheels, and 8.5 +38 is 26mm wider than stock sedan wheels. Given on my coupe I am 29mm wider at the front and 43mm wider at the rear than the 18 x 8" +30 stock coupe wheels, I would suggest that the CR Kais you have chosen should sit pretty much perfectly on your sedan. Keep in mind if you lower the car then top of your wheels leans in (which will reduce any possible tyre scrubbing), or you can run skinny tyres like 214/45 or 225/40 18s to prevent scrubbing, or you can just roll your arches a bit. But I don't think they will scrub anyhow. To be 100% sure why don't you just trial fit them?
  2. Thanks Doddy. No I got the sub enclosure and 10" JL Audio sub from the guy below - from memory it was $550 delivered, but that was over a year ago when the US exchange rate was nowhere near as good as it is now. http://cgi.ebay.com/G35-COUPE-STEALTH-SUBWOOFER-BOX-ENCLOSURE-MAGIC-BOX-10-/350315939618?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5190750722 Here is a video I took when I first installed it to give you an idea.
  3. Would love to come help Matty, but will be chauffeuring Munro around in his R35GTR for the arvo while he drinks, then off to dinner with the Willall lads. If you need some RTV silicone sing out/come get it - I have a near new tube here from when I installed my new upper plenum the other week.
  4. jawrgy if you are only getting 5km/l then I would definitely be changing your oxygen sensors. Bad news is that we have 4 of them in our cars, and it costs around $1k for 4 of them. there is something definitely wrong there. FYI mine is an auto (so uses more fuel than a manual), AND I spend decent periods of time sitting in my car with it idling and the a/c on (due to my work) .... and I still have NEVER had less than 400km out of a tank. I am doing a 340km round trip for work up to Clare tomorrow (might have to stop in on the way at Sevehill Winery, Kilikanoon, Mitchell's and Knappsteins on the way, just to make any wine lovers out there jealous), so will see what my highway economy is like with my new Kinetix intake manifold fitted, my new Kintetix HFCs/Megan Racing Y-pipe and the resonator free high flowing exhaust.
  5. I am pretty handy at car things and electronics so did it myself, but it really is a pro job. If you are comfortable : - Pulling apart your centre console and cutting out the ashtray to mount the head unit (or manufacture another mounting position) - Cutting/splicing and soldering around 8 different wires out of your ECU - Routing the wire loom under your dash to the head unit (in the ashtray position) Then go for it. It was only a 2 hour job for me from start to finish. Cost of an SAFCII is around $200 del 2nd hand (or more if you can find a limited edition black one like mine). http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/APEXi-SAFC-2-Piggyback-ECU-Controller-JDM-Drift-Boost-/290580010162?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item43a7eb14b2 Or better option would be to buy the newer http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/APEXI-NEO-SAFC-AIR-FUEL-CONTROLLER-AFC-VAFC-VTEC-/230635444899?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item35b2f19aa3 for $410 del which has a prettier colour screen and does some cool things. A dyno tune will involve 5-10 dyno runs and a street check, and can cost $300-$500(depending on where you take it and how well you know the tuner). But for an extra 10%ish of power, and hopefully a 10%ish improvement in fuel economy it is the best $500-$900 you can spend I think.
  6. Nope, you 3 guys above are dead wrong - Mallala is all about brakes. Forget the Eastern seaboard high speed tracks, if you don't have amazing brakes at Mallala you will NOT go well. The serious SA guys that do time attack have massive AP Racing brakes with 350mm-odd rotors, one has ProjectMu calipers/rotors, and Heslo got rid of his R33GTR brakes/rotors in favour of some heavy duty Brembo 6 pot front and 4 pot rears with massive slotted rotors of an AMG. Get the absolute best you can afford mungy, AND throw some awesome pads on too!
  7. And on a funny note : This test only has one question, but it's a very important one. By giving an honest answer, you will discover where you stand morally. The test features a situation in which you will have to make a decision. Remember that your answer needs to be honest, yet spontaneous. Please scroll down slowly and give due consideration to each line. THE SITUATION You are in Queensland, Brisbane to be specific. There is chaos all around you caused by severe storms. This is a flood of biblical proportions. You are a photo-journalist working for the Courier Mail, and you're caught in the middle of this epic disaster. The situation is nearly hopeless. You're trying to shoot career-making photos. There are houses and people swirling around you, some disappearing into the water.. Nature is unleashing all its destructive fury. THE TEST Suddenly, you see a woman in the water. She is fighting for her life, trying not to be taken down with the debris. You move closer... Somehow, this woman looks familiar... You suddenly realise who it is... It's Julia Gillard! You notice that the raging waters are about to take her under forever. You have two options: 1. You can save the life of Prime Minister Gillard; or 2. You can shoot a dramatic Pulitzer Prize-winning photo, documenting the death of one of the country's most powerful people! THE QUESTION Here's the question, and please give an honest answer... Would you select high contrast colour film, or would you go with the classic simplicity of black and white?
  8. Also, when he puts true E85 in his tank in summer/when the decent fuel is available, the cars tune will turn right up and make max power. When he puts in a shitty mix, it will automatically soften the tune so as to not blow up. Even more so when PULP98 is put in. Brilliant idea I reckon. If you tune your car on E85 and have no knock sensor/safety barrier, then go put in some fuel that you think is E85 but turns out it is E70 you may pop your engine. Not this guy though.
  9. Very interesting stuff - I wish servos in SA would hurry up and get on board with E85 and guarantee an Ethanol level all times of the year. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/366722-e8598-flex-fuel-mission-complete-thanks-to-chequered-tuning/
  10. Thanks Scarf! Haxorz I currently get around 450km-500km city driving, and over 650km highway. So pretty happy with the economy already - always doesn't hurt to have better though. If I got a 5%-10% fuel saving and a bit more power I would be stoked. not having it tuned for a couple of weeks yet, as I am going to put a resonator back in to stop it being so ridiculously loud/raspy.
  11. Looks killer Stewy! Looking forward to seeing you do well at Matsuri also! Nice ride there Jake! Welcome to the SAU:SA Club! Did you see our display last week at the Kadina Show'n'Shine? We had 10 or so very nice Skylines there.
  12. Bleh - who wants to look at photos of a whale
  13. I watched "Grand Prix - the Killer Years" this afternoon - great documentary and a real eye opener to the horrors of early motorsport!
  14. Huge congrats Brad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. lolz .... 1:10 around Lala in a bucket like that
  16. Nice ambition, but for $10k you will struggle to crack a 1:20. I am willing to bet serious coin that you never crack a 1:15 within your $10k budget, if at all. Hope this motivates you more, but you are dreaming And by 'just shaving 18 seconds off your old lap' in the Honda is like the difference between doing a 13 second quarter mile and an 10 second quarter mile.
  17. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2006086/Ryan-Dunn-dead-Roger-Ebert-accuses-Jackass-star-drink-driving-dies-horror-Porsche-crash.html?ito=feeds-newsxml :(
  18. Yeah Matt, Madaz is organising another Members only simulator event as we speak - last one was awesome!
  19. Just thought I would show off my 'new' toy. Have had this Limited Edition SAFCII for a while (used to have it on my R34) and finally got around to fitting it today. Looks factory to me, which was the whole idea. Cutting the back of the ashtray out was a bit scary, but I never used it anyhow. If anyone ever wants the wiring diagrams etc for an SAFCII into a 2003 V35 let me know and I will post them up. Now to go get her tuned and see what benefits there are. I will get around to doing a complete thread on all the things I have done to my baby - they are quite extensive (including Heads-up display, Dual din touchscreen DVD/radio, 10" Sub in custom fibreglass enclosure, Kinetix intake Plenum, Carbon fibre intake pipe, Godspeed adjustable sway bars, KYB gas struts, Eibach lowered springs, Stoptech Braided brake lines, Factory Brembos (came with standard brakes), Stoptech 2 piece floating slotted rotors, Kinetix high flow cats, Apexi exhaust control valve, Megan Racing Y-pipe, Straight pipe from Y-pipe to rear axle, Ganador mirrors, Full bodykit (carbon wrapped), Knightrider style moving red led, 18 x 10 +12/18 x 9.5 +20 wheels, etc etc) .... one day. Enjoy the pics.
  20. FYI most rubbish dumps will weigh you for free on their entry weighbridge. Just ask them.
  21. Looks awesome, but there are BIG issues in the concrete in the floor of a home garage being unable to support the full weight of a car - especially after you drill 5 holes in it on each side for the anchor points. If I had a wider garage I would consider this, but unfortunately it is just not viable for me. Plus when my panel lift door is open it reduces ceiling clearance by a whole heap again. so it would be of little benefit over a jack
  22. Came across this cool bit of 'software' the other day - makes your Firefox start page look a bit like the supposed windows 8 GUI - you can basically customise it with all your fave links (read the 'readme.txt' for instructions), and is kinda cool. http://downloads.pcauthority.com.au/article/23227-eight_-_firefox_start_page If anyone likes the concept and wants me to email them my index.html file and thumbs/pngs (I made up/stole some custom pngs myself for SAU, SAU:SA, ANZ, NineMSN, Catch of the Day, 1-Day.com.au) let me know.
  23. Please don't dig up ancient threads like this - if you want to know something about the car/wheels, PM the owner.
  24. Yeah good luck with that mate. Can't happen.
  25. I have a question : Nagasaki 1945, after the atomic bomb Nagasaki 2011, following earthquake and tsunami What the f**k is that arch made of?
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