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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. Yeah I wish .... but she is getting some upgrades done as we speak (it is currently at AM Performance) .... nothing as crazy as a turbo, but the carbon fibre wrap of the front and rear bars is complete (even though it was a trial run and I intend to re-do both), new high flow cats are on, new Y-pipe is on, new Kintetix intake manifold I will hopefully have time to fit this week, new rims are on the back, new adjustable sway bars are fitted, new KYB shocks all round are fitted, new braided brake lines are on, new radiator and silicone hoses bought (but still sitting in the garage) .... it never ends.
  2. I know there is a YouTube thread, but I love this so much ....
  3. ^^ What you need to remember wizlb is that you can forget all the prices of cars in the USA - the tax levels and Luxury Car Tax differ here from brand to brand, from price range to price range. The GTR is the perfect example - $175k here, less than half the price in the USA. Plus Inifiti has been successfully marketed there for a long time - I can't see for a second how they are going to compete with BMW and Merc here, as if the prices are anywhere near, then most people wouldn't touch them.
  4. I LOL'd so hard a little bit of wee came out :D
  5. WTB 1 x 265/35 18 or 275/35 18 "legal tread +" tyre.
  6. Yeah I was checking out Seb's GTR at Willall's the other week - that front bar is a true work of art, and the photos just don't do it justice. Even the bonnet is a serious bit of kit. The whole car is so droolworthy it hurts! Oh, and it goes ok too - the G forces are enough to burst your kidneys when going around a corner Oh, and for those that don't FB or check the spotted thread, here is a pic of a new beast addition to the SAU family - it doesn't go half bad either And it has the wife and 11 week old's approval
  7. Wow that sucks Ben. I seriously thought about buying one for a decent clients machine I was building around that time, but ended up erring on the side of caution. The lack of TRIM support had me worried. Hope yours gets replaced with the upgraded version with TRIM and idle garbage collection support.
  8. So, are any golfers (or try-hard golfers) keen on coming out for a casual hit at North Adelaide next week? I have some of the awesome Scoopon vouchers that I bought a while back about to expire. The deal is you get : - 1 round of golf at North Adelaide - buggy hire - 2 beers plus chips/wedges back in the clubhouse. All for $27.50 each (WAY less than half price - just the round without buggy or beers will set you back that). Only catch is that I have to book, and it will have to be before Friday next week - I was thinking Wednasday afternoon 1pm maybe? Anyone keen and can get the arvo off work?
  9. Yeah I run my Quad core AMD 965 @ 3.825Ghz all day every day (it was 3.4Ghz stock) - but I have taken it to 4.3Ghz (it is water cooled) ... temps went a bit high when playing Crysis 2 at full res though, so turned it down. TBH the performance benefit of 4.3Ghz over 3.825Ghz is negligible anyhow. And my dual 64Gb SSDs are not a choking point either.
  10. The dodgy graphics and DriftRs devalue the car significantly, but obviously it is worth $10k more than that. So, an angry ex-boyfriend put the ad up I assume?
  11. Awesome work Andrew - I was getting excited just talking about your car last Friday at Willall's - can't wait to actually see the beast in action. What was your best time?
  12. Yes, my email notifications are not working also Steve .... I assume something is wrong with the system. I thought SAU had gone offline for a day or so there given my lack of email notifications ....
  13. Oh, and this is for Pete .... drool
  14. Nice fridge there Ben .... sorry I couldn't make it - a leave pass from the missus 2 weekends in a row is tough enough (was in Melb last weekend), without throwing Kadina in a couple of weekends time in the mix too. The Guiness must be Pat's I am guessing?
  15. Looks awesome Nick! Did you do the graphics for it? (I am assuming you did). For any of the Northies, I am again workig on the 35 today, so if anyone wants to come help/watch/drink/talk shit then you are welcome. If you know where I am live, you are invited. Thanks for Brad and Pete's help yesterday! Got the front suspension changed, front adjustable sway bar on and braided brake lines done and bled. Today is the rear end. hopefully will have time to fit the new rear bumper bar too.
  16. To any of the Northy usual suspects, I am going to be fitting some new toys to the V35 today if anyone is keen to come watch/help/drink.
  17. Awesome gifs are awesome
  18. I simply can't fathom why you don't have a savings account linked to a debit Visa card Luke. They are essentially free. Not sure how anyone can function in this modern world without a Visa card, period ....
  19. I have been following your smack talk on here and FB, and I gotta say I don't like it one bit (go back and read what you have written and see if it is fair to me or any of the other guys who help run this place). Tool was the friendliest word I could think of, and the nicest way of saying what I did. At least I am saying it to your face on the open forums, rather than whining where you think I don't read it. If you don't like the SAU forums or the club (and the people who give up plenty of their free time run them), then go find another forum/club. Easy. That goes for a few other little bitches who do nothing but whine and knock the club behind our backs, yet do NOTHING to ever contribute in a positive way to the running of the club or its events. Just saying. For what it's worth, this is 'The Wasteland', and I am expressing a personal opinion. I am not expressing the collective view of the SAU forum nor club, merely replying to comments directed at me, the moderator and Exec group.
  20. Wilko, imho between your comments on here and your FB, you are acting like a bit of a tool. There is no such thing as freedom of speech. Everything you say on a public medium is open to scrutiny. If you defame somebody on the forums, they can sue you. If you express an opinion that the police take as deragatory/illegal, they can pursue you. If they don't like what you say (and how you say it) on SAU, a moderator/admin can ban you. I got a call on behalf of SAPOL asking me to remove references to what happened the other day, so I did it. Quit pushing the envelope.
  21. OK, so the old thread was clogged up, done and dusted. So here is the new one. K, go.
  22. The single pipe and centre muffler are way behind the centre of the car. The parts we are talking about come off the exhaust manifolds then connect to a Y-pipe, which then goes into the single pipe. You HAVE to have 2 outlets from the engine, as the car is a V6
  23. I love it too, but how much are you offering? And where are you located? It would cost a ton to ship. I might be persuaded to part with it.
  24. Took another shot of the cf wrapped front bar and side skirt today (it is a bit hard to catch the cf texture of the side skirt though).
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