Prices are a bit all over the place at the moment. I picked up my 48k Black 2003 auto premium for $31,500 6 months ago from a dealer, but black is always much more expensive due to the rarity. Pearl white also seems fairly uncommon. I agree, start at $30k if you are not needing to sell in a hurry, and see how you go. Geography also plays a major factor - the prices in Sydney are at least $5k less than Perth or even Adelaide. I would suggest in reality you will get around the $24k-$26k mark.
I was upset to see a silver 350GT coupe on Prestige the other day for $17,600 landed and fully complied. Admittedly it was silver, and a non-premium auto, but still that is insanely cheap for such an awesome car.
I agree, if you want to sell do it ASAP before the V36s come down in price and start flooding in, then our V35s will be worth nothing