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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. It is the nectar of the Gods. That is all.
  2. That is quite insane .... even if it equates to $1,200 delivered with nuts when I paid $1,600 delivered with nuts direct from Rota. They must be making a loss on them surely. At least they aren't selling MY style wheels at that price, but I am keen on a pair of 10" +12 for the rears of my car to fatten up the stance - wish I could find a pair for $600 delivered!
  3. It shouldn't be, but the Australians general population is so freaking stupid that they don't even realise that KRudd didn't properly fulfil ANY of his election promises, and Gillard is as bad if not worse than he is ....
  4. I have an Asuka unit for sale if you are interested. Was installed in my V35, but I have gone a more complex (and expensive) PVR option now instead. In as new condition.
  5. Springs arrived safe and sound on Tuesday, fitted them on Thursday - thanks mate, they are great!
  6. After discussions with Martin today, this might become a members only event, as he doesn't want a riff-raff element there that are not good club members and have no allegiance to anyone. Get your friend to become a member - he gets an affective $10 saving on what he was going to spend as a non-member anyway!
  7. Some of you guys are on freaking drugs when it comes to wheel prices .... if you reckon you can get 18" x 9.5 Rotas for $1k delivered I absolutely challenge you to show me where .... and even at $1,600 they are a freaking steal .... the best price I could find on a new set of 18" x 9.5 +20 genuine LMGT4s was $6k delivered .... yet my Rota copies (the very same wheels Willalls are running on their Evo 10 that does 1:12 freaking second laps around Mallala - and they have smashed them on ripple strips etc with no ill effects) were just under $1,700 delivered with some tough negotiation. I freaking love the rims - they look porn, and every time I rub up against a kerb (which is often when using the car for work and parking 30 times a day) I don't give a shit .... I would give a shit if I had paid $1,500 PER WHEEL though! Go for it Penny - if you like them, that is all that matters.
  8. They had the 80Gb one on Catch of the Day a few months back for $300 - the wife rang me and asked if I wanted one and I said NO - what was I thinking? The trouble is I have around 200 Wii games that I don't have time to play - how would I find time for a PS3?
  9. For those into Alienware: http://www.graysonline.com/sale.aspx?id=21...ith%20Core%20i7 These auctions pop up from time to time .... You also have to factor in a 15% buyers premium and shipping on top though.
  10. Yeah couldn't even watch the bits of kids being run over .... being a father that cuts you very deep - I don't even know how parents deal with losing children. And on a lighter note ....
  11. Of course I will be there ....
  12. It is a couple of days before I head off to Hong Kong, so might have to give it a miss - unless you get super desperate for number.
  13. Saved? nah just kidding
  14. Trouble is that installing headers on a V35 is a $1,000 labour job as it is one of the biggest pita jobs and takes 8-10 hours .... unless you drop the motor of course .... which I will have to do when I fit decent pistons etc sometime down the track. They are on the list
  15. Me likey - me likey a LOT!!! Nice find there Dave
  16. It's only $45 for the first year - subsequent years are only $30. You get 10% discount at places like Main North Nissan, Willall Racing, Auto Perfection, ISC etc etc .... tell me any year you WOULDN'T spend close to $300 between all our sponsors, and I will call you a liar .... then to top it all off we have plenty of member only events (or events offered to members only then filled up with extras only if we need them), club-only displays at car shows, club-only dyno days (of which one is coming up start of September - and it will be CHEAP for members - in fact more than $30 cheaper than a normal dyno run on its own), members Xmas dinner (which at this stage seems like it will be free for members), then add in that through us you can get your L2S Cams license for $100 a year .... membership certainly has its privileges.
  17. Dang, that is the SAU:SA Marksman pistol shooting day, otherwise I would have come out for some lols at Weezy
  18. Yeah JMW (James) has 2 HOUSE alarm sirens - one in the engine bay AND one inside the car - they are the loudest bloody things you have ever heard. Same principle - deafen them and they won't have a chance to try hotwire your car
  19. hey Luke, if the Alma is so awesome, why are you browsing SAU?
  20. That's why you need an alarm AND a club lock - the alarm draws attention to the vehicle so they don't have 2 minutes uninterrupted in which to get the club lock off .... AND I have 3 piezo sirens inside the cabin that are absolutely deafening - no thief in their right mind would be in my car more than 5 seconds with those things piercing their eardums!
  21. Thanks Jenna It is exactly what I had in mind when I bought the car, so am very happy with it.
  22. http://www.ironchefimports.com/site/ http://www.prestigemotorsport.com.au/searc...e&andor=AND http://www.j-specimports.com.au/
  23. Nah mate don't do anything for me .... plus I am a bit in love with my LMGT4 copies
  24. I'm not sure Steve Cramp would appreciate you calling him Steve Camp Steve .... he's not very camp at all (unlike yourself)
  25. I just finished polishing the 35 .... did a full "Meguire's Swirl Remover 2.0" light cut and polish yesterday, then today have done a full-on "Mequire's Tech Wax 2.0" polish and hand buff .... needless to say I am a bit tired and sore now .... but the 35 looks like someone has just poured an icy jug of water all over it .... mmmmm WET LOOK!
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