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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. Finally got around to properly installing everything this arvo and getting rid of my old sub box that took up half the boot. Please excuse the video sound - the sub does not really distort that much - the camera does not take great audio (and the front Soundstream splits are not quite as bright as they seem in the video either). The setup does sound good, and will sound better with some tuning and refining. FYI I bought the sub-box and 8" JL Audio sub from a USA Ebay seller .... US$500 delivered to my door - a great price I think. Yes I am aware the Boss amp is a piece of junk, but I will get a decent amp later on - it will have to do for now. Enjoy
  2. fyi I sold my stock one to a workshop here in Adelaide for $700 last month to give you an idea of price.
  3. Nah only have 2 mate. Not 100% sure if I can be arsed changing them for Kadina or not - if I don't fit them I will bring them along.
  4. Dan you will be needing to get a good nights rest Friday night and will be blind drunk in Kadina Saturday night .... not sure you will be watching much soccer
  5. What about standard R34GTR seats?
  6. Actually, while I have your attention for a moment, have you ever seen leather (MSpec) R34GTR seats come up at the auctions? Do you know a rough price I would be looking at?
  7. I didn't miss it .... vnice purchase there Kristian!
  8. Yeah yeah David - I know it was technically wrong, but I thought the world would forgive me as the interwebs is such srs bzness
  9. haha you can see how much I liked the joke Damo - stole it for my FB status .... thanks for that!
  10. Nah he's an interstater and not every state has the same SAU policy so I went easy on him
  11. hahahahahaha Can I buy an a and an e please John.
  12. Thanks for the info. I bought my LMGT4s in 9.5 +20 and the fronts are perfect but the offset on the rear is sadly lacking. Once I lowered the car it severely cambered in (and looked very shite), so I got some SPC rear camber arms, and the alignment workshop brought the camber from 4 degrees back to about 1.5 degrees. Looks a bit better now, but I definitely agree with your 10 +22s on the rear - I am going to buy a pair of 9.5 +12 or 10 +15s for the rear of my car to make it look better. In fact I am going to try some 20mm bolt-ons for a car show this weekend, so we will see how she runs with 9.5 +0 - I will post pics next week. Note too I am running a stretched 215 on the front and 235 on the rear (I like the drift look), so will get no rubbing.
  13. Ok, first of all the topic title "Dealer" is just stupid - you need to make the title state exactly what the topic is about, and what you want to ask. Secondly this has been covered 1,000,000 times before .... ALWAYS use the search function. Thirdly, the guys selling at Redline have always struck me as arrogant fools, and the cars are stupidly overpriced IMHO. That is all.
  14. ^^^ looks great .... what are the width and offset of your wheels?
  15. If IPhones don;t already rule the world, they most certainly will when IPhone 4 comes out .... I can hardly wait. I have mates that bag IPhones and have HTCs, Nokias, Samsungs etc .... but none of them have the all-round features the IPhone 3GS does - and most certainly can't compete with the 4G.
  16. dang, sucks to hear Carl .... could have been much worse though ....
  17. ooooh yeah. A stripper giving us lads a private dance at Goldfingers in Melbourne on the boy's footy trip had WW gear on (for a short period) and she was amazed I knew what it was ..... it was the teeny, tiny variety too
  18. oh, and sorry guyz .... in the spirit of the Wasteland and anyone recognise the jetty?
  19. Yeah don't worry Norman, my wife is a chartered accountant .... she will sort out the tax stuff for me
  20. You are plenty of flaming's mate (busted with the edit) .... flaming homo, flaming Moe, flaming galah ....
  21. yep, if you had started your Bachelor of Business (Property) degree 4 years ago, you would now be working as a one year experience grad valuer making an easy $60k a year Dave ....
  22. and DAMN your car is some sweet porn Luke. I hope you are going to make it super clean paint/finish-wise so it will make front page of some serious car mags too.
  23. Yeah, and at least as an apprentice you get paid something - even if it is stuff all. Try going to Uni, working some POS part time job to earn $100 a week to live/run a POS car on, buying about $1,000 worth of text books each year, then coming out of Uni with a $30,000 debt like me! Sure I have caught up now, but I sacrificed for a very long time.
  24. please ALWAYS use the search function. This topic has been covered hundreds of times before. Since you are a newbie I will let you off and not delete your thread, but ALWAYS check the stickied threads - in this case particularly this one: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Wo...st-t123887.html Read the forum rules here: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/boardrules.html and ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS use the search function at the top right of the forums to see if your question has been asked/covered before.
  25. Nah saddest thing is I am now paying the installments for last fin year's earnings, when I earnt considerably more - is a double knife in the back! No PAYG as I own my own company.
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