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GTSBoy last won the day on November 16

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  1. Rack boot? Green liquid is more likely to be coolant that got there somehow during some previous terrible event. What does it taste like?
  2. If doing that ^, I'd take the idle up valve out and plug the hole in the pump.
  3. It's a load sense idle up valve.
  4. Plug and play. Need a tune. It's a PowerFC, same as any other PFC, just not needing an AFM.
  5. Genuine GTR seat? There are none you would actually want for <$3k a pair.
  6. Should have sounded the dive klaxon first.
  7. 49719 is the cooler loop. Right at the front, LHS of that diagram. Return line from rack (LP side) goes to cooler loop on RHS front of car, then back under engine and returns to bottom of tank. 49717M is feed from tank to pump. HP line out of pump is thick rubber, followed by the hard line that runs down to crossmember and runs in parallel (but opposite flow direction) to the LP return line. Nothing goes anywhere near the firewall or interior of car. The closest they get to that is the connections on the rack.
  8. Don't worry about. Just don't try to drive hard enough to make boost and you'll be fine.
  9. Yes. This has already been said. It is a loop of hardline in front of the radiator. Because.... the pump is on the LHS and the steering rack hydraulic connections are where they always are on a RHD steering rack....on the RHS. The high pressure line goes down under the engine, along the crossmember, like it does on all Skylines. Don't just throw expensive braided hoses/other kits at it. Work out what is wrong and fix that.
  10. Or, just take PS pump off and inspect? Does no-one do this any more?
  11. No idea. It's too weird.
  12. The jack holds itself in place. You slip it down into the receptacle and give the input a twist to open it up a little and jam itself in there.
  13. The GTT probably only has the same little bag of tools that the R32 had, which contained useless pliers, a spanner or two, a screwdriver thingo, and the handle and crank stuff for the jack.
  14. ? 2s of searching finds this thread
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