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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. I look forward to having 'relations' with his sexy N1 .... again
  2. As per forum rules list a price, else this thread is gone .....
  3. Yep Abe is right - Spanish donut - but widely found in Mexico also!
  4. Are there really going to be Churros there? I go to the Melbourne market JUST to get Churros every time I am there - to my knowledge no-one is SA makes them? Please feel free to correct me, as I would drive a considerable distance to buy from a shop selling Churros. First had them in Disneyland Anaheim and have been hooked ever since.
  5. Moved your thread Scott
  6. Come to Balgowan Abe - you know you want to. If you don't want to come on the charter that is fine, as Writeoff is staying behind. Apart from that you could bring a lappie/DVD/Wii/whatever to play on, or hang out on the balcony in the awesome weather!
  7. ^^^ rumour is they are almost full up - if you want in, I would hurry up if I were you.
  8. ^^^ lol Damo on the translation But in all honesty Grant, SAU is not a big drifting community - you will find a handful of drifters on here, but the vast majority hang out/post on NissianSilvia.com You are obviously welcome on SAU, but this sort of thread will get a MUCH larger response on NS.com
  9. Funny fact is that a 4 door R34 is NOT the perfect family car - my S15 even had more room for a baby seat in the back - and my V35 KILLS IT. When Tyler was little and in the back of the 34 he could easily reach the back of the drivers seat to kick and annoy the piss out of me. However in the V35 there is literally a foot between his feet and the back of my seat. Go figure. I attempted to have passengers in the rear of the R34 a few times (once for a wedding), and the driver and passenger front seats have to be stupdily forward and nearly touching the dash to even fit legs in the back. Poor design for sure (but sexy cars, no doubt).
  10. Srsly? You dig up a 4 year old thread to point out that you are unwilling to spend a whole $65 for a mod on your car? Sheeeeesh.
  11. No worries Josh
  12. Hi, please familiarise yourself with forum rules and use the 'wanted to borrow' thread stickied at the top of the SA forums. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/220735-wanted-to-borrow/ I will let it go this time, but next time expect a warning and a deleted thread at a minimum.
  13. Yeah lots of people were there tonight .... nice to catch up with The Krew
  14. I am leaving home now
  15. I have changed your status to SA:SAU member Mike, so the SAU:SA forums should appear at the top of the SA forums now. Voting thread is here : http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/351262-now-live-2011-sausa-executive-committee-elections/ Was great to see your R34GTR last night mate - one of the cleanest I have ever seen inside and out!
  16. Yep, I have just finished washing the beast and am coming along too!
  17. All SAU:SA Club Members please go into the Members section and vote in the Elections if you haven't voted already - voting closes Sunday midnight! Get on it!
  18. Nice pics there Vu! Piece of advice - when I put an aftermarket radiator in my R34 I noticed a HUGE INCREASE in water temperatures. Worked out is was due to not having a shroud over the fan. Get on this asap!
  19. And for future reference your negative reputation was given by another SAU member - it is nothing to do with the SAU moderators. If people think you are being a tool, they will negative rep you for it.
  20. ^^^ Dude, you posted your scooter thread in the general SA forum - instead of in this topic! It was not the content of your for sale thread, it was the fact that you posted it in the GENERAL SA section, rather than in this 'for sale' thread. You don't need to 'create a new topic', but rather just add a reply with your ad in it at the bottom of this thread in future.
  21. For the SAU:SA Members out there who haven't seen the thread in the member's section, nominations for 2011 Committee positions are now open, and will close tomorrow night midnight (thread has been up for 6 days with only 26 views). Anyone that wants to be more involved in the club, or are not happy with how things are currently going, please feel free to nominate yourself. Speak now, or forever hold your peace (so to speak) http://www.skylinesa...ttee-elections/ Formal voting will commence 9am Friday and I will post a thread both here and in the members section with voting instruction and a password. Obviously only SAU:SA members can vote, and IPs/email addresses will be recorded.
  22. Nightcrawlers (where my nickname emanates from) - Push the Feeling On I could go on for hours of classic from the early/mid 1990's rave days .... damn I must be old
  23. lol that is the exact song I thought of when I read what Krishy wrote - classic quote from Stallone in Judge Dredd .... and awesome music back from the days when I loved all the classics Apotheosis - O Fortuna http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ76EOVpQMM Praga Khan - Injected with a Poison
  24. Did you notice the (very) ironic "Alcohol Consumption Prohibited" sign inbetween us all - it was located not 50m from our table
  25. Only photo I got of the day - this photo includes Whiplash, Red Back, Scandyflick, Me and RubyRS4 off SAU
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