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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. Nah sled is actually talking about XD9s, which sadly do not come bigger than 18" (and given his new car comes from factory with 19" he doesn't want to go smaller) .... I reckon go some dished 18s anyway - will still look fine
  2. I disagree Damo - I NEVER once was pulled over in 3 years of my R34 being my daily. and it was lowered, running on Gram Lights and had a GTR style front bar.
  3. If you are after a super tough 4 door R34 PM "Evil34" - local guy and car. He is looking at selling soon and would be well worth a look!
  4. I understand everything you are saying Ben, but for R&T to say your motor will be fine with the upgraded power level on the basis of a leak-down test is pretty poor. You have only had the car for 3 of its 20 years, so god only knows what maintenance schedule was had before you got it. Unless they have opened the engine and inspected the internal components I just can't understand how they can guarantee you are not going to spin a bearing, crack a ring-land or whatever else. But it sounds like you are on the right path putting in all new gaskets etc,, so at least they can have a partial visual inspection of your engine internal before the N1s go on. And on the topic of you 'going easy on while it' while it was mechanically impaired (just in case you forgot), you gave the 32 a fair hiding on the way to Kadina last year and Balgowan also - I saw more than a fair plume of black smoke behind you and you will remember being destroyed by an n/a V35 at one point .... which I now understand now you have revealed your power level issues.
  5. No disrespect intended Ben, but I see in the near future a "I've blown a hole through the side of my block, whacked a piston on my valves and entirely fu[ked my RB26 waaaa waaaa waaa" thread .... /sits in wait
  6. As per my post above, Main North Nissan has a Skyline nut at the head of the parts department, and offers 10% discount on all products as SAU:SA sponsors .... but I had dealing with North East Nissan (same owner) before they moved (to become Lakeside Nissan), and found them to be below par imho.
  7. ^^^ how long did you guys end up staying Krishy? Did anyone win anything decent? Sorry I bailed a bit early (11pm) but wasn't in the mood for it after being torn a new one at poker by an Asian guy who was just playing any old rubbish (and hitting crap all over the place) and dominating my otherwise very decent hands I had stuff to do early this morning too so couldn't hang around all night.
  8. The change from a driving test (when most of us got our Ps and actually did a 1 hour driving test under pressure) to the log book system was the biggest downfall of our driving system IMHO. Suddenly people who couldn't sit and pass a one hour driving test were easily getting their licences - despite failing a particular manoeuvre 19 times and getting it right the 20th time, and then being able to tick that manoeuvre off in their log book. Pure insanity. I see so many shocking drivers every day - most of them trying to kill me, unfortunately. Between the massive influx of new immigrants (and without being racist this is the biggest problem group - most abhorrent things I see on the roads in the North-eastern area are of African or Middle-Eastern appearance), and the rapidly ageing population, combined with the decrepit state of our unmaintained roads, it is a huge wonder the death toll isn't 10x times what it is now.
  9. You have read it wrong Ben - my understanding is that ALL VARIETIES OF TURBOS AND SUPERCHARGERS ARE BANNED
  10. I agree it is long overdue. Other states have had the laws in for some years. I am sure everyone under 25 thinks it is unfair, but it is their lives they are trying to save. If I had been driving a high performance turbo car in any of my little mishaps I had in much less powerful cars when I was younger, I might not still be with us today. You ng kids get STUPID behind the wheel - I know, I was one of them. I think the most important rule they are bringing in is the 'no passengers after midnight'. Great idea that limits the carnage. Sadly it won't affect those who drink drive, as their decision making process is so flawed by then they don't consider the law nor the consequences anyhow. Those people will still die and kill others. It is a bit like people STILL sometimes don't wear seatbelts/bike helmets - yet they are law to save your life .... some people are so stupid it is beyond words .... a bit like smoking - we all know it will KILL, give you CANCER, BLOOD CLOTS, EMPHYSEMA and various other things that will cause you an extremely painful and premature death - yet people still smoke - WTF? /rants
  11. I took this photo at BigW at the Plaza last night .... even their POS terminals can have Windows FAIL
  12. ok I will be heading to Villi's around 7pm (have the gasket in the 35 for your ruby), then heading to the Cas for some Texas Hold'em - anyone that is interested is free to tag along.
  13. ok I will be heading to Villi's around 7pm (have the gasket in the 35 for your ruby), then heading to the Cas for some Texas Hold'em - anyone that is interested is free to tag along.
  14. I may be heading down - depends if I end up going to play Poker at the Cas or not
  15. You know I used to have this attitude also .... until I had a kid. Normal sedans just do not have the rear seat legroom for a bassinet and most don't even comfortably house a child seat with a child in it (which is why we just sold our Accord Euro and bought a CRV). Also of note is the higher seating/vision position of SUVs, which do make them safer for Mum's driving kids around (and let's face it - we want kids to be safe). But of course the other side of the coin is that I spend all day out on the road, and BLOODY HATE the limited visibility all 4wds/SUVs make me suffer. And the driving of soccer Mums leaves a LOT to be desired ....
  16. Wow, that is a super freaking sweet custom install .... did you do it all yourself, or have a workshop do it? Vvnice!!!
  17. Mallala is $4,500 for the day from memory - so if you had 10 people, are you going to come up with $450 each? Maybe not Sounds like the Tailem Bend track is the new go, and there are plenty of track days already being organised down there .... bloody long tow home when you break something though! And in funny news
  18. We have talked about an SAU:SA drift day, but there are only 6 or so drifters on SAU, so around 20 people short for a private day. But apart from that, nearly all of them won't even pony up the whole $30 per annum to support the club, so it is pretty much off the table of events ....
  19. Maybe some are, some aren't? I have been done and got the photo with 2 other cars in different lanes in the pic and I questioned how they know it was me, and they said they get an individual reading off each lane so can tell which car in the pic is speeding.
  20. Speed cameras are lane specific so you will be safe Jake. But it doesn't hurt to have their rego details etc just in case!
  21. Palace is the only place like that in Adelaide I would consider visiting again .... I am still damaged by some of the things I have seen at 108's, Strats and the Horse *shudders*
  22. Hey, thanks for your moral support at the 'wrecking yard' the other day too Jenna
  23. ^^^ BAH - try your missus having a baby and having a total of 1.5 YEARS off - plus copping around $5k worth of expenses in tests, ultrasounds, delivery, hospital stay on top etc etc. AND try and service my mortgage on one wage ....
  24. Yeah I may have had a few too many beers then way too many reds on Saturday night at the Sebel Playford .... but the Morton Bay Bug and Prawn entree was awesome, then the 220g GSM eye fillet steak that was encrusted with dijon mustard and smothered with smoked red wine jus was out of this world, and the icing on the cake was a 3 type of chocolate torte with fresh strawberries and strawberry juice glaze
  25. No worries Wayne. It is very deceptive - you look at the thread ands think a 5mm will go on with heaps of thread to spare, but it is not so. Ruby can attest to this - he borrowed my 5mm slip-ons and couldn't get a full turn on his wheel nut to do up - let alone the 2+ turns you really want to be safe.
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