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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. Not even close. I don't need to sell it - I will hold onto it to stock out my can when I sell it one day. Good luck getting anything for your plates. When they lapse I will get them for free. My deal is a good one for you. I think your plates are worth maybe $250 tops, so you would be getting my 6 stacker unit for $500 effectively. And just because some tool sold his 6 stacker for "x" doesn't mean that is what they are worth. FYI mine had the same error when the car was on the car yard lot and I got the car yard to get it professionally repaired, so you are not buying a 7 year old player that may have the error again in "x" time.
  2. Go to Japan Luke. Travel while you are young, before you are tied down. I did a fair bit of travelling in my youth, but wish I had done much more! Once you get older and kids come along the costs absolutely skyrocket up, and the fun skyrockets down Of course lots of other things make up for it, but my point is travel while you can be freeeeeeeeee
  3. I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooo fkn sore from sunburn today it is unbelievable. Lucky I shuffled all my work to tomorrow and am spending my day home in my jocks in front the the PC/TV
  4. Is this product at all removable, or are you stuck with it for life?
  5. I don't think the plates are worth what you are asking - and the 6 stacker CD unit is worth $2k brand new, so has to be worth $1k 2nd hand (they sell for more than that in the USA). Even so, how about I offer to take your plates +$250, and I will give you my 6 stacker.
  6. Hey Paul, can you please get a shipping quote for the front bar to Northgate, SA, 5085? Pretty keen, since I have toasted my stock bar mounts
  7. I just finished Stalker Pripyat last night .... awesome game. COS and CS were good too, but Pripyat melds the best of both together. You are lucky you are playing CS now - I bought it the day it came out and couldn't even play it, it was so full of bugs. Took no less than 5 patches (which erased my saved games each time) to finish the game (so I played around 3200 hours all up believe it or not). I have NEVER had so many blue screens of death in my life. I followed the Russian forum chatter closely and everyone was having the same issues - they released the game under significant time pressure and barely beta tested it at all. I played all 3 with my single 4850 1Gb and they managed, but only just. Pripyat is the most demanding - at 1920x1200 with everything set high it did struggle in the big battle scenes.
  8. Haha glad your Mum liked it Norman Was a top day indeed.
  9. ^^^ Wow, that is one sweet ride! .... I wonder what is under the bonnet? :D Some photos of Domo's adventures Free plug for the almighty AJD organiser
  10. ^^^ Bollocks ... GT-Cs FTMFW
  11. I am entering this show now, as the Hong Kong trip I had planned does not seem to be panning out .... so I am in, unless something comes up and I do head OS, then I just forfeit my $20.
  12. Damn shame they organised this for the same day as All Jap Day
  13. ^^^ I agree Damo .... our plasma has barely been off in the last 8 days .... 4 channels of Winter Olympics awesomeness .... too much to choose from. I have caught the wife up a couple of times at 5am to watch things live too.
  14. hey Matt, welcome to the forums, but please don't dig up old threads like this .... the last post was nearly 1.5 years ago .... maybe once you have built up your post count PM the thread originator
  15. Abe, I am pretty sure Extreme and Exedy are the same thing - the $2,500 twin plate clutch I bought from Brenton at Adelaide Clutch for my S15 had BOTH brands written on the box. Buy a heavily clamped (like 1,100kg - and you will need it with your power level) organic single plate clutch and you will be set. It will only last 40,000-50,000km, but they are relatively cheap ($1,000ish) and are pleasant to drive with. And if you find the pedal feel too heavy for you, you can modify the spring setup at the top of your clutch pedal assembly to make it more to your liking. DO NOT under any circumstances get a twin or triple plate - they are almost always absolute cops to drive, and you will end up hating your car - I certainly did with the S15 - biggest mistake I ever made and I blew the twin plate in under 15,000km (did include many drag days though). I know some people have had joy with twin plates, but for 99.9% street driving and for any sort of daily driving forget it.
  16. I have the stock piping from my S15 and my R34 sitting here ....
  17. and let's not forget you actually quit your job Dion .... and now you complain
  18. either use the 'add reply' button (as opposed to "fast reply') then browse and upload in the attachments section below the text frame. Otherwise use the 'insert image' button (looks a little bit like a painting) above the text box and point it to the url of the picture.
  19. ^^^ and I do .... how would you guys like to try on a $3k per month mortgage to pay? And that is just one of my MANY costs .... my wife says I should own shares in Ebay
  20. Yep I would like to go early(ish) (but definitely NOT first), then I can cook the bbq and do some merchandising. Remember to bring cash peoples since the SAU show series T-shirts are available on a first come first serve basis - when we run out of your size you are out of luck.
  21. For future reference of EVERYONE, as per SAU forum rules, posting items for sale on behalf of a friend is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. I am going to start policing this more and more, as it seems every idiot is advertising something for a friend .... get them to do their own dirty work!
  22. Ah, Australian average .... makes more sense. The tens of thousands of fat cats who earn an average $200k+ a year in Sydney and Melbourne drag the average way up ....like I said before the average figure I had heard was around $35k for SA.
  23. Sweet .... I have watched Serenity about 20 times now .... fkn unreal
  24. Love your avatar Scandy - I didn't know you are a Firefly fan .... one of my fave shows And yes I am with the majority - last I heard the average wage in SA is around $35k. There aren't many people at all (comparatively speaking) earning $67k+. And I agree with Dohmar - being a contractor sucks. One one hand it LOOKS like I earn shitloads, but when you take into account all of the things he listed (he failed to mention the cost of incorporating, company fees, trust maintenance etc associated with being a sole trader), than take tax off on top, my gross shoots down to nearly 1/2 of what it started at
  25. Nah mate I am not keeping the stock rims (despite the fact I think they are among the sexiest stock rims on the planet), but am trying to decide between the rims below. I trial fitted the GT-Cs on my car and are my dream rim, but they are expensive. The LMGT4s on the 350Z and V35 are my current faves (the pics on the 350Z are 18" x 9.5 +20 which is my preferred offset). The AME Circlars are long time fave rims (I used to have some without so much dish on my R34).
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