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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. I made the HUGE mistake of buying some Ebay coilovers made in Taiwan called "Master Damper Unit". I know it was a risk but I took it (for a measly $900 delivered), and it failed. I am still running the fronts (which clunk a little bit but not too bad), but the rear shocks were terrible, so I am running the stock rear shocks with the aftermarket rear spring setup. Runs not too bad now I have ironed all of the significant bugs out of it. Yes, you DEFINITELY need rear camber arms if you lower the car (the front I got away with at 1.5 degrees camber, 340mm eyebrow height). I have 340mmm rear eyebrow height and was over 4 degrees cambered. I bought a pair of SPC rear camber arms from America (about $400 the pair) and straightened it all up nicely.
  2. Sucks to hear. I have an R33GTR front badge on the mounting thing (off my brother-in-law's old broken front grille) for sale if you want one $50
  3. It is probably your brake fluid level. Sometimes it looks like it is full, but open it up and it could be near the minimum level, at which point your VDC will start turning off, and sometimes your ABS too.
  4. I also have an 03 auto coupe and get between 400km and 450km depending on driving style. I have once done a country trip and got a bit over 600km though.
  5. In fact I will almost certainly have a free room with 2 single beds in it spare (unless the wife & Tyler come, which is quite unlikely). The actual show day is Sun June 13, but most will be heading up Sat (then have a MASSIVE Sat night) and I am not leaving until Monday. It is only a 2 hour (or so) drive.
  6. hehe only on weekends .... that was part of what you missed out on at Old Skool, New Age. You should come to these shows Luke - they make a great weekend.
  7. A couple of mine
  8. Yeah I agree - your spokes seem quite flat for some reason. The +12 spokes are normally even more concave again than mine are. Here is a pic from the back showing off my titanium exhaust & smoked tail lights. Oh and a bonus one to show off the lit-up tail lights
  9. Thanks for the compliment Garland .... the wheels are 9.5 +20 and believe it or not the rears do not fully fill out the guards - I wish I had gone staggered and got +12 for the rears! The V35s have gigantic wheel arches.
  10. Killer car and killer wheels! I am a bit of a fan of the wheels since I have some on my V35
  11. Haha depends on who you get at Regency .... just like coppers some are decent blokes who want to enforce the rules fairly, and others are plain a$$wipes.
  12. You send info to the car like "arm/disarm alarm", "reset alarm after a shock sensor has gone off", "remote start", "trunk release", "panic mode (set off siren)" etc etc
  13. Did you read my carpark story above Dan? I was well inside the shopping centre and would not have reacted, then those lowlifes would have either robbed or stolen (well attempted anyhow) my V35. Similarly I had someone break into the R34 (which had a pager) when I was at the movies at TTP and ran out to disturb them and chase them off. Good advantage, I say.
  14. I agree if they really want it they will get it, but if you have a club lock, then they will 99% of the time not bother as it is too hard and move onto the next car without one. And if you have a pager alarm, you KNOW when your alarm is going off so you run to it. Gives you the best chance at least. That was my point.
  15. I have a new model pager alarm and it kicks ass. Not long after I got it I parked at Munno Para shopping centre to grab some lunch. I was a 5 minute walk inside the centre when I got a shock sensor alarm in my pocket. Ran flat out to the carpark, but noone was anywhere near my car. Reset the alarm and went back inside. Not even 5 minutes later it went off again. Bolted out again and noticed a couple of unlikely looking lads off the side of the carpark watching me and my car. No doubt they were checking my reaction time and whether or not it actually was a pager. Have never has a false alarm since. Money well spent. GPS alarms are good, but apparently a $20 Ebay item blocks/scrambles the signal. Even shutting the car in a decent sealed car trailer will do it. My car also has a tilt sensor and handbrake cable sensor, so if they try to trailer it my alarm goes off and I get the page in my pocket.
  16. Or approach any of the mods or execs at any SAU event (and some Friday nights at Villis).
  17. Very sorry to hear and hope you get it back, but how the hell can you own a Skyline not only without an alarm, but without a paging or SMS alarm, and then leave it parked with no Club Lock (or at least take out the fuel pump fuse or something)? In-freaking-sane. Makes ALL of our insurance premiums significantly higher due to cars going missing
  18. Carl give ZPlayer a try ..... I use if for watching DivX movie/tv dls and it works a treat. Seems to handle different file types and codes better when doing fullscreen than all other apps I have tried. I also use the CCCP ffdshow/codec pack - has always been great.
  19. I have an awesome condition Series 3 1997 R33GTR engine for sale. PM me if you want info.
  20. For future reference, please put some thought into your topic titles .... "Intelligent Responses" is not even close to acceptable - make your topic title very pertinent. Everyone (especially me) does not want to have to open your topic to see what it is about. Good luck with your cruise. And for the record, your car can be 100% legal, yet if officer Neil wants to defect you, rest assured he will. He only has to suspect illegal mods (or any variety of unroadworthiness) and he will send you to Regency, when your slight oil leak at the rear of the engine is noticed, old/worn bushes will fail inspection, suspension components will be scrutinised (and on a 240k almost certainly fail in some respect).
  21. LOL at the change of topic title .... I assume that was you Shan? Anyways, this has run its course, so consider it closed. Take your homoerotic ramblings to the Wasteland people.
  22. Hmmmm where to start Marty. Well, a few points: - don't complain about being banned. The rules are in place for a good reason and you were clearly spamming to flaunt them. - don't be surprised if no-one from SAU wants to cruise with you. No offense, but none of us know you from a bar of soap (nor your mates), so we don't know if you can actually drive or just tear around like a dickhead with the likelyhood of taking someone else out. - DON'T post cruise maps or details online - you have now INVITED the cops, and they WILL turn up on your route with a speed gun somewhere - you can count on it. - be a part of the forum (or club) for more than 5 minutes before organising anything - we have an annual dinner Wednesday week if you want to meet and greet. - don't 1337-5p34k or text-speak on the forums - it just annoys people .... things like "Whadya rekn" make you sound like you are a 'cool 11 year old'. - starting any cruise at Colley Reserve is a shite idea, as there is no car parking for any sort of group, and generally any cruises near Glenelg/Anzac Highway is a massive target for cops. Just a few tips for a happier stay at SAU.
  23. Gust, when you get a second please PM me about acquiring a CD of the shots of my car - so glad you got my one and only off, with Benji in his R31 spinning behind me
  24. Welcome to the forums Maalik, but you need to note a few things: - your thread title is stupid and mentions nothing regarding what your post is actually about, and what you need to find out. - this topic has been covered dozens of times before - and you would surely realise your best bet is going to a Skyline inclined mechanic who will quickly tell you what is/isn't ok on your car. - ALWAYS think VERY carefully about if you really need to start a new topic, or whether it has been covered before - ALWAYS use the search function - you will find most answers you need. Most importantly, there are a list of topics at the top of the SA forums which will help you with most questions. If you need to borrow a part, post in the 'wanted to borrow' thread. If you want to know about where to buy parts of what workshops to go to, consult the appropriate thread ....
  25. ^^^ wow have never seen an R34GTR engine bay looking brand new like that .... and Millennium Jade MSpec, so has the black leather seats ....SUPER DROOL. Is 3.5M yen the buy price or current bid price? If so, that would be a super buy for under $60k delivered and complied. Lately I have seen some pretty good cond R34GTRs with around 100k on the clock on Japanese auctions for around $35k-$40k complied .... darn tempting.
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