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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. Fark how is it I have been to pretty much every brand lan ever held in Adelaide and am a bona-fide games geek, yet have never heard of this? Can someone please give me a heads-up before it is on next year? Wouldn't mind going for a look at upcoming games technologies and smashing some n00bs at Starcraft II. In that vein, who has pre-downloaded Starcraft II ready to activate when their key is released on Tuesday?
  2. What is AVCON and who is Cosplay?
  3. OK, now where do I start .... But Damo - you are a raging homo .... You could have bought Sam with you - chicks are welcome in my spa too Jas - Thanks, James said you had a little something for me .... I will drop by one day next week and say hi Twink - I didn't make it to the spa in the end - headed down to Villis .... and yes a slate or two may have been consumed on the way And I want one of those toys too!
  4. Well I have decided I am going to go hop in the spa with a couple of beers .... so don't be surprised if you guys don't see me at Villi's tonight, as I may well decide I cbf getting out of the spa And any Northies who 1) have my number and 2) know where I live, feel free to come over - there is plenty of beer and the spa holds 6 ppl
  5. ^^^ someone has - you need to check/subscribe to the "for sale" thread ....
  6. I may turn up for a bit tonight .... will have my black Skyline hoodie on if I do go (for Volk to ID me).
  7. Ah ok. But I will believe it when I see it - the economic climate is not even close to before the GFC. Hope you do get the loan - just being realistic. I would seriously go see them and see what you can get in place before you go hunting around too much more for a car.
  8. As Damo said your HUGE problem is that almost no bank will give you an unsecured loan .... especially if you mention it is for an import that is not yet in the country (many banks won't give loans on imports fullstop)
  9. I can also put it on a DVD for you Ruby - but FYI it is an absolute PITA to get working properly .... and you can't mix and match old and new data sets, so you either get up to 2002, or after 2002 - VERY difficult to get the software working with both.
  10. Haha you know me too well Jake - I NEARLY, NEARLY changed your username to "Twink", but for some unknown reason thought better of it.
  11. Hang on - you joined up on SAU to whinge about your stolen car ffs. NOT to be a part of the community, not to help anyone else out, not to be part of anything .... except ask people's help and expect them not to be critical of a car that is uninsured and presumably unalarmed, presumably left out the front of someone else's house - then stolen. Excuse us for pushing the point that if you don't have an alarm you deserve to have your car stolen, and by not having an alarm you personally cause all of our premiums to go up at next renewal "x"%, due to the additional ABS stat that shows Skylines do, if fact, get stolen. Clearly if you did have an alarm, kill switches, and a Club lock, but THEN had your car stolen, you would have cleared that point up with us. So we assume otherwise. If you did have all those things, then my heart truly goes out to you .... we all know that cars still can get stolen despite the best security - which is why even with all my security measures if I HAD to leave my Skyline somewhere unfamiliar I would park another car behind it, or at least pull the fuel pump fuse so they couldn't start the thing. And yes, I really would. When I had my old R34, which did have all the forementioned security items, when I parked at pubs to go play NPL Poker, EVERY TIME I parked at one of the pubs I popped the bonnet and removed my fuel pump fuse. I even purposely blew the same colour fuse and replaced the real one with a dummy - so even if they towed it a short distance and couldn't get it started it looked like the fuel pump fuse was still in there and good. So clear it up right now, did it have an alarm? Kill switch? Club lock? Was it parked in a garage or on the street?
  12. Since you have paid Jake, I will upgrade your SAU forum membership to SAU:SA status within 2 minutes
  13. Who was talking about couriers to courier an engine interstate on here the other day, and what were the conclusions? Need to get an RB26 to Melbourne .... company names, phone numbers and prices if anyone has them pls.
  14. Have you tried to clean/degrease those spots Abe? They might just be some muck stuck to you disks - not necessarily burn spots.
  15. Yep, I can't agree more Pete! I want other Skyline drivers to protect THEMSELVES - it is just not worth not having an alarm! I know it won't 100% stop a theft, but at least it gives you a chance.
  16. You are dead right Jenna .... in fact we should tack on the end of that: " and don't come sooking on here if you don't have all 3 of these .... " I really do feel for people who have their cars stolen - it is a truly terrible thing. But I (like most people) went out and put in a $1k+ pager alarm, and if I park it anywhere remotely suspicious will put on my Club lock AND put on my extra kill switch, and I would NEVER, EVER leave it parked out on the street overnight even with all these things .... yet people leave their cars out the front of other people's house with no alarm or anything then are surprised when it is stolen .... go figure.
  17. Not 100% sure Jeremy, but I would expect $60-$80 based on other places around Adelaide
  18. The only way we are going to lessen these getting stolen is for fools to put in decent alarms, kill switches and club locks. Why are people so stupid that they cannot see this. Sorry for your loss, but you should have known much better.
  19. Yes, you NEED the anti-squeal plates. And you need to slather them with anti-squeal goo - not just a little bit. Buy the good stuff too - the really sticky orange stuff is usually the best.
  20. yeah flick me an SMS when you want to come and get it mate .... pretty much every night this week I am home after 6 and often before.
  21. Oh yeah of course you do ... and don't worry about the club - we over-catered (as always - better too much than not enough) and we still have plenty of meat left in the freezer for future events. Drinks too for that matter (unless Steve has drunk them all already ) It really is very scary when catering for a bbq all the hidden costs involved. Until you do it, you wouldn't believe it. Of course you can do it for relatively cheap on the bones of your ass, but Steve likes to get the nice quality snags, good quality bread (and lots of it), decent amount of condiments, onions, different varieties of drinks, and all the trimmings, so it doesn't take long for the costs to blow out.
  22. ^^^ bloody AWESOME bike there! Sooo cheap too. Glad to hear you are bouncing back Brendan - we are all worried for you mate .... chin up - it will all work out! You will love getting into cycling - I wish I had the time to do it.
  23. I am pretty sure I have the SAU banner in my bag of tricks Nigel .... let me know if you want to come get it from me (I am in Northgate FYI). Or I can try get it to someone in the display. Yeah for the last bbq SAU:SA spent nearly $200 on gear and barely recouped a quarter of that. I reckon you should just go to the butcher up the road and buy $40 of cheap-ass sausages, then with the other $10 get a couple of loaves of bread and some sauce.
  24. It's actually better if you earn those stripes Luke
  25. Thanks guys .... and by high school Dion, I take it you mean Banksia? I only did year 13 there to top up my Uni entry scores .... I actually went to St Peter's College year 8-12.
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