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Everything posted by Nightcrawler

  1. Yeah speaking of promises how are CRudds going? - cheaper groceries - cheaper petrol - free laptop for every student - ADSL2 for every Australian Fail on so many levels. But he did apologise to the 'stolen' indigenous population who now are suing us for $100M each for being rescued out of creek beds as infants when native food was short ....
  2. ^^^ yeah I LOVE how the tram stop near the Entertainment Centre is a whole 300 metres from the existing train stop - WOW what a super time saver that will be for the few people who visit the Entertainment Centre by public transport each year. Saves a 5 minute walk and inconveniences tens of thousands of motorists EVERY DAY. Awesome.
  3. Yeah you can borrow the suspension for the price of a carton of Coronas Good luck on only needing it for 2 hours though - will take more than an hour to change the suspension over each time. It is just sitting in my garage, so you can have it for a week if you want. I am pretty sure the R34 coupe and 4 door is physically the same suspension. Only thing I don't have are the pillow/camber tops, so you have to use the ones on your current suspension.
  4. hey Keith please back off on the abbreviated typing - this is not a mobile phone, and you are not texting. It makes it VERY hard to read what you are talking about and makes you look like a tool. Just saying ....
  5. I am not sure if the 4 door suspension is the same as 2 door mate.
  6. Members, voting closes in a few days guys - speak now or forever (well for a year anyhow) hold your peace
  7. Hi Keith, welcome to the site. FYI there already is a thread of items that are 'wanted to borrow' and plenty of people have listed parts in there they are willing to lend. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Wa...ow-t220735.html If you have a 4 door R34 I have a set of stock suspension you can hire. PM Luke_ENR34, he has a stock 4 door exhaust, and last I knew had a set or R34 stockies. But check the thread I listed above and start PMing. In my opinion a normal hire fee for these sort of things is $50 an item, but everyone has a different opinion - some free, some much more.
  8. ^^^ yeah I frequently see a blue coupe parked at a bike shop on North East Road, Klemzig. And sadly I have now seen 2 other black coupes like mine in Adelaide - I has a very custom plate, and the other a normal plate.
  9. Unfortunately I had a Aussie Day BBQ I had forgotten all about that I had to attend, so only went to the City Dismantlers meet spot for 10 mins and got my sticker .... was a pretty awesome collection of machines there - spewing I didn't get to see the whole entourage! That d!ck Pat Conlon was ranting on the news about the fact that it was approved in theory pending further environmental and other reporting - bureaucratic nonsense, of course.
  10. PM the SAU user PKBlade - he was doing them at one stage. Or Luke offered that he had some a few posts above ^^^^
  11. A quick use of the "SEARCH" button above right yielded this thread about 12 results down: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Sa...&hl=sticker Welcome to the site, but PLEASE use the search function ALWAYS before making a new thread. Thread UNdeleted.
  12. He works on Sunday unfortunately. I could bring out his R35GTR for him .... but that would mean leaving my V35 at home
  13. SAU:SA Members, please be aware - if I thought for one microsecond that anyone was going to try to hack/spoof or in any way interfere with this voting process I will ban them for life and they will get a personal visit from some of the execs. If I even suspect anyone of doing this they are gone from SAU for life. No questions asked. We are tracking IPs closely and even if people attempted to circumvent this we would be able to tell, as we get IP locality reports also. We have purposely made a voting system where people don't have to register and go through the rigmarole of identity verification and tracking, but if we hear of one more person even mentioning anything untoward in the voting process we will implement this next elections. Or even worse will make you all turn up on the same night and vote in person, which will be much less convenient.
  14. Thanks Krishy, but kudos should really go to Damo - he found the site and pointed me in the right direction. We were going to just use SAU threads with polls, but I eventually discovered that there is no way to hide the results once someone has voted in an SAU thread. Hence we went to Damo's PollDaddy plan
  15. Adelaide Radial Tyre is THE place - and is about 2km from you on North East Road, Holden Hill opposite Hungry Jacks
  16. Can all SAU:SA Members please follow the link below and head to the SAU:SA Members forum to vote in your new 2010 Executive. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Sa...te-t304291.html Voting closes Jan 31st 11:59pm. That is all.
  17. Application sent in around a week ago
  18. I will be there for sure .... we gotta fight for our right to race!
  19. Let me know when/where I can get some cash to you Steve ... sorry mate forgot all about it - was going to give it to you at the Belgian Beer Cafe but forgot then too.
  20. The Pit sign is a pre-set service interval indicator - it means you are due for a service as per how many km the previous owner set it at.
  21. Yeah I am not sure why you feel you need to bag this workshop when 1). As pointed out they rectified the error immediately at their cost, and 2). You know that a work experience kid worked on your car and it was a one-off bad luck thing.
  22. No sweat guys .... I wasn't telling you off, just pointing out that the public conversation need to no further
  23. ^^^ please send any more discussions on the topic via PM guys - SAU does not condone illegally downloading ANY material. You have kept it vague enough so there is no problem, but I don't want to see any more detail on here.
  24. Yeah you missed out big time Kim - car was absolutely awesome! Antonio is a cool guy too - spent a couple of hours chatting and drinking coffee. Enjoy the pics!
  25. Anyone keen on checking out Wogboy's V36, PM me and I will let you know time/place for a little meet-up and a coffee tomorrow night.
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