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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. Yep was good as always. Don't remember much after about 4pm, but apparently the wife picked Scandy, Whiplash and I up then Nick walked home from near my place, and Scandy played some pool at my place. Was fair drunk and stumbling around until midnight when I finally went to bed. Drank over 1lt of water during the night and woke up 100% on Sunday There were many fine girls about, the food was good and the German beer was great.
  2. ^^^ I hate to nitpick on the Interwebz, but do you honestly think the word "registerable" is spelt "regerstrible"? The amount of shocking spelling/grammar things I see posted every day makes me sad for the future of this country's leaders - kid's spelling and grammar are truly out of control these days - I thought there was a basic level of English proficiency demanded before kids moved from grade to grade through school ....
  3. Dang that sounds weak .... how is a lump of plaster going to prevent you coming out to sit in a chair and drink all day?
  4. Ok, for you biatches that don't know me or the other SAU stalwarts, I will be wearing a blue Oakley t-shirt, and we plan to be sitting under the tent numbered 40 on the map (at the Northern end of the shade tents in the middle section), near the Eastern end of that tent. See you there. The more people that get there early (12pm or before) the more chairs/tables we can save for the late comers. Keep in mind latecomers, as I said previously many of us tent to leave around 6-7pm, as that's when the drunken bogans start losing their sense of reason.
  5. That would be sweet Will! Are you guys still here, or have you come back? Have meant to catch up, but has been one of the those silly seasons (incl. a week in Melbourne).
  6. Everyone that has replied in this thread is going Saturday. Normally we go early (11:45am to line up), get a heap of tables/chairs, and most years I leave around 6pm and some others stay on and rage all night. After 6 hours of drinking I have normally had enough!
  7. Yep down for this again - was a great show last year!
  8. Ooooops I have changed the topic title now to reflect the correct year Looks like we have a few peeps interested. Anyone else? Even if you have never been before, nor know any of the SAU regulars, it is still a bloody good day out.
  9. Our annual SAU Schutzenfest (non-car) meet-up is Saturday 15th Jan. For those who haven't been before it is a day of hard-core eating, shooting and of course drinking. Lots of fun and many lols to be had! As per previous years some of us will get there super early and reserve a bunch of tables/chairs. Gates open at 12pm. Tickets are $16, and if you pre-buy a ticket through Venuetix (which saves you lining up on the day anyhow) you get a free Stein, so makes for great value. If the weather is hot (normally is) they normally have a huge mist tent, which is GREAT entertainment, if you get what I mean :D Who is interested? I will PM my mobile number to interested members and let you all know what sort of shirt I will be wearing for new members who don't know me.
  10. I am in, and I am sure that a huge SA contingent will make the trip!
  11. Marvey Tech at Modbury Heights if you are anywhere North. John 0405 702 292
  12. Yeah you should pay the $45 ($30 per annum and $15 once-off joining fee) and become an SAU:SA Club member Mike - we are having a Club dawn cruise and breakfast early in the New Year. Will be awesome, with tons of great cars in a nice relaxed group. Nice purchase by the way! I have a black V35 coupe these days.
  13. There is a place out at Greenfields (they have a sign for plastic repairs) - you turn in off Port Wakefield Road .... not sure of their name though. On a side note, when did you buy a 34GTR Mike?
  14. My major gripe with Macs is that 1). for the hardware you listed in your build Carl you wouldn't get any change out of $3k for an IMac with the same specs, and 2) the parts are OEM, so when you want to add more ram or change anything you have to send the whole box back to Mac.
  15. I have no idea how you guys justify spending that much money on an upgrade to your PC when in a year it is worth nothing. I have built a PC that won't quite look as good, and will only be 90% as fast, but cost a quarter of the bits you are getting Carl.
  16. Does anyone happen to have a 20-24 pin PC power supply adapter laying around I can buy? I want to fit an older (but awesome) 20 pin Thermaltake PSU into a PC I am making the lad for Xmas, but newer motherboards are of course 24 pin. What I am looking for is like this : http://cgi.ebay.com....=item2eaf34d7b0 I have ordered a couple off Ebay, but assume they won't get here by Xmas, so if no-one has one locally I will have to go buy a cheap PSU for the PC, which would suck. Anyone got a converter laying about?
  17. Does anyone happen to have a 20-24 pin PC power supply adapter laying around I can buy? I want to fit an older (but awesome) 20 pin Thermaltake PSU into a PC I am making the lad for Xmas, but newer motherboards are of course 24 pin. What I am looking for is like this : http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ATX-Power-Cable-20-Pin-Female-24-Pin-Male-/200507971504?pt=AU_Components&hash=item2eaf34d7b0 I have ordered a couple off Ebay, but assume they won't get here by Xmas, so if no-one has one locally I will have to go buy a cheap PSU for the PC, which would suck. Anyone got a converter laying about?
  18. Looks awesome, but you wouldn't last one cruise to the Bay and back without being defected here in Adelaide.
  19. Yes, yes it certainly is Gets lots of good looks wherever it goes - had a guy driving a Porsche nearly break his neck gawking at it while going around a corner in town last night - I LOL'd
  20. yes, since you won't even to be able to view/print out the voucher until the 21st.
  21. Yeah nice way to start your forum life - act like you want buy someone's goods then go say no thanks you can get them cheaper elsewhere - like Steve said, why even waste his time asking in the first place?
  22. Well you would be spewing Dion and Krishy that Scoopon has just posted a better deal - 2 wash vouchers for $29 at The Wash! http://www.scoopon.com.au/deals/1133/just-29-for-2-x-washes-with-the-works-includes-wash-shine-and-detail-everywhere-115-90-value
  23. You get your member bar when that Admin login system is fixed - until then I can't give you one.
  24. So do SAU:SA Members get the 'members' price, or is it only NSW SAU Members?
  25. Ah ok fair enough. FYI there are MANY dealers in Sydney that have sheds full of V35 interiors/TVs, Brembos and they make Premiums on demand .... basically if you want one of the cars on their lot they can 'make' you a premium or a 70th Anniversary edition (or vice-versa make a premium a base model by removing said bits and selling the car to you cheaper) - I had this offered on the V35 I nearly bought from a dealer in Sydney - they could put oem full leather seats, leather door inserts, pop up TV and Brembos on in 2 hours. Only thing they couldn't do were seat heaters. Hence why I asked. Does it say on your VIN plate it is a 70th Anniversary Ed? Quite sure the R33 60th Anniversary had it on their VIN, as well as badging and other bits. Don't think I have seen a V35 with any stickers/badging though. I searched the Jap auctions for AGES to find a black V35 with black leather interior, but never came across one. Found some with the gross tan/Willow interior, but couldn't stomach that, especially on a black car.
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