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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. and I take it from your post it didn't have an alarm? FOR f**kS SAKE PEOPLE, EVERY (and I mean EVERY) SKYLINE THAT HAS BEEN STOLEN RECENTLY HAD NO ALARM. Use your brains and put an alarm in your cars ffs. This is beyond ridiculous - how many have to go missing before you finally get it?
  2. Excellent Seb, will be great to catch up, and also to see one of (if not) the best R35GTRs IN THE ENTIRE WORLD (no exaggeration necessary). People who haven't seen Seb's extremely heavily modified (to say the least) R35GTR should come just to see that one car, let alone the 100s of other awesome cars that will be present. That is a very good question Ryan - can someone who has pre-registered and got their paperwork handy post up the start time? I am not sure if the folks would have this already or whether they get it at sign-in tomorrow. I assume it would start at 9am (so cars there from 8am for setup or something like that), but will confirm as soon as I know.
  3. Just an update guys - entry to people wanting to show off their cars in this excellent display to be held at Wigley Reserve, Glenelg this Saturday can just rock up and pay on the day. With a gracious offer from Cazz (the organiser and owner of some mind-blowing R30s and R31s herself), the SAU Exec have decided we will have an SAU tent and presence at the show'n'shine on Saturday, some come to and say hi and pick up some SAU merchandise. Entries to the Mallala track day have basically filled up (a few spots left might be up for grabs - contact organisers ASAP if you are keen to race). Between all the Gibson cars coming (including the Winfield R32GTR, race DR30s and 31s), then cars like Munro's R33 race car, the Willall R35GTR (there will be at least 6 R35GTrs racing!) and RH9, it will be an amazing sight. Entry is just $10 at the gate at Mallala on Sunday - the first Gibson/SVD cars parade lap is hoping to be around 9:15am, and there will be another near lunch. Plenty of racing inbetween too. Tell your mates and come along for a great weekend. If you are into Skylines, then this weekend is the absolute ultimate!
  4. Sorry to hear Dahn - am super looking forward to the R at Mallala on Sunday. Will be a huge bummer if it can't make it. Feels like some of the old crew coming together Wonder if Matt Whatsisname is going to put in an appearance - I am supposed to be playing poker with him Saturday night. Shame guys like Grepin and Bugalugs have completely disappeared from the scene. Munro will be there though of course on Sunday with both of his toys (not the Radical though sadly - injured gearbox last week in Sydney).
  5. Yeah I know Pete - I am not the tuner (Martin is) and I am not the workshop who did it (Manta is - and Steve has built a cubic SHIT-TON of wicked cars). I am sure they know what they are doing. That said, David's power figure was not bad for low boost and everything taking it nice and easy on a full run-in tune. About right with little 2530s I would have thought - they only start getting up into their stride when they hit 18-20psi - I believe his tune was done at 12psi for now.
  6. Ben, David has a PowerFC - in fact it is the R32GTR one out of the R that was written off in Targa Tasmania a few months ago (as his old one shat itself). And yes, it is tuned rich as FCUK atm while he fully runs in the motor. Mind you he is not out for HUGE power, as he has chosen response rather than massive numbers - he is running a pair of HKS 2530s - my favourite turbo
  7. Yep, finished it just now so it is very fresh in my mind. Took about 3.5 hours, due to save games and what not. Especially hard since I was trying to get the ALL IN achievement and only used the Artifact once right near the end. Can't even imagine how hard it is going to be on Brutal. At least I will be able to use the Artifact on that one though, since the achievement is done.
  8. For those Starcraft II fans, I have just finished the game for the 2nd time (first on Normal, then on Hard) - F$#k me some of the Hard missions are Hard (yeah yeah, I know how stupid that sounds) - especially if you are trying to get the extra achievements (some of them are near impossible trying to get the extra achievements as well). I am contemplating doing it on Brutal, but don't know if I have the fortitude to go through it again. Might leave it a few weeks and work on some of the league achievements instead. How many points do you guys have now? I have 2,000 exactly.
  9. Was this Skyline supposed to be in a wedding in 2 weeks time? I have been asked for my V35 to be a replacement car for a Skyline that was stolen from Newport last week. Sorry to hear man. Hopefully the filthy crooks hurt themselves when they crashed it.
  10. Absolutely spewing I missed this. Just after I posted very early this morning I went to bed and within 15 minutes was up running to the toilet to empty both ends for the next 6 hours. Went to bed with some Imodium and Stemetil in my belly hoping to get a bit of sleep and rock up early afternoon, but have only just been able to drag myself out of bed now. Damn gastro or food poisoning! Hope everyone had fun!
  11. Sorry Steve, as per my SMS I won't be there until 11am, as I have to take my son to swimming lessons. Can you swap me with someone else's slot if they are keen?
  12. Doh - I have your leather seat covers in the boot to bring to you Tobias. Maybe catch up on the weekend?
  13. I have port forwarding setup on a high post so as to not interfere with anything else (connection status is always green, so no problem there). Is a decent quality Billion router. It didn't used to do it with Adam, and never did it when I was with Node. but Adam's data plans are MUCH better value than Node so I am willing to suffer - it just annoys me is all.
  14. I have 1.5Mbit ADSL1 with Adam (am on a RIM so can't get ADSL yet am 7km from the city in a newish development - don't get me started) and have had a good experience, but I sometimes drop out and have to reboot my modem up to 5 times a day - sometimes it is fine for a week, and other days it shits me to tears. Does it particularly when Torrenting (but not exclusively), so not sure if it has something to do with that.
  15. Yep you most definitely can't legally drive a car registered in another state for more than 30 days (I think it is). Many get away with it for a period of time, but in a Skyline where you draw attention just for being a Skyline, if a cop sees you with Qld plates on it a couple of times he is going to pull you over. From memory methinks that was what Heslo earnt his 'pull over and defect' for when he drove around with WA plates for a while. Needless to say he regretted it!
  16. Looooove that front bar! Did you buy it in Aus? Link?
  17. Welcome to the forums Pete. We do however have a 'into' thread that should have been used and not a new thread created. It is here (click). Then a link to that thread in the wasteland of the dinner thread would have been sufficient. In my opinion I definitely wouldn't be driving a car from Qld to SA if there is any issue whatsoever with the wheel/shock/whatever. Especially if the wheel needs a balance of the car needs an alignment. At 100km+ problems get amplified many times and we would hate for you to leave the Skyline community so quickly on your way home. Just something to think about.
  18. ^^ yep, then run along the floor at the join of the door seal. Pull our your rear seat and run up the edge then through to the boot/amp. Make sure you DON'T run your AV cables through through the same rout - you will get interference (not always obvious to everyone). Run the AV cables up the centre of the car under the carpet (bugger of a job, but worth it - easier if you remove one of the front seats, but not entirely necessary).
  19. Once you get the bonnet past the strut load point it drops no problem - not 100% sure whether the force to push the bonnet down to that point would bend an alloy bonnet near the mounts or not.
  20. That really does suck - feel for you champ. I hope it was insured!
  21. Haha nice job Tobias .... I wonder who gave you that great idea? - told you it would work. Nice work on getting the screw in ball joints - good idea! I wasn't 100% sure if the bottom mounts would clear, but thought they would Guess I was a little wrong there. These are the exact same ones I have - is that the Ebay shop I sent you to?
  22. Are you SURE you need to drill a hole Tobias? They should be bolt-on - normally you undo one of the mudguard screws and put it under there. Bring it over here and I will have a look/install it for you.
  23. Of course it makes a difference - your car alarm going off for 4 minutes in your driveway in the dead of night would be a TAD obvious, and your car would not get stolen. EVERY SINGLE car that has gone missing lately has not had an alarm. That is my point. If a would-be thief were under my dash trying to disable my alarm while the siren going off would have PERMANENT hearing damage within 30 seconds due to the 3 piezo sirens deafening him.
  24. What sort of alarm did it have?
  25. Is it black? I remember someone else looking at an R34 with a "3-way LSD" in it recently, and the car was fully dodge.
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