Hang on - you joined up on SAU to whinge about your stolen car ffs. NOT to be a part of the community, not to help anyone else out, not to be part of anything .... except ask people's help and expect them not to be critical of a car that is uninsured and presumably unalarmed, presumably left out the front of someone else's house - then stolen.
Excuse us for pushing the point that if you don't have an alarm you deserve to have your car stolen, and by not having an alarm you personally cause all of our premiums to go up at next renewal "x"%, due to the additional ABS stat that shows Skylines do, if fact, get stolen.
Clearly if you did have an alarm, kill switches, and a Club lock, but THEN had your car stolen, you would have cleared that point up with us. So we assume otherwise.
If you did have all those things, then my heart truly goes out to you .... we all know that cars still can get stolen despite the best security - which is why even with all my security measures if I HAD to leave my Skyline somewhere unfamiliar I would park another car behind it, or at least pull the fuel pump fuse so they couldn't start the thing. And yes, I really would. When I had my old R34, which did have all the forementioned security items, when I parked at pubs to go play NPL Poker, EVERY TIME I parked at one of the pubs I popped the bonnet and removed my fuel pump fuse. I even purposely blew the same colour fuse and replaced the real one with a dummy - so even if they towed it a short distance and couldn't get it started it looked like the fuel pump fuse was still in there and good.
So clear it up right now, did it have an alarm? Kill switch? Club lock? Was it parked in a garage or on the street?